♫~Together Forever!~♫


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Hey peeps! Cue flashback!


The day is Tuesday 23rd November. The time is set to 7:59pm. A minute later there is a knocking at the door.Who could that be?

Daniel opens the door.


Yes' date=' it's me. Daniel I love you more than there are stars in the sky! Will you marry me?[/color']

Of course I will!

The curtain closes and there are fireworks. The curtain then opens again on Daniel, Penny and an egg.

If it's a girl we'll name her Elza.

Elza? Like that twin on New Zealand's Next Top Model?

Yes, her. Let's hope it's a girl because I have no boys' names.

The egg hatches.

So it had to be a boy!

Now it is Thursday and I now have Esteban!


That's me. I'm a Kuribotchi!


Yes, I named him Esteban. Don't judge me!


Hey, remember me? It's Clara!


I'm sure they remember you, Clara.


Quick post because I have to have dinner.







EDIT: W00T 2nd page!

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Sorry I haven't posted for ages. I've been distracted by Mathletics. Anyway, Esteban was a Nonopotchi after Kuribotchi, then as an adult, he was a Shimashimatchi with Chantotchi and Mametchi bandmates Lisa and Dino. He had a baby girl who I called Frankie. Frankie was a Hitodetchi as a child and now, just this morning, she evolved into a Ringotchi. She is yet to go to school and form a band because the teacher is yet to come.


Heyheyheyheyhey!!!!! I'm FRANKIE!!!!! I'm Ringotchi. I hope to go to school soon and be famous and have a band and make heaps of money to buy lots of sugary snacks! I like sugar WHEEEEE!!!!!!


Woah, there, Frankie, calm down! *whispers* I think she had too much sugar this morning.


Hey, it's me Clara. I'm now old. I'm 14 years old. Tomorrow I'll be the same age as Teri.


Oh, yeah, I've changed my mind. I won't be taking the tamas on camp. I'll pause them. They'll also be paused for a bit tomorrow because I'm going to a swim carnival.







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Hey! My tamas have been on pause because I forgot to unpause them until yesterday. Frankie is a Maidtchi and her bandmates Dino and Elaine are Gozarutchi and Masktchi.


I'm Dino the Gozarutchi and I play guitar.

I'm Elaine the Masktchi and my instrument is the mic. Not Dream mic. That's all Frankie.

Yep. She wanted to be on Dream mic but I told her I've been using Dream mic since I was a baby. We agreed that she can be my back-up singer, using a normal mic.

You have a better voice than me anyway. My voice is more suited to back-up.

It's Me, Clara. You guys always forget me. I'm 15, same age as Teri.


Frankie's band is called Sugariez. Don't ask me. Frankie came up with it.









Hi. Clara was 16 yesterday. Clara died yesterday. In her place I got a baby boy who I named Fabio Steve! Yes, I called him Steve, like my first ever Music Star. So what? Anyway, Steve is a Mohitamatchi.


Hey, I'm Steve! Yuck, indigo! I'm changing it! Better! Hey, Teri, am I going to grow old like those other two?


Maybe. I'll think about it.


La la la la...

Who's she?


That's Frankie, my Music Star. She has a band with Dino and Elaine.


Yep, I'm Dino.


Hey, Dino, Elaine, I'm Steve!

We haven't passed our auditions yet!

If Simon tells us we suck one more time, or even if he says we have to change an instrument he's gonna get it!

now Elaine, we don't need you beating up the judge!

What would you care anyway? You're a ninja!


You know, he's right Elaine. Violence doesn't solve anything.


Actually I was gonna say throw darts at him. That would be more effective!


*shakes head*









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Hey! So, Frankie had a baby boy and left him so I got to name him this morning. His name is Gerald. Say hi, Gerald.




Okay, he's asleep. By the way, I paused Steve. The day before yesterday everything on the screen disappeared and it made a long high-pitched beep so I had to reset/download. Yesterday his screen froze. I couldn't do anything and I had to reset/download again. I couldn't take it anymore so he's paused. Oh, look, Gerald's awake now. Say hi to the people, Gerald!




Aw, cute!


Bye peoples!




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Hey! Well, Gerald was a Kuchitamatchi as a child and a Hinotamatchi as a teen. Yesterday I accidentally neglected him for the morning and some of the afternoon, causing him to become a Gozarutchi. If only that happened with a girl tama. I really want to get a Kunoitchi because I've never had her before. Oh well.


