♥Umino Sono Haruka♥


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Jul 26, 2007
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PM Me What this says: 467436bsvdfgssd78bvsd

[SIZE=27pt]♥Umino Sono Haruka♥[/SIZE]


Welcome to my log, ♥Umino Sona Haruka♥. The name translated means The Distant Ocean, and I think that sounds real pretty.

My name is Zoria, as most of you know me from (Non)Tamatalk and the Roleplay section. I decided to try and become a guide, and to help around Tamatalk, do Tamagotchi related things... so the first thing I do is start a log!

Anyways, enough babbling about me, lets get to the tamas: (Oldest to Youngest)


Hungry: 6/4 (There is 6 hearts but only 4 show!)

Happy: 4/4

Training: [||||-----]

Age: 1yr

Weight: 21lbs

Name: Kiba (From Naruto)

gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Version: V1, metallic pink.

Character: Ichigotchi :huh:


Hungry: 6/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: [|||------]

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 11lbs

Name: Usagi (My RP character!)

Gender: Girl

generation: 1g

Points: 455p

Treats: None

Items: None

Version: V2, Pink with flowers.

Character: Hitodetchi :wacko:


Hungry: 6/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: [|--------]

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 11lbs

Name: Nadia (Mom named her.)

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1g

Points: 1000

Username: Zoria

Meals: (Other than default.) None

Snacks: (other than default.) None

Items: None. ><

Souveneirs: None...

Version: V3, Yellow with stars.

Character: Tamatchi <(^.^)>


Hungry: 6/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: [|--------]

Intellegent: 12

Style: 8

Kindness: 12

Age: 0yrs

Weight: 10lbs

Name: Roku

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1g

Points: 1275p

Meals: (Other than default) None.

Snacks: (Other than Default) Cheese Cake

Items: Shovel

Souveneirs: None. D=

Version: V4, glow in the dark, some pixels missing.

Character: Petitchi (The panda thing?)


Here Are All Four Of Them!


Now, I'd like to tell you all how I got them...

How I Got Usagi and Kiba: Last weekend, I went Garage sale hunting, and these people at the Garage sale wanted $3.50 for them each. I got them both for $4.00 after some bargaining, later, we went to the Dollorama and I saw Tama Batteries. I bought a pack, put batteries in them, and they worked! I'm lucky also because my V1 and V2, the first ones I got, don't work!

How I got Nadia: I gots her for Christamas last year. XP

How I got Roku: Awhile ago, a few months, a friend gave me $20. He's my boyfriend now. Anyways, so I went to TRU and bought him there. And how he got some of the pixels messed up, I accidentally left him in my pocket, and he went through the washing Machine. When He came out, he didn't work, I took out the battery and left the back open, to air out. I bought new batteries and put them in, he's find, normal sound and all, but some pixels are missing.


So thats the tale of Nadia, Roku, Usagi, and Kiba.

Now to the log.

I plan on mating Usagi and Kiba, and Roku and Nadia. I hope I get two boys and two girls, then I could mate them AGAIN, if not, I have 4 boys or 4 girls! Eep!

I also have 3 more Tamas to start up. One of my Tamas stopped working, so that brings me down to seven, with three broken. (The old V1 and V2, and my black V4 ain't working...)

But only 1 of those 3 Tamas have batteries, so maybe sometime today, I'll go and buy batteries... maybe. For now, these four are a handfull, yet good company. ^^

Tis' all for now, peace out!


Usagi, Roku, Kiba, Nadia and Zoria!

PM Me What this says: 467436bsvdfgssd78bvsd

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Training: [|||||-----]

Name: Kiba (Note: I only update the stuff that has changed since last stats!)


Training: [||||-----]

Name: Usagi

Points: 180p

Treats: Drumstick, Taco


Happy: 3/4

Weight: 10lbs

Name: Nadia

Points: 790p

Snacks: Cupcake, Grapes


Intellegence: 15

Kindness: 15

Weight: 12lbs

Name: Roku

Points: 740p

Snacks: Cheesecake, Soda, Muffin, Cheescake (Too much sweets!)


We all went to eat lunch at the cafeteria in Westgate Mall, with my Mom. I ate a Chicken Wrap, they ate Sushi. After that, I went to another store there, to find out what to use on my ears when I pierce them this weekend. (Mom's scared of needles, so I have to wait for dad. And I just caught Kiba singing and dancing, I tried to scan him, but by time I did, he was done. =P He's shy.) So, then, we went grocery shopping, then went to pay the rent. After that, we went home. So yeah. XP I'm hoping Usagi will be 1 by tommorow, I can't wait to se what she will be! I can proudly say I have been taking perfect care of Nadia, Roku, Usagi, and Kiba.

