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Right! He'd be an amazing husband. Not sure what he looks like, but I guess you can't have it all anyway.

Yeah. Like Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millipeid on the set of Black Swan. To be honest, if I was that way inclined, I'd marry her, she's freaking beautiful.

I'll 'you twit' you all I like for assuming that I like Hannah Montana! Kids these days aren't kids anymore, I swear. Like, all the little kids at school are so fashionable compared to how I was at their age, and they're not afraid to give you a hard time. I mean, they can see I'm in final year 'cause I'm wearing a jumper, and they just make suggestive and ridiculous comments when you walk by. And they're 12!

I'd heard it was scary, yes. But, yeah, not sexual. Well, my friend did call it a "Lesbian film" before I left to go to the theatre, but I wasn't expecting what I saw. Well, I was! I was alone in my mother-daughter-old people all around awkwardness! Mum was totally fine with it, though, so it's all good xD

No, that's the Aristocats. Oliver is the only cat in this movie, apart from when he's in the box of kittens at the beginning. It's so sad when all the other kittens get picked and he gets abandoned 'cause noone wants him <3 Hahaha, really? Guys here are 'too cool' for Disney movies.

Me, an art speed demon? Eh, no. Everyone asks how I have the attention span to draw the same picture for three hours straight!

Well, since I'm on holiday I'm hoping the week goes slowly, unfortunately for you!


Christien admitted he felt a bit guilty about the way in which he spoke to Taylor- although, knowing the poor boy, he probably didn't even notice Christien's apathetic tone of voice-, but he was equally uncomfortable about the thought of people knowing who he was, simply because he was one of only two people lucky enough not to die in a horrific accident. He hoped, in time, that the incident and their involvement would be forgotten, to a certain extent, because he didn't feel like having any more of these conversations- just thinking about what happened was sometimes too much. He was glad for Elaina's invitation to dance, and when Taylor cheerfully exclaimed, "See you later!" he felt a little better, that the guy had no hard feelings. Francoise, Amelie and Suzanne eagerly joined them, leaving Nathalie and Taylor to get to know each other.


Caden pretended to look injured by her joking assumption that he was finding it difficult to keep up. "I'm sorry, Miss 'I-can't-run-more-than-two-miles'," he retorted playfully, reaching to pull up the sleeve of his jumper, exposing his bicep muscles, he turned to skate backwards, so he could face her, and tensed his arm to highlight the muscle- of which there was a good deal, but just the right amount so that it wasn't unattractive-, "Do I really look that unfit to you? I'm wounded by your accusations." He chuckled then and turned back around to skate beside her and took her hand again. "Alright, to make up for it, you have to teach me to do something cool." He smiled at the ease of conversation between them; she was an interesting person with a great and similar sense of humour to himself, who also genuinely seemed equally interested him, and it was for this reason that he also looked forward to just hanging out after dinner, wherever they would choose to go, because he knew conversation would just flow effortlessly.


Yeah... Hockey pucks are like bone breaking hard when they're up to speed... Ow. This is what he looks like! Not to shabby for an old guy. Haha, I’m sure his romantic inclinations make up for whatever un-attractions to him his wife has.

Right? She’s so pretty. It’s so unfair. And so tiny! (Not now, because she’s pregnant, but you know what I mean) Also, all of that dancing was her own! She’s so talented, and she went to Harvard. Yeah, I’d marry her too.

This is true, I apologize for assuming such awful, awful things. What in the world is a jumper? And wow! Kids these days. It’s crazy! They’re all really vicious. Girls in 4th grade are the same as girls in 8th grade.

Well that’s good! I just didn’t want to appear totally fine with it so my mom didn’t make any weird assumptions, ya know? It didn’t bother me haha but that was my only fear. Or she’d give me a really awkward talk