~♥V5 Journal♥~


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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2008
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shake . . . shake . . . shake . . . crack! [:

Name : Sakura. [;

Type : Sakura-Motchi.

Gender : Girl.

Name : Dustin.

Type : Mouse-Tchi.

Gender : Boy.

Name : Lala.

Type : Bell-Tchi.

Gender : Girl.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sakura: *Shivers out of her egg* Yay, I'm finally out of that stinky egg!

Dustin: *Pushes the peices of eggs off of him* Tell me about it.

Sakura: Wait! Lala didn't hatch yet! *pointed to an egg*

Dustin: Then come on! *they both run to the egg*

Sakura: *Starts poking it* Why won't it hatch? O_O

Dustin: Let me try! *punches the egg* Wow! Its really rough.

Sakura: *Sticks tounge out* Typical Lala.

- The Egg started to wiggle and then a Bell-Tchi popped out*

Lala: Ello guys! *chuckles* Stwupid eggy won't hatch, huh?

Sakura: *Hugs Lala* Alright, little sister, we have to teach you to talk.

Lala: *Rolles eyes* Lala can talky! Lala talky great.

Dustin: You talk like a little baby, Lala. *laughs*

Lala: Do not! You stwupid widdle BOY!

Sakura: *Steps in between them* Hey, stop it you two.

Lala: *Points to Dustin* Dusty stawted it!

Dustin: No, I just told you that you sounded like a baby.


Sakura: *Sighs* Dustin, please. . . your being so mean to Lala.

Lala: *Sticks tounge out* Chyeah, Dustin! STWOP IT!

Dustin: Whatever. *mumbles* I hate being the only boy in the fam.

Lala: Get used to it, Dusty! *smiles* Now, me wanna slweep!

Sakura: Alright, Lala. *carries Lala* Lets get you to your little bed.


Dustin: *Smirks and walks off*

Lala: *Rolles eyes* Stwupid brother. . .

~ The Next Day. <3

Sakura: *Eating waffles* Gosh, these are so good.

Lala: Lala made them waffles! *smiles*

Dustin: *Looks at Lala weirdly* I don't believe you.

Lala: Lala tells the twuth! Lala even woked up early to do them waffles.

Sakura: *Smiles* Then thank you, Lala. Your an expert.

Lala: *Chuckles* Lala know! Lala know.

*A sudden beam of light came in the house*

Dustin: Oh, for tama heavens sake! *mumbles* Whats going on?

Lala: *Looks out the window* Oooh! Looky here.

*Sakura and Dustin walked up and looked out the window*

Sakura: *Holds Dustin tight* Its Alien Tamagotchis!

Lala: *Grins* Lala likey aliens.

Dustin: *Grumbles* No you don't, Lala. Aliens can be really evil.

Lala: *Rolles eyes* Chyour so overprotective, Dusty! Lala wanna meet them.

Sakura: *Frowns* I'm sorry, Lala. But I'm scared too, alright? You can't meet them.

Lala: *Sighs* Thish ish SO unfair! Lala want to make friends.

Dustin: This is how life is, Lala. Unfair! Besides, Mama Tama wouldn't allow you either.

Lala: *Teary eyed* Mama Tama is dead! *runs outside to meet the aliens*

Sakura: Dustin! Do something! I'm not going out there. *frowns*

Dustin: *Takes a deep breathe* Wish me luck. *runs out*

Lala: *Puts hand out* Ello! I'm Lala! Lala likes colour green.

Alien: *Smiles* I'm Zoey, nice to meet you earthling tama.

Lala: *Chuckles* Chyou, Zoey, are the first one to call me 'earthling'.

Alien: Why, of course! I bet you never met my kind of species before, have you?

Lala: *Giggles* Zoey, chyou my new best friend! Is that okay?

Alien: Well, of course. But are you sure your allowed to talk to me?

Lala: Well, duh! *laughs* Lala allows herself. She never follow rules!

Alien: Thats really nice to hear. *smiles* Your my first friend.

Dustin: *Runs to them* Lala! Get away from that monster!

Lala: *Sad* NO! Leave me and Zoey alone!

Dustin: *Looks evily at the Alien* Get away from my little sister, got that?!

Alien: *Scared, runs back in her U.F.O*

Dustin: Are you hurt, Lala?

Lala: *Crying* I HATE YOU DUSTIN! I truely do.

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~A couple of hours after that. <3

Sakura: *Sighs* I think we we're a little too harsh to Lala.

Dustin: What do you mean, sis?

Sakura: *Rolles eyes* She hates us now!

Dustin: Well, we're just trying to protect her from that monster.

Sakura: Dusty, even though its an Alien - it doesn't have to be evil.

Dustin: *Rolles eyes* In my book, it always is.

Sakura: Lets just let her play with the alien for a few days.

Dustin: WHAT? Thats, tama suicide Sakura! It will kill her.

Sakura: *Takes a deep breathe* She's going to find that out soon.

Dustin: So you want her to almost die to teach her a lesson?

Sakura: Do you have any better idea, Dustin?! *rolles eyes*

Dustin: Yes, she's grounded and you should hire a doctor.

Sakura: A doctor? For me? Why? I'm not sick.

Dustin: You are sick. In the head. I'm not letting Lala die.

Sakura: *Punches Dustin on the arm* Dustin, i'm older then you, you know?

Dustin: Only for a couple of seconds, so what?

Sakura: I still have the responsibility since i'm the oldest. Everything has to go my way.

Dustin: *Rolles eyes* I'm not going to follow rules from a girl.

Sakura: YOU HAVE TO! Mama Tama said that. She said whoever is born first, takes the responsibilty.

Dustin: Didn't you just hear me, Sakura? I don't follow rules from females.

Sakura: Ah, so your a rasist now? *rolles eyes and storms off into Lala's room*

Lala: What do chyou want, Sakura? *mumbles while shoving her face into a pillow*

Sakura: *Takes a deep breathe* I allow you to see your Alien friend.

Lala: *Squeaks* WEALLY?

Sakura: *Smiles* Shh, don't tell Dustin.

Lala: Pinkie pwomise! *hugs Sakura* Chyour the best sister.

Sakura: *Smirks* I know, I know, I know.

Lala: Okie-dokie-lemon-squeezy! Lala has to go now.

Sakura: Already?

Lala: Zoey gave Lala a signal to meet her in the park.

Sakura: Alright, be careful. *kisses her forehead*

- At the Park -

Lala: *Runs up to Zoey* Ello friend!

Alien: Lala! I'm glad you could make it. Is your brother okay with it?

Lala: *Shakes head* But my sister is, thats more important.

Alien: *Smiles* I'm glad, Lala. Really glad.

Lala: Okay, what did chyou want to ask Lala?

Alien: *Looks up to the sky* Do you want to come?

Lala: *Confused* Where?

Alien: *Looks back to Lala* To my planet.

Lala: *Bites her lowerlip* For how long, Zoey?

Alien: *Shrugs* A billion of years? It doesn't matter, I just want you to see it.

Lala: *Smiles* Lala would love too!

Alien: *Evil grins* Purrfect.


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