♠Kuromametchi's SUPER SECRET Diary♠


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
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UK (England)
Well, you may think Kuromametchi is way too cool for Diary. That's a fact, he is! But does that mean he hasn't got one? Nope. Guess what? He has got one! A SUPER SECRET one, he hides it in a different place every day, so no one can find it. Rules?

• He only writes in grey,bold or pink. (For Lovelitchi!) He also loves writing in italics!

Kuromametchi dosen't just sign his name at the bottom, but he signs it like this: ~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)

Sometimes, Kuromametchi puts pictures of him at school in the diary.

• On some pages he writes: Super Secret Diary!

That's it I guess! I'll start you off.

8/11/12 Super Secret Diary!

Dear Diary,

Wow, today was a blast. I won a race against Mametchi, HA! I'm so glad I got the trophy. Well..when I wrote it was a blast, I didn't mean it was all a blast. Memetchi and her friends were writing in their diaries, then Memetchi randomly came up to me and said "Hey, Kuro, do you have a diary?" I knew that I would say "No," right away but then this guilty feeling came inside of me. So, I pushed her and walked away. I bet that's what cool people do, anyway. When I was about to go to the Maths Classroom to get my book, I saw..Mametchi? Whut? Maths Class was yesterday, so why was he there? I WILL TELL YOU, THE FUNNY PART COMES NOW! HE WAS WRITING IN HIS...DIARY, LOLOL! Why does he have a diary? LOL! Only strange people have diaries. Wait..I have a diary..but I am still the coolest Tama ;)

~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)

8/11/12 Super Secret Diary!

Dear Diary,

Today I was walking down the street when I saw...LOVELITCHI! I'm in love with her...don't tell anybody. o_O I wanted to ask her out, but she said she was busy...what should I do?!

~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)

(LOL is it always 8/11/12?)

8/11/12 Super Secret Diary!

Dear Diary,

I can't tell ANYONE, but I tried knitting. My mom made me.> :p It's actually kinda fun, but if anyone else knew, my reputation will be TOAST! I almost got caught by LOVELITCHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)

(Lol...let's just say Kuro does lots of diary entries)


(can't write in bold cuz I'm on the iPad)

Dear Diary,

Well, I'm thinking of knitting Lovelitchi a nice warm pink sweater, since it's starting to get pretty cold now. I'm also starting to get really good at knitting! I know it's uncool, but at least I have something else to do instead of walking around with my gang all day. I'll have to say my mom made it though, if I say I made it then she will laugh ;)

~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)

9/11/12 Super Secret Diary!

Dear Diary,

Today I bumped into Memetchi (literally, bumped into her), then she got mad at me for messing up her so called "beautiful curl".

The curl isn't even beautiful! I prefer hair that doesn't need much worrying about, like white hair that is so soft and fluffy, OH! OH! JUST LIKE LOVELITCHI!...

O-okay, I carried away there... Ahem, hem, moving on. Mametchi was going home with Memetchi and Kuchipooptchi, or whatever his name is...

The funniest thing happened! Mametchi tripped on a rock so he grabbed onto Memetchi's curl. She started screaming and Kuchip--... yeah his name, wasn't looking at where he was going and fell on Mametchi!

It was hilarious!!

~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)

9/11/12 Super Secret Diary!

Dear Diary,

Today I bumped into Memetchi (literally, bumped into her), then she got mad at me for messing up her so called "beautiful curl".

The curl isn't even beautiful! I prefer hair that doesn't need much worrying about, like white hair that is so soft and fluffy, OH! OH! JUST LIKE LOVELITCHI!...

O-okay, I carried away there... Ahem, hem, moving on. Mametchi was going home with Memetchi and Kuchipooptchi, or whatever his name is...

The funniest thing happened! Mametchi tripped on a rock so he grabbed onto Memetchi's curl. She started screaming and Kuchip--... yeah his name, wasn't looking at where he was going and fell on Mametchi!

It was hilarious!!

~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)

10/11/12 Super Secret Diary!

Dear Diary,

Today hasn't being the greatest of days for me :( Because i found out today during Maths class that Lovelitchi is already dating!!! Apparently shes dating this Gozarutchi dude.....I've heard he's a really good ninja... trained in marshall arts..... good-looking dude.... pretty popular with girls and people in general. Hmmm, there is no way I'm gonna be able to get to Lovelitchi now!!! This Gozarutchi guy sounds wayyy to awesome for me to compete with.... But i will still say that i am still the coolest kid around (Because I am, no matter what Gozarutchi does). I'm gonna have to figure something out tonight. A plan. Hopefully i will have one by tomorrow morning! I will fill you guys in on what happens, and what my plan is later!

~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around.


Dear Diary,

Hmm, well, I think I've figured out a plan to get Lovelitchi..I WILL HAVE MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES! Sure, it's not really my thing, I know, but if I 'secretly' take classes, nobody will notice and Lovelitchi will be..MINE!

~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)


YEAH! I'M A BLACK BELT IN KARATE NOW! Well, not quite, but I am taking karate lessons...tomorrow I'll show Lovelitchi! <3


Dear Diary,

Erm..maybe tommorow? Sorry, this is so hard! How can I win Lovelitchi?

~ Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)

11/22/12 Super Secret Diary!

Dear Diary,

Today is Thanksgiving day... I'm thinking about asking Lovelin out to dinner.. I can see it all right now.. Us having a great dinner at a fancy restaurant. If I ask her I can tell her what I am thankful for, HER! To bad I don't have the guts, even though I am the coolest kid in around! I wonder if she is still dating Gozarutchi? It's not like I can ask her that, I would come off as desperate and ruin my reputation!! This is so hard... I wonder what she thinks about me..

~Kuromametchi- The coolest kid around ;)


Yay! It turned out so good..I won Lovelitchi! :D

~Kuromametchi - The coolest kid around ;)

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