♥My Baby: The story of my tamagotchi♥


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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2005
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Hello! I am Sabrina(duh) and this is my TamaLog!

Before I begin, I must let you know that I have only just come accross this awsome site :rolleyes: .

My Tamagotchi, a version 1, Pale blue with yellow buttons and currently named "Gumbi" is a male Hinotamatchi.

He is:




AGE: 4

WEiGHT: 17

At the moment Gumbi is just bobbing up and down the screen. He is sitting beside me :rolleyes: .

What age do Tamagotchi's have babies?

You see, I am getting a version 2 in the mail on Tuesday, and I am giving Gumbi to my cousin, Ricci. She has wanted a Tamagotchi for ages, and I dont think I could handle 2 tamagotchis so Gumbi will be in good hands with her <_< .

He hasn't beeped for ages, and he is almost toilet trained!

I really want him to do something...




AGE: 4

WEiGHT: 17

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AWWWW! Gumbi just started singing! How cute! Even though I cant hear him I still think he's a pretty good singer! <_<

He is sooo adorable! I dont know how I'll be able to part with him...I think I need some names for my Tamagotchi version 2.

Here are some ideas...please PM me and tell me which is best :rolleyes:

GiRLS: Audry, Lolly, Sunny, Lilo

BOYS: Heffy, Lenny, Dart, Chip

Gumbi just stopped singing and went back to bobbing :ph34r:




AGE: 4

WEiGHT: 17

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:rolleyes: Gumbi is walking accross the screen then falling flat on his face! Its sooo cute, I just hope it doesn't hurt him <_< .

Nothing much has happened...he pooped himself about 5 minutes ago but I cleaned it up straight away =) I wish he would hurry up and do something!

Oh, and I know what I'm going to call my Tamagotchi Version 2 when it comes!

If its a boy I'm calling it Lenny, and if its a girl i'll call it Lola!

I cant wait for Tuesday!!!

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<_< Gumbi just beeped for no reason, so I punished him :unsure: and got another training point! :angry:

Then he got sad so I played a game with him :lol:

I wonder what adult he will turn into? I hope its something cute!

Found out my Version 2 that im getting on Tuesday is going to be the "Pink Paisley" colour :angry: . I looked it up on Ebay and its really pretty!

My brother is getting the Zebra Stripes one =). He is going to call his Elmo!

I am soooo bored. I wish Gumbi would DO something!




AGE: 4

WEiGHT: 15

Someone PLEEEZ message me!

:lol: Gumbi has been pretty quiet...He got sad but I praised him straight away, of course!

:angry: I'll be going in about 10 minutes because Doctor Who will be on (wh00t!). I'll have to make sure Gumbi can see the screen <_<

I've decided to start my own Tamagotchi Info site - inspired by this one - as a goal. But of course, I will regularly update my site and Gumbi here :unsure:

HUNGRY: 2(feeding now...)



AGE: 4

WEiGHT: 18

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:( Well, my new site isn't finished, but the address is www.freewebs.com/tamagotchii.

Gumbi is asleep beside me now :D he is still a teenager, but now he is 5 years old. What age do tamagotchi's turn into adults? :angry:

Only 2 more days till Lola/Lenny is here! I cant wait. If my brothers is a boy and mine is a girl or vise versa then we decided to make them fall in love :D How cute!




AGE: 5

WEiGHT: 18


:lol: The site is not gonna work. But, if you have MSN go to www.freewebs.com/sparklepix. Its my MSN pic website.

Anywayz, Gumbi is still a teenager.

Yesterday he beeped for no reason, so I punished him and now he has full training! Oh, and today he beeped twice for no reason(so i punished him) and beeped 3 times because he was sad(so I praised him)! Too bad training doesn't go to 14...lol.

Well, i wont be able to update again until thursday because I am staying at my grandmas place and she doesnt have the internet. By thursday I will already have my version 2, so I will be starting a new board. I will make my last update for Gumbi on thursday. I'll say what adult he turned into and if he has had a baby yet.

My cousin - who is getting Gumbi on tuesday - is only 8, so she wont have a log on him :( but she will take good care of him anyhow :D .

Well, I just turned off the light in the hope that Gumbi will go to sleep as I am tired, but the little Z's arent there...I guess ill just read in bed for a while and wait for him to go to sleep.

Here are the LAST set of Gumbi's stats EVER! :(



TRAiNiNG: 9 (should be 14!)

AGE: 7

WEiGHT: 35

Goodnight for now...*closes eyes*...*jumps*im still here! but im going to bed now, *snores*......

:huh: gumbi turned into this tamagotchi- :eek: - a cute little duck thing.

My cousin really loved him!

I got my version 2 on tuesday, but you can hear more about that in my new log.

I have been staying at my grandmas since monday, and this morning me and my coudins were trying to make a holiday house for a lizard on a brick that was in a pot surrounded by water(dont ask!). My cousin was looking into the pot and the tamagotchi got wet!

In the end it got waterlogged, and the buttons stopped working so my brother and my cousin Jarrad spent the rest of the afternoon dunking it in the pool, smashing it on the wall and pulling it apart and looking at the insides of the tamagotchi!!!!!!!

R.I.P. Gumbi

Dart and lilo are the best names on the list......if you need any help with your tamagotchi version 2 i will help you pm me!!!!