Hey, it's me Gerald. I'm an awesome ninja! These are my bandmates Paul,

Hey. I'm Paul the Tarakotchi and I play Timpani.

And Colleen.

Hi. I'm Colleen and I'm a Makiko. I play the keyboard.

*whispers* And she's mine so back off!

Hey! I never agreed to that!

So you heard me then?

Yes and I am NOT going out with you!

Well fine then!


Their band is called How original...








Hey! So Gerald is still being an awesome Gozarutchi and singer for the Rock/R&B/Hip Hop band and they still haven't passed auditions!


We suck!

We know, Gerald, we heard you the first ten times!

You should throw one of your darts at the judges! We are coming of marrying age tomorrow! And no I'm not talking about marrying either of you!

*Paul looks disappointed*

Hey, you know at marrying age the band manager will bring you a lovely young tama for you to marry.

You're right.


I'm completely done with Steve. I've taken his battery out and am awaiting a topic approval in tBay - Want to Trade for trading my V4 for a V5. I haven't had a V5 for so long. So I hope someone with a V5 is looking for a V4! Oh yeah, don't forget to send fanmail!








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Hey peeps! So I got a Tama-Go for Christmas and it's a boy. Even though you can't put names into the tama, I decided to call him Jesus because he was born on Christmas day. Gerald left his son who I called Herald. Jesus was an Ahirukutchi then a Kilalatchi and he's now a Mametchi. Herald was a Kuchitamatchi then a Kikitchi and he's now a Kuromametchi. Jesus will talk in royal blue. He made lots of friends at the park. They are:


Alex the Kuromametchi

Spencer the Mametchi (who stopped coming when Jesus became a Mametchi)

Dude the Oyajitchi

Tyler the Necktie-tchi

Herbert the Kuchipatchi

Robert the Nonopotchi

Baa-Baa the Urutchi

Steve the Kikitchi

Oscar the Tarakotchi

Beauty the Chamametchi

Kitty the Kunoitchi

Penny the Uwasatchi

Sandra the Grippatchi

Meena the Lovelytchi

Louise the Violetchi

Tibby the Memetchi

May the Makiko

Yumi the Marotchi (aka Yumi-san)

Piper the Pipotchi

Sarah the Ringotchi


And two last but not leasts who you've seen here before...


Esteban the Shimashimatchi

Gerald the Gozarutchi


I know which of those girls Jesus likes. It's Sarah isn't it Jesus?


*sigh* Yes Sarah I will marry you... Huh? What? I wasn't listening. Was it Sarah? Is anything wrong with her? Is she hurt? She'd better not be hurt!

Don't worry Jesus, your girlfriend's not hurt.

No Teri was just telling everyone that you like her. By the way peepz I'm Ryo the Gozarutchi. I look like Herald's dad.

Why couldn't you like someone like Tibby? Oh that's right because then you'd like me too! For those of you who don't know *cougheveryonecough* I'm Jenny the Memetchi. I look like Tibby, Jesus' friend at the park. Why do you say peepz with a z anyway Ryo?

Because I can!


Woah what? Girlfriend? Like her? So not true! She's just a friend!

Yeah, a friend you want to marry! What does this Sarah look like anyway?

A bigger version of what Jenny used to look like as Ringotchis are adults here.

Oh another one who looked like me!

Just because you want me! Hey Teri when can I go to the date place?


Hopefully tomorrow or the next day.


Will Sarah be there?


I don't know, you'll just have to wait and see.









Hey! So I took some pictures of Jesus at the park with his friends but he's only letting me show this one:



Is that the picture of us at the park?

Yes honey it is! Oh, hey people of cyberspace! Who was that? That was Sarah. Yes, I married Sarah this morning! Cool huh?


I'm leaving Herald's marriage until Jesus and Sarah have a baby since Music Stars have a baby straight after marriage. And I designed the faceplate on the Tama-Go on the other side of the default one. Yep, that's an original Teri *insertlastnamehere* design!


So I get to marry Jenny?

In your dreams wannabe Mametchi!

It's KUROmametchi! KURO not WANNABE! And I have a name!

Well I prefer not to use it!

So will you marry me then?

*a Kuchipatchi walks in and kisses Jenny on the hand*

Who's he?

This is my husband Ryan.

Ryan: Hi!



Well bye!









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Hey! So-


????: Herald Alpha!


????: Where is Herald?

