██ █ ` the kids on the block


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Sep 17, 2010
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  • in a neighborhood planted in a small town, kids have lived there their whole life and grown up there. as kids, they've had the best time of their lives with each other. running around the park, flying kites, climbing trees, swimming, waiting at the bus stop together before school, bike rides, playing hide and go seek or tag, they've done it all. fights happened, sure, but as little kids, it didn't take much to mend a broken friendship. they've kept the neighborhood alive all these years, playing with each other after homework was finished til the sun was no more, and on summer days, they could spend hours with each other.
    but years have passed and it's now 1964, and these 'kids' are no longer kids. teenagers, more like it. the hours and hours they used to spend playing freeze tag outside of their houses together no longer exist. social classes, new friends, and different interests have driven a wedge between everyone, and they no longer are as closed as they used to be. still friends, but not as close. some of them have experimented feelings on one another, though. however, time's running out, and in just a few more months, some of them are old enough to move away.
    a block party one of the family decides to throw ends up throwing these kids back together, and they've just realized how much they missed each other only seconds away before they're ready to grow up.

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  • this is the out of character thread. something new i just found out. but rules of this current thread. no spam and do not get off topic from the role play. i might post updates here if needed, whether it would be events, new ideas to keep the role play going, or something changing in the role play. if you want to keep in touch with the role play, i suggest you keep in touch with this. follow tt rules. simple as that. don't need to baby you. have fun.

  • ______OOC
    okay, we are awesome.
    nice job on the coding, it looks amazing.
    i'm posting my form in just a second.
    btw, i love you.


  • out of character

  • yeahhbuddy!
    thank you, darling.
    you did great on the storyline.
    but alright, i sent you your banner.
    i wubs you too.


i apologize if my form isn't enough length for you, i'm one for making lengthy posts and small skeletons, as you can see... i usually reveal characters within the first two posts.

  • ______OOC
    posted and set captain!
    let's do dis.


  • out of character

  • both of your forms are perfect, accepted.
    i'm not too much of a picky person so it's all good.
    you may start posting whenever you wish.

Er... OOC: I wish I could join this RP (Since it's actually advanced literate, which will keep out those annoying littler people who love to play sues or typical heroine type girls) but unfortunately I have absolutely no talent at finding a decent photo of a real life person.. So I guess I'm out.


i've posted a profile! this is kinda the first group, advanced, literate rp i've done
here so i'm a little nervous and i probably messed up but um, trying anyway i suppose!
excellent rp, killjoy, it looks like it has a potential for greatness!
ⓄⓄⒸ I hope it's okay that I joined! I love the culture of the sixties, so I thought I might hop in. If there is anything on my form that needs to be edited, feel free to let me know.


  • out of character

  • lovely lovely, all of you.
    runner, i know how difficult it is to find a picture
    but just for you, if you want to describe what he/she looks
    like in your form, i can be happy with just that.
    afflicted, not much too worry, just what is stated in the rules
    is all that is needed. like i said, i'm not picky. and thank you.
    you are accepted. :) swan, you are accepted as well.


we need to get some drama spurring for this party, darlings and see what can be accomplished once these teens are reunited. c:


Out of character
I also joined. I love this plot. And I'm sorry about having to

repost to change the picture but it wouldn't let me edit. If I

need to edit anything in my form please just let me know.

Last edited by a moderator:
Yeah, I joined too :) It's probably easier to notify me on Twitter if I've been accepted, but a PM works too.

Wow, I haven't been on here in ages.

  • ______OOC
    our twins are adorable liz, i can't stand it.
    ahh, best idea we have had ever.


  • out of character

  • both are accepted, sorry for the late reply, lol.
    but yes, our twins are very cute. i love it.
    i just love this idea in general.

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