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Alysa was perched on one of the lower amps, resting her elbow on her knee and her head on her hand. Her other hand was cluthing her red bass guitar tightly, up on the fretboad. She sat up suddenly, pulling her bass closer and resting it on her leg, and she started to pick a random riff, too quiet to be heard over the babble when the guitar wasn't plugged in. She cast her eyes over the room while she played, noticing Sasha at an upright piano pushed against the wall, playing simple five finger scales. Sasha spun around on the stool, facing Trent. "What if we do a mash-up? That could work..."

(Yay, there's finally an RP that I can be an expert in :3)

"Definitely not "Who Says"," Trent said to Zack. "Selena Gomez is a preteen idol and we don't want to play songs by her or Bieber or any preteen idol for that matter, since we'll probably get flamed. General rules we should follow are that we should only sing.." He began to list things off his fingers. "1, no songs that more people hate than like, 2, no songs that have no instrumentals whatsoever, and 3, no songs that are completely unsingable due to auto tune or something like it." Hearing Sasha's suggestion, Trent turned around to face Sasha. "A mashup? Good idea, although we'd need to think of a bunch of songs to make one. I dunno if we have time to come up with one, though. We've got two days."

"I don't know how long it would take, but it would mean we could use all the instruments people play," Sasha said, shrugging and turning back to the piano. She started to play again, this time a proper melody, and she pressed on the damper pedal. Alysa looked up from the guitar, muting the strings. "Would it be better to do singer songs or band songs? There are quite a few bands in the charts now, so there's bound to be one that everyone here likes."

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"I'm really liking ABC and The Show goes on." Zack replied. "And I can hear instruments in those. Maybe some other songs and we can make a mashup. Oh ABC! It's easy as 1, 2, 3. As simple like Do, Re, Mi! Everybody ever wonder, when they will see the sun up, just remember when you come up.... Well, something like that." Zack wrote those lyrics in his sketchbook and started to finish Pikachu. "Since Jessica is really stubborn about letting other people play Drums, I might have to sing, or play another instrument."

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"Hey, I know the tune for that on this, as well," Sasha said, not turnng around. She stopped the tune she was playing to start playing the basic tune for ABC. Alysa rolled her eyes, idly strumming. "Yeah, but I'm not sure that's the most popular song at the minute. It would be best to choose some ones that we know everyone likes, otherwise no one will be interested."

Milla walks in into the room rushed and worried. "I'm so sorry!" Milla stumbles. "I'm so late." She positions herself in front of the keyboard. "Can you fill me in?" Milla smooths her shirt and picks up a notebook that had fallen. "Something about The Show Goes On? I love that song!"

Jessica ignored Zack and focused her attention on the others, tapping lightly on the hi-hat with her fingers as she did so. "A mash-up sounds good. DJ in the corner there can use her mixing machine." She said, but there was no emotion in her voice to support the enthusiasm. It wasn't that she wasn't stoked by the idea - she was, it was just she didn't want to display the emotion. "But who's going to sing? Guy or girl? Low or high?"

(Night star, please make sure your charrie isn't a mary sue, your charrie is acting a bit sueish)

"I agree with Sarah. I doubt many people would really want us to play ABC. Sides, it's a bit out of date popularity wise." Sighing, Trent leaned back in his chair and shut his eyes. "Really, I dunno who's gonna sing. It depends on what we decide to do. By show of hands, who here wants to sing? Me, I'm fine singing or not singing. I just want to play my frickin' guitar." Trent then proceeded to just start playing the melody to Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons, not really caring that they were in the middle of a club discussion.

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"I dunno, I don't mind singing if I get a bit of practice in," Sasha said, not turning around from the piano. She stopped playing, instead lightly running her hands over the keys. Alysa shrugged, still picking the strings. "I can't sing, so I'm happy just playing bass. I might even stay behind the scenes." Sasha finally swiveled around in her seat, sweeping her hair off her face. "We should write the music before we say who does what."

"We know from experience that I am no good singing." Jessica said, rolling her eyes in anticipation of any smirks or sarcastic comments. "And I absolutely refuse to play A B frickin' C. Do you want us to completly die on stage?" She sighed. "I can't easily think of popular songs by 'proper' bands. With all our instruments and stuff, and not just five naff singers or whatever... we might just have to pick solo songs and work out the parts for ourselves. Joy."

Trent stopped strumming, and stopped for a moment to think. "Hmm...Well, we could go the alt. rock route, since lots of people listen to alt. rock. Especially like, say, Linkin Park, MCR, or Paramore. Something by one of those bands, maybe." Trent reached down into his bag and shoved another sour gummy worm into his mouth. "Don't worry, Jessica, you don't have to get nacho trays thrown at you by the audience the minute you start singing. Anyway, drummers don't normally sing since they have to work on trying to keep the beat for the entire song."