*Herald mouths "not here" in background*

He's not here. May I ask who this is?

????: Well, I'm the Kunoitchi he was with before he divorced me for "pretty girl" over there! *gestures to Makiko*

Makiko: You're his ex-wife?

Kunoitchi: Yes. And this is OUR son he left me with!

Baby: Goo! *angry*

Makiko: I'm sorry for this misunderstanding. Not all tamas are committed to a full relationship.

What's one man between friends?

Kunoitchi: Who are you?

Oh, that's right. This is my wife Sarah and our daughter.

Other baby: Googa!

Kunoitchi: Serves me right. All the good ones are taken.

That's what you think. I'm Ryo by the way.

Kunoitchi: =D

*Kunoitchi and Ryo exit as they go on a date*

*Herald mouths "She gone?" in background*

*Jesus nods*

Hey peeps. I'm sorry you had to encounter my ex. But really what can you do about 'em. So we came 1st in Rock 'n' Roll tonight.

Dang straight we did!

Dang straight?

It's my new thing.

Dang straight it is! Up top!

You said it girl! *whispering to Sarah* And I can't believe Herald and Ryo fell for Ryan! He's just an actor I hired to pretend he was my husband!

*whispers back* How evil! *giggle*

What are you two giggling about?


*Sarah shakes head*


Herald and Jesus leave their babies tomorrow. By the way, Herald's new baby is also a boy and Jesus' baby is a girl so I'm hoping for the two to marry.













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Hey peeps! So I've decided from now on I'm going to set my log out like FKOD's because hers is awesome and that way I can add characters whenever I need/want and I don't need to bother with colours! (I hope I don't look like a copycat...) So...

Teri: Now!

Jesus: Wait, what happened?

Herald: She changed the log setting, silly!

Sarah: The log looks... different. Is it set out like that FKOD person's?

Teri: The very one!

Ryo: Awesome! But I wish we still had colour.

Jenny: Well, I wish for a million dollars but we can't always get what we want.

Jesus: Sarah and I are leaving Elza tonight.

Ryo: Elza?

Sarah: That's our daughter's name now! Isn't it great?

Jenny: Dang straight it is!

Herald: Meanwhile my wife and I also leave Indra tonight.

Herald's wife: That's our son by the way.

Ryo: Me and the Kunoitchi totally got married today!

Ryo's wife (Kunoitchi): That's the truth y'all!

Jesus: I thought Gozarutchi and Kunoitchi couldn't marry because they're brother and sister.

RW: It works different here.

Sarah: Elza and Indra... they sound cute together...

HW: You're totally right!

Jenny: Dang straight!

RW: I'm still mad at you for stealing my husband.

HW: But you're married now! It shouldn't matter!

Ryo: What the heck name is Indra?

HW: According to this website Indra is of Hindi origin and means "posesses rain"

Jesus: Do you really want your son to posess rain?

Herald: Indra is also the ancient warrior god of sky and air in Hindu scripture.

Ryo: Oh okay.

Jesus: So it's set then. Elza will marry Indra, no-one else.

Herald: That's right!

Jenny: Dang straight!

Ryo: Will you quit that already!

Jenny: Dang straight I won't!

Sarah: I hear that!

RW: Totally!

HW: Up top, girls!

Teri: Well, bye for now TTers!

Music Star Status (Techno Sound):

Name: Indra

Gender: Boy

Age: 0

Character: Kuribotchi

Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Elza

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Character: Hoshitchi

Elza: So this is the famous log?

Indra: Cool!

Plastic Bag Balloon: 8D

Teri: Really, Plastic Bag Balloon? I mean, all you do is smile with big eyes!


Teri: Yes, Plastic Bag Balloon, I know. But you can't be famous if you din't talk.


Elza: How do you understand him?

Teri: I just do.

Indra: Did you know all the swans in England are property of the Queen?

Teri: Yes I did and what does that have to do with Plastic Bag Balloon?


Teri: I heard you before, Plastic Bag Balloon!

Indra: Nothing. It's just a fun fact I wanted to share.

Elza: Are you going to do that everyday?

Indra: Maybe...

Elza: *sigh*

Indra: Get used to it, we are going to get married remember.

Elza: Oh yeah.

Teri: See ya soon!

Music Star Status (Techno Sound):

Name: Indra

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Character: Nonopotchi

Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Elza

Gender: Girl

Age: 1

Character: Shelltchi

Teri: =(

Elza: What's wrong?

