•Naughty or Nice•


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I would say yes. I try my hard to help around the house but then I have had alot of arguements.

heh heh,im kinda bad.......im in fifth grade!!!!!!!so much pressure,plus a major nosebleed this tuesday...puddles of blood on my desk...at school.

In between.

I got a collie webkinz on Wednesday and I kept it unused. Then the next day, I realized I only had enough webkinz to buy ONE webkinz (i was buying 2. one for one friend (secret santa) one for the other (just an overall gift) so I exchanged my collie for a panda for my friend.

I have more nice moments like that :lol: but i have naughty moments such as fighting with my sister.

...Mostly nice, I help around the house, butt, things can go bad. But after all- almost all of it isn't my fault. -____________-;

Still, lol.

Both. Can't be either one. We all have those days...

90% naughty 10%nice

100%attitude lol!!!

Both lol I'm good and bad. 60% bad 40% good lol.

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Dont know ????????

Mum says im Bad a times Dad says Im good all the time ??? :S


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