Don't tell them, but I kind of favour Roku. He's just so darn cute, and I love his name! He got to ride on my lanyard, the other three were in my pocket. XP Maybe I like him so much because he's 'handicapped'. XD

Thats it. (Otherwise then Usagi JUST pooped. XD)


Usagi, Roku, Kiba, and Zoria.



HungryL 5/4

Happy: 3/4

Training: [||||||---]

Age: 2yrs

Weight: 22lbs

Name: Kiba


Training: [|||||----]

Age: 1yr

Weight: 20lbs

Name: Usagi

Points: 195p

Character: UFOtchi


Training: [||-------]

Age: 1yr

Name: Nadia

Points: 1020p

Character: Patapatachi


Training: [|--------]

Intellegence: 21

Style: 8

Kindness: 12

WeightL 12lbs

Name: Roku



Yesterday, Usagi turned 1 and evolved! ^^ Into a UFOtchi, so cute, she hovers around in her little UFO. Also that Kiba is 2 today, and will evolve in 2 more days. Usagi's sound stopped working for NO reason, I just wake up, no more sound. 0_o It dosen't bother me much, cause the sound is 95% of the time off. XP

I'm guessing Roku will evolve into young Mametchi, and then Mametchi. I want a Tensaitchi soooo bad.


I've charted their evolutions so far:

Kiba: Babytchi-Marutchi-Ichigotchi

Usagi: Shirobabytchi-Hitodetchi-UFOtchi

Nadia: Shiroteletchi-Tamatchi-Patapatatchi

Roku: Tsubutchi-Petitchi


They all look cute, and I'm getting some characters I haven't gotten in a long time. It has been ages since I got Ichigotchi, milleniums since I've gotten UFOtchi, but I get Patapatatchi and Tamatchi all the time. I have never gotten Petitchi before. Anywho, I'm guessing Roku will evolve this afternoon, and my goal is to get AT LEAST 80 intellegence before he becomes a teen, then I will get Mr. Turtlepedia as a teacher and he will earn me a bunch of skill points. ^^ Chow!

Peace Out,

Usagi, Roku, Kiba, and Zoria!



Hungry: 6/4

Hapy: 4/4

Training: [|||||||--]

Name: Kiba


Weight: 22lbs

Name: Usagi

Points: 163p

Treats: Drumstick, Tacos, French Fries, Muffin, Cheese cake


Training: [|||------]

Weight: 20lbs

Name: Nadia

Points: 1240p

Meals: Hotdog, Omlette, Hotdog

Items: Plant


My tams are about to wake up in 3 minutes.

Roku stopped working-he had to be deactivated. DX And he was my favourite, too! Also, my Tams were paused throught yesterday. So I didn't really get to play with them, and they of course didn't age.

My tams are awake, and they are all nearly empty. I won't be getting so-good-of-characters this time around. Anyways, I am going to throw out my four broken Tams. Leaving me with six, in fact, after this post, I'm going to organize my Virtual Pets, and start some up. If I attempted to start them ALL up, then I would go a-splode.

Today I get a V4.5, I want 'Running Cheetah'. And if there is NO V4.5s whatsoever at Toys 'R Us, we check WalMart. If there /still/ is none, then I might save my money for another week, or Get a V4. Maybe a Littlest Pet Shop if they have the mouse (I already own the monkey and the hampster, I want a mouse!) or the bird, or the Iguana/Turtle. Those are the ones I want bad. If the Gigapets explorer, the one that plugs into the TV or Muichiz are on sale, I'll get one of those. Out of all these, the largest possibility is that I'd get Miuchiz Pawz, Dash or the LPS Birdie. It goes in this order: (Oh, I'm also getting a Gotchi Gear Pouch.)

0. V4.5 (I'll get it even if they have Miuchiz for 10 bucks, man!)

1. Miuchiz Pawz, Dash

2. LPS Birdeh

3. Gigapet explorer

4. All the other LPS's.

5. A V4 if they have a real cool design!

6. A normal Gigapet


As I said, my Tams haven't changed much, so there isn't much to post 'bout that!




Name: Kiba (Nothing changed. 0.x)


Age: 2yrs

Weight: 21lbs

Name: Usagi

Points: 269p


Age: 2yrs

Weight: 22lbs

Name: Nadia

Points: 1734p

Items: None (I need to do those codes. X_X)


Name: Leokan

Age: 1 day

Bucks: 117

Halos(Good behavior): 22

Pitchforks(Bad Behavior): 56

Stars(Style): 40

Lightbulbs(Smartness): 29

Health: 83% (Good)

Hunger: 96% (Stuffed)

Mood: 100% (Ectastic)

Hygeine: 100% (Groomed)

Message: None

Food: Hamster Chow(4), Fiber Stix(4)

Toys: 4 baseballs, 5 Hamster Wheels, 4 stuffed Dragons

Medicines: 5 bowls of Chicken Soup, 5 Tubes Of Molt Cream, 5 bottles of Fur Oil, 5 Chili Pills, 5 Heat Packs, 5 Sea Baths, 5 hair aids, 5 four-leafed Clovers, 5 Aspirins, 5 Happy Juice, 5 Ickiside droppers, 5 Tummy Oks, 5 Puppermints, 5 Ooogy Tonics, 5 Cootie B Gone Sprays

Tricks: Roll Into Ball

Location: Gigaville


Hunger: OK

Hygeine: Dirty

Health: OK

Mood: Ectastic

Tricks: 0 known

Sleepiness: Peppy

Name: Zoria

Halos: 14

Stars: 41

Pitchforks: 26

Lightbulbs: 23

Quests Completed: 4

What To Do: Find Ranger Rocko in Gigaville to complete the quest.

Character: White Puppy with purple spots



Well, my Tamas have been paused alot... again.... Poor them. >< Nadia and Usagi aged 1 year, at least. I have to go to Summercamp, No tams aloud, so they go pause. Maybe I could sneak 'em in my bag, your alloud to play with them at Swim Time, I think. So if I bring them and feed/play with 'em during lunch and snacks, they'll be fine.


Now, as you see up there, there are two new Virtual Pets! If you haven't guessed, I bought the Gigapet explorer. So you get two Virtual Pets, one for the TV, one handheld! My handheld is a Hamster, his name is Leokan. I drew him, right here, of course thats not what he looks like, but thats how I imagine him! I'm gonna draw Kiba-kun next. Oooh, Mom just walked through the door with a Pillow as tall as me. That is SO going on my bed. Anyways, guess how much the explorer was? $20!!!!! It's usually $39.99!

I'm happy that I got them. I'm goign to start digging around with Leokan after this. Now, as I was saying...


Leokan, earlier, went to go visit Zoria, they walked around and they both dug and bought junk, thats why he has so much medicine, and so much money. You can find money and skill points by digging, and items.


Zoria, meanwhile, is on her 5th quest. There is over 5000 quests to do, I'm sure. If not, then more. You can do one quest more than once... Anyways, I only have 4 areas available. Gigaville, Downtown Gigaville, Mystery Island, and The jungle. I need to beat 48 more quests to go to Gagville, from there and on, I don't know what other areas there is, but there is alot.


Leokan, meanwhile, is pretty okay, he hasn't been out of Gigaville yet, but you can go to at least 15 areas on the handheld, most of them aren't easy to get to, so that adds up more challenge, too!


You can have 3 different pets of the explorer, I only have 1 going. Once I get around to it, should I start up a monkey or Panda? PM me, or else Leokan will cry. XD


Usagi, Kiba, Leokan, and the two Zoia


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Training: [|||||||||]

Age: 3yrs

Name: Kiba


Happy: 3/4

Age: 3yrs

Name: Usagi

Points: 348p

(New items and food, but I can't tell cuz she's sleepin'!)


Happy: 3/4

Age: 3yrs

Name: Nadia

(Same as Usagi!)


Name: Leokan

Age: 3 days

Bucks: 91b

Halos: 28

Pitchforks: 71

Stars: 50

Lightbulbs: 33

Health: 100% (Excellent)

Hunger: 74% (OK)

Mood: 100% (Ecstatic)

Hygiene: 100% (Groomed)




Hunger: Very Hungry

Mood: OK

Hygiene: Dirty

Tricks: 0 known

Health: OK

Sleepiness: Exhasted

Name: Zoria

Halos: 26

Stars: 97

Pitchforks: 34

LightBulbs: 67


Hunger: OK

Mood: Happy

Hygiene: Groomed

Tricks: 0 known

Health: OK

Sleepiness: Attentice

Name: Nyoko

Halos: 11

Stars: 26

Pitchforks: 54

LightBulbs: 25


As you guessed, I started another Gigapet. Her name is Nyoko, and she's a black panda with blue arms, legs, tail, and ears. My mom started a Red monkey with an orange face and tummy named Jodyy. I'm not gonna put Jodyy in this log much, because he's boring. My mom and me are hooked on this, we fight over who gets to play it! These are false stats, I've gotten WAY farther in the game than it says up there. And Zoria is in better condition. I just couldn't bother to rewrite down the stats.


I have a feeling that Kiba will evolve this morning when he wakes up. Thank goodness I awoke at 8! If it wasn't for my exitement of Kiba evolving, I would have been awake at, like, 12. My mom is becoming a bit nicer, I'm aloud to sleep in. I'm in a good mood, and I'm tired. XD Ain't much more to write, except the beach and Vacation island is available for Zoria. Bye, I'm going back to sleep.


Zoria, Kiba, Usagi,Leokan, Zoria(2), and Nyoko.



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