Teri: =(

Indra: No, seriously, what's wrong.

Teri: ...Plastic Bag Balloon! =(

Elza: You can always get another one.

Teri: My sister killed him!

Indra: Think about the talent quest on Friday! Think about how you'll blow the audience away!

Teri: =)

Elza: That's better!

Indra: Did you know that poodles aren't actually French? They're German!

Elza: Don't care.

Colleen: Hi!

Elza: Who's she?

Thu: That's Colleen, the Chamametchi.

Elza: And who are you?

Thu: I'm Thu the Ichigotchi.

Elza: Why are you here?

Indra: It's okay, Elza, they're just my bandmates.

Thu: *dreamy look on face*

Elza: Forget it, he's mine!

Thu: =(

Indra: Our parents planned it.

Thu: =(

Colleen: Uh... Thu?

Thu: =(

Colleen: I'll take her to the fair. That'll cheer her up.

Indra: See you!

Colleen and Thu: *leave*

Teri: Now what do we do?

Elza: Sit and wait for Colleen and Thu to come back.

Indra: Really?

Elza: No. We do stuff!

Teri: But what stuff?

Indra: PARTY!

Elza: Party?

Indra: Not "Party?" PARTY!

Elza: Okay, then, PARTY!


Teri: You guys know Colleen and Thu will be back soon right?

Colleen: Hey, we're back!

Thu: =(

Elza: Cheer up, Thu, PARTY! with us!

Thu: =(

Colleen: She was happy at the fair.

Thu: =(

Indra: She probably doesn't want to be reminded that she can't have me and this place is a big reminder.

Thu: =(

Colleen: Cheer up. Think about the fun time at the fair.

Thu: =)

Elza: Now PARTY!


Teri: You guys...

Indra: You let us PARTY!

Teri:No, I didn't say anything, you PARTY!-ed without permission!

Indra: Sorry...

Teri: You can keep going.

Elza: Yay!

Thu: =D

Colleen: Now she's REALLY happy!

Teri: Well, I'd better sign this log off before the PARTY! ends and Thu get's depressed again. Bye!

Music Star Status (Techno Sound):

Name: Indra

Gender: Boy

Age: 2

Character: Tarakotchi

Bandmates: Colleen (Makiko) and Thu (Chantotchi)

Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Elza

Gender: Girl

Age: 2

Character: Chamametchi

Elza: I'm going for you all the way!

Indra: Make sure you take pictures for us so we can see what it was like!

Teri: How am I meant to take pictures when I'm performing?

Colleen: Get someone else to!

Thu: =D

Teri: Well, all right then.

Thu: =D

Colleen: Thu, speak.

Thu: =D

Indra: Uh, Thu?

Thu: =D

Elza: THU! *grabs phone**calls emergency number*

Thu: Oh my gosh, I can't believe you fell for that!

Elza: *hangs up phone* Thu...

Colleen: You are in...

Indra: Big...

All tamas except Thu: TROUBLE!

Thu: *runs away*

Others: *chase after Thu*

Teri: Come on, it's a harmless prank!

Elza: Harmless? She almost had me calling an ambulance over! That's not harmless!

Indra: Did you know intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair?

Colleen: So Teri must have plenty of zinc in her hair!

Thu: Don't forget copper!

Teri: You guys. I know I'm intelligent, I don't need zinc and copper in hair to tell me that!

Elza: We're awesome!

Thu: Oozing with Tama awesomeness!

Colleen: Yep!

Indra: We are A-W-E-S-O-M-E AWESOME!


Teri: Colleen, you look small.

Colleen: That's because I'm further back.

Indra: Hey, you look like my mother.

Colleen: She was a Makiko?

Indra: Yep!

Colleen: What about your dad?

Indra: Kuromametchi. Herald Alpha of KwlDudes.

Colleen: Awesome!

Thu: Shoosh yeah!

Elza: Hello!Tama Awesomeness party!

Colleen: Oh yeah! =)

Indra: Can't forget. ;-)

Thu: =D

Elza: Really Thu? Why?

Thu: =D

Indra: I bet it's another prank.

Colleen: Probably.

Thu: =D

Teri: Uh, guys?

Elza: Hold on, we're waiting for Thu to end the prank.

Thu: =D

Teri: I think she's not pranking!

Thu: =D

Colleen: You know, guys, Teri may be right!

Elza: *grabs phone and calls emergency number*

Indra: She'd better come right in time for our last concert and audition! We need her voice.

Thu: =D

Teri: Well, let's hope they can save Thu. Bye!

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Music Star Status (Techno Sound):

Name: Indra

Gender: Boy

Age: 4

Character: Tarakotchi

Bandmates: Colleen (Makiko) and Thu (Chantotchi)

Tana-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Elza

Gender: Girl

Age: 4

Character: Chamametchi

Teri: So, I've found out my log is more popular this way than it was with colours.

Colleen: How'd you find that out?

Teri: My log had two stars in rating how it was and now it has four stars.

Indra: Teri has been using paint to make death pictures of Kaycee all day.

Teri: No I haven't

Thu: Should we put one up?

Teri: No, I meant I have but not ALL day!

Elza: Look Teri, my teeth are sparkly!


Teri: Yes, I see that.

Indra: Elza, stop brushing your teeth!

Elza: I'm done!

Colleen: We passed auditions today!

Thu: And we ranked first in rock 'n' roll!

Indra: Isn't that awesome?

Everyone: ...

Teri: I keep expecting "Dang straight it is!"

Elza: Who said that?

Teri: Jenny

Thu: Who's Jenny?

Indra: One of my dad's bandmates. She was a Memetchi.

Teri: And that's why every time someone says "Isn't that great?" or something, I keep expecting her to say "Dang straight it is!"

Colleen: But she's not even here!

Jenny: That's what you think!

Teri: Jenny, what are you doing here?

Indra: You're supposed to be on Tama Planet with my dad and everyone else!

Jenny: I came back for a visit.

Teri: You did?

Jenny: Dang straight I did!


Teri: I was expecting that.

Jenny: Expecting what?

Teri: "Dang straight I did!"

Jenny: Oh right.

Indra: So how's Dad?

Jenny: He's fine. He sends his love.

Elza: Do you know my dad?

Jenny: Oh, you're Jesus and Sarah's kid. Yes, your dad was very good friends with Herald.

Colleen: You are awesome!

Thu: Like, really awesome!

Jenny: Thanks, I guess. Who are they?

Indra: My bandmates. The Makiko is Colleen and the Chantotchi is Thu.

Jenny: Nice to meet you, Colleen and Thu.

Thu: =D

Colleen: Don,t worry about her, she does that alot.

Jenny: Well, I'd better get back to Tama Planet now, so bye!

Everyone: Bye!

Teri: Well, that was... interesting. Definitely a blast from the past!

Elza: Well bye!

Teri: Bye?

Elza: I mean good night! It's sleeptime for me!

Indra: Okay then!

Elza: ZzZzZzZz

Teri: Well with Elza asleep we'd better sign off. Bye!

Thu: =D

Music Star Status (Techno Sound):

Name: Indra

Gender: Boy

Age: 4

Character: Tarakotchi

Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Elza

Gender: Girl

Age: 5

Character: Chamametchi

Indra: Why aren't I 5 yet?

Teri: I don't know. I think you're aging slower than Elza for some unknown reason.

Indra: You think?

Elza: No, we know!

Colleen: So are you guys getting married tomorrow?

Indra: Probably.

Elza: You and Thu can be the bridesmaids.

Thu: Awesome!

Indra: Who's our flower girl then?

?????: Did I hear flower? I'm here!

Teri: Okay who are you?

?????: That is classified, the point is I can be a flowergirl!

Elza: Really?

?????: Yes. I LOVE flowers!

Indra: Okay you're the flowergirl at our wedding then, whoever you are.

?????: Yes!

Teri: This is... awkward.

Colleen: Very.

Thu: Totally.

Teri: Well bye!

Music Star Status (Techno Sound):

Name: Indra

Gender: Boy

Age: 6

Character: Tarakotchi

Band: The Band - Colleen (Makiko, harp) and Thu (Chantotchi, dream mic)

Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Elza

Gender: Girl

Age: 6

Character: Chamametchi


Indra: Yep, we got married today!

Elza: Yep, the Gotchi King came!

Colleen: Yep, it was awesome!

Thu: Yep, I am looking forward to my own wedding!

?????: Yep, I was the flowergirl! And I loved it!

Elza: Hey, I love the dress you wore.

Colleen: And the flower hairclips!

?????: Thanks. All made out of real flowers!

Teri: So Fleur really went all out at the wedding as flowergirl then.

Fleur: Who's Fleur?

Teri: You!

Fleur: Huh? What? That's not my name!

Teri: I know. but you won't tell us your name so we're calling you Fleur because it's French for "flower" and you love flowers!

Fleur: Oh. Okay then.

Elza: We had two little baby boys!

Teri: And Indra is so close to his baby that when he calls for the door it looks like he's kicking him in the head!

Indra: But I'd never do such a thing! Anyway, his name is Jamie.

Elza: Hm... what shall I name my son?

Colleen: Hm...

Thu: Hm...

Indra: Hm...

Teri: Hm...

Fleur: Hm...


Fleur: Huh?

Elza: I'll name him Joseph! How's that?

Everyone: ...

Elza: I knew it! You guys hate it!

Teri: We don't hate it.

Thu: We just weren't expecting you to ask our opinion.

Colleen: I actually quite like it. Jamie and Joseph...

Fleur: They do sound nice together.

Indra: You know, as brothers.

Elza: You're right!

Teri: Have any of you noticed Fleur's eyes are pink?

Colleen: I know right?

Thu: They're pretty... *leans in to get a closer look at Fleur's eyes*

Fleur: Hey!

Elza: Why are they pink?

Fleur: That's my private business.

Indra: Okay then!

Teri: I wonder why they're pink...

Music Star Status (Techno Sound):

Name: Indra

Gender: Boy

Age: 6

Character: Tarakotchi

Band: The Band - Colleen (Makiko, harp) and Thu (Chantotchi, dream mic)

Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Elza

Gender: Girl

Age: 7

Character: Chamametchi

Elza: Sorry everyone, we have to leave tonight.

Fleur: I'll miss you guys.

Indra: You'll still have Jamie and Joseph.

Teri: And me.

Fleur: That's true.

Teri: Yep. I'll never leave!

Fleur: You'd better not. I can't cope with everyone leaving and coming.

Colleen: But we have to leave too.

Thu: You will have Jamie's band when he's old enough though.

Teri: Thu's right.

Fleur: =(

Teri: Cheer up Fleur. I'm still here remember.

Fleur: 'K

Teri: Quick post because my sister wants a turn on the computer. Bye!

Everyone: Bye!

Music Star Status (Techno Sound):

Name: Jamie

Gender: Boy

Age: 3

Character: Dorotchi

Band: J and Co - Ryo (Tosakatchi, accordion) and Veronica (Mimitchi, harp)

Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Joseph

Gender: Boy

Age: 3

Character: Kuromametchi

Teri: I got Joseph a rare house theme yesterday.

Joseph: Yeah, it costed 50000GP.

Jamie: But it was worth it!

Veronica: I'll say!

Ryo: It's AWESOME!

Fleur: Too bad it's not flowery...

Joseph: Dude! I'm a boy! I don't like flowers!

Fleur: Sorry. And I'm not a dude!

Jamie: Well, Teri says it's a quick post because she's not supposed to be on anymore!

Teri: That's right! So bye! Sorry for quick post I just wanted to update since I haven't for days! By the way if you haven't read FKOD's log yet, you should! It's awesome!

Veronica: Who's FKOD?

Teri: I already said goodbye to the people! I'll tell you later okay?

Veronica: Okay.

Teri: Now bye for real!

Music Star Status (Techno Sound):

Name: Jamie

Gender: Boy

Age: 7

Character: Dorotchi

Band: J and Co - Ryo (Tosakatchi, accordion) and Veronica (Mimitchi, harp)

Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Joseph

Gender: Boy

Age: 7

Character: Kuromametchi

Jamie: So guess what happened yesterday! I-


Jamie: You interrupted me! Not cool!

Joseph: So? I got married first!

Jamie: But you don't have a baby yet! Look at her she's so cute!

Baby: Goo!

Veronica: So what's her name?

Jamie's wife: We were thinking of Kate.

Joseph's wife: That's a pretty name.

Jamie: So Kate it is.

Ryo: So, you leave Kate tonight then?

Jamie: Yep and you're coming with me!

Veronica: NO!

Jamie: You have to. It's the law!

Fleur: Not you too!

Joseph: There, there Fleur. I'm still here for another two days.

Fleur: Then what?

Teri: Well Fleur, you're going to have to get used to everyone leaving. Besides every time someone leaves, someone else arrives.

Fleur: 'K

Teri: Signing off!

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