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Sasha sighed, resting her head on her hand. "We could do some slower songs, as well...Songs with piano." She motioned to the piano behind her, then shrugged, turning back to it. Alysa chewed her lip, pulling her bass away and resting it against the table. "Hm, have people rocking out while they're eating their lunch? Fun. As long as we don't get pelted with food..."

(Milla is a bit of a klutz.)

"I Maybe I could sing, I dunno." Milla said. "But I really think that Linkin Park and Paramore are a good Idea. Linkin Park requires a lot of hard drumming, which Jess is good at."

Milla gestured toward Jessica a little to hard, knocking the cymbal off the drums. "Oh no... "

"Yes, I do. It's hard concentrating for that long." Jessica told Trent, rolling her eyes, but she couldn't help but crack a small smile. "Alt. Rock sounds good. Should we still go with the mash up?" A pause. "Maybe we should just go with the one song-" Jessica cut off as Milla knocked the cymbol off, and she watched it clatter to the ground. Silently, she picked it up, glaring at Milla with what cpuld only be described as intense fury as she repositioned the cymbal. "Shall we move on before I brutally murder someone?"

"Sounds like a good plan," Alysa said, smirking at Jessica's expression. She picked up her bass guitar again. "What song should we do, though?" She paused, thinking. "Maybe we could do a song with a male and female singer. Just not any cutesy-romance-vomit-inducing songs, because they're horrible." She shrugged, looking down to tweak her guita's tuning. Sasha wasn't really listening to the conversation by now, playing a song and muttering the lyrics under her breath.

"Heh- uh, sorry." Milla said in a small voice, giving Jessica a sympathetic look. "I'm thinking a mash-up, to change it from the original songs. I really like the song 'Want I've Done' by Linkin Park." Milla started to play a section of the song. "If we do that, what other song would go with it?"

"Oops sorry, that sketchbook is mine. I see your point. Anyways, I don't know what I'm playing. Jessica is all stubborn about Drums so I don't know if I'll be singing, or frickin' playing my Drums. I guess any song will be fine, but I don't care as long as we get more people." Zack said as he drew the finishing touches on Pikachu. "Anyways, anyone liek my Pikachu?" Zack showed his Pikachu up to everyone except for the Synthesizer Master who was really concentrated. "Okay, well back to songs, I see that ABC is gone. So anything else?"

"Oh, sorry here you go." Camilla handed the notebook to Zack. "Pikachu? well, okay, it's good. Anyway, I said What I've Done, it's good for all instruments. What do you think would be good with it? If we did a mash-up? I think we should." Milla played around with her keyboard.

(Night star, unfortunately, you are not typing enough (You need to type about as much as how much chasm and emzz are writing as a minimum), and also, your charrie is WAY too much of a sue (Clumsiness does not count as a proper fault. Especially on it's own). I'm giving you one more chance, then I'm kicking you out. K?)

Trent thought for a moment. "Hmm, now that you mention male and female songs, we could do "Just Can't Get Enough" by the Black Eyed Peas.. Although it's pretty lovey dovey-ish. But not as bad as say, "Baby" Justin Bieber. My god. If we ever played that song, we would literally drown in a sea of nacho cheese sauce, tomato sauce from pizzas and anything else people could throw, it would absolutely suck." Trent shook his head, a small smile on his face. The thought was actually pretty funny. "As for an Alt. Rock song, maybe we could do "Sing" MCR, since it's pretty good and we could probably all sing together on the chorus. Err, at least the people who want to sing."

Name: Delilah "Dee" Hart

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Delilah tends to be very stubborn. She is quite a social outcast due to her parents - and her own - lifestyle choice. She is often called a "Dirty Hippy", "Freakshow" and many other names. She tries to shrug them off, but sometimes they just get to her so much, she bursts. Due to that, she has quite a detetion record.

To her friends and loved ones Delilah can be the sweetest person, she loves her family to death and wishes that other people could respect them like she does.

Looks: Delilah has very long bleach blonde hair that reaches just below her thighs, she hasn't cut it in about four years, but she gets it trimmed frequently. Her style is very bohemian, long skirts, hair usually down, ect. Her eyes match her style too, a deep hazel with tiny flecks of gold when she's upset.

She is very tall, being 6'1 and growing. She is long-limbed and lanky as well, making her somewhat proportionate.

Instrument: Voice and Acoustic Guitar

Other(Skill at instrument, singing ability..): Is pretty good at singing, but has such a low voice she can't do most songs. She is a vegetarian.

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