♫-My Version 4 log-♫


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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2007
Reaction score
--------------------------♫-My Version 4 log-♫


Welcome to my version 4 log. I will try to update everyday on whats happening with my version 4.


I would like to introduce to you Joe. She is a Ojyotchi. Here are some of her stats,


Hungry: [♥♥♥♥♥]

Happy: [♥♥♥♥♥]

Training: [//////////]

Intellectual: 4

Art: 8

Social: 6

Age: 2yr

LB: 99 (Oh no! More excercising)

Gen: 1

Points: 5670p


I'm probably going to go down to tamatown with her.


Yes please!


Thats joe speaking! :D


Merry Christmas all!



Me and Joe has just popped over to tamatown. We explored and went to mame city and earned some points. Then we went to the bank but didnt earn anything because it got a bit boring so we came out. We tried to go into the office but she doesnt have a job so we couldnt. :furawatchi: She earned 900p when we came out so altogether she has 6570p! I'm so proud of her even though she is 99LB. Heavy thing. :D Joe's hearts are full and guess what? She has her training points up to three! Well done Joe!


Thanks, it took my a long time.


Your still kinda over weight though...


Oi! Dont make fun of me. Your going to make my hearts go down in a minute.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Lets play some games.


I'll update later. :)



Hi again everyone! Me and Joe have just played some games but she weighs 98LB. I was hoping a bit less so I am going to be playing alot of games tonight before bed! I'm not aloud on the computer later on so I will probably post tomorrow! Joes got full hearts and did I tell you? Earlier when she was trying to go potty (Lol another word for toilet) I clicked the toilet sign and watched her go. Not very pleasent but I had to watch twice. Ewww


Hay! You not being very nice to me at the moment.


Yes I know.




Well what?


Are you going to say sorry?


No, why?


Because you were horrible to ME!


I'm sorry. For give me yet?


Yes alright then.


Ok, I will try to update later, if not tomorrow. See you then!

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-----------Sleeping takes forever!!!


OMG take forever sleeping why dont you Joe!


Its called, Beauty sleep.


I'm beautiful and I dont have my Beauty sleep!


.......... Hello? Joe... JOE!!! You've turned into a Masktchi! OMG the king has just given you a pencil too! Amazing!!!! I think i'm going to faint! I will update later and tell you how she gets on with the job bit!

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------------♫-a new tama friend?-♫


You wouldnt believe it! My parents said I was being really good today, like an angel and they gave one of my presents early. Guess what it was? A tamagotchi v4.5!!! Yup, I nearly fainted. I named her Jamie and when she is speaking the colour will be Baby blue. I've just connected her with Joe which they played the game flag together and Jamie won 200p. Good Girl Jamie.


Thanks, Well I guess me being new born you sort of helped me. I've got to give all credit to you though Rachel.


Aww thats sweet of you.


I tried to win but I didnt. Do I deserve a prize?


Of course you do Joe! I will try and get you to tamatown, go to the arcade and win you a bear.




I will update later everyone! Please pm with comments. :D

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Oh, the hawaiian blue V4.5...thats what I have. Lol. With the silky flowers, right? awesome. Read my log, will you? Ty :p

Cool log btw

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Thanks Lilangelbaby1989!!! I will but the tamagotchi is baby blue with ura characters on there. I will try and get a pic soon!


---------♫-The Star!!!-♫


Yes, shes just turned into a star, fine a hitodetchi. Aww shes cute.


Am I?


Not you joe, Jamie!




Thanks Rachel.


Update later. Thanks for the comment!

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--------------♫-No Christmas Tree?-♫


Poor Jamie. She still hasnt spoken to the christmas tree yet! I hope she does before christmas comes or on christmas day! Joe has atleast spoken to the tree 9 times and she still is! I was hoping jamie would wake up at 8am this morning but she didnt. Only 9am. You sleep alot Jamie! Nearly as bad as Joe.


Hay your saying i'm lazy!


I know but I was tired this morning rachel.


She wasnt talking to you, jamie!


I dont want to fight joe, Please.


Awww there you go. Jamies more younger then you joe and more mature! But your still great!!! :lol:


Really? Thanks! :angry:

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----------------♫-Ura Young Memetchi!-♫


Hope you had a great christmas everyone! I've got some Fabulous news and some sad but not really sad! :D


Good News-♪ Jamie has turned into a.... Ura Young Memetchi! I love my memetchis so I love my jamie! :mellow:


Sad News-♪ Joe is 6yrs but is turning 7yrs today so that means she might have the matchmaker coming today. I hope tomorrow though!


Its alright Rachel! I'm so going to miss you but what about tamatown?


Yeah i'm sure going to visit you!


Me miss you too joe!


Thanks Jamie! You look great!


Thanks *Blushes*


Wow they never get on. Update later for joe! ;)

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---------------♫-a what?-♫


Oh my! I've got some fab news for both. Not to much for joe.


Good news Jamie-♪ Shes turned into a Ura Violetchi! This one with wings though >> :mametchi:


Good News Joe-♪ She hasnt left me yet. Still 6yrs old but is going to have the matchmaker visit her today.


You look so cute being a ura violetchi!


Thanks and joe we know the matchmaker is coming today.


Thanks for reminding me.


Its alright joe! I'll update later when the matchmaker comes!

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-----------♫-No Matchmaker?-♫


Its me rachELiSocOOL but in a different account! The matchmaker still hasnt come!!! She will hopefully come though, wont she? Aww poor jamie just got a eel in the post. Also jamie and joe had the king come and visit them! Lucky tamas. Joe didnt get a job i'm afraid. ;) I'm sorry joe


Its alright. I guess I could have worked harder. It will be alright though! You train my little kiddie and jamie to plays lotas games ok?


Ohh ok. I hope the matchmaker will come. If so (Like said a thousand times) I will update!

-------------♫-She Came?-♫


The Matchmaker came yesterday! Sorry I didnt update. Had no time. Its a baby girl and i'm planning to call her Roxy. Its Joes last day so i'm going to spend alot of time with her. I'll miss you jojo!


I'll miss you too! Hay, visit me in tamatown! That would be great, and lil' roxy. I love that name aswell! Roxy...


I'll miss you joe! I cant visit you though.


One last connect yeah?


I'll update later on what we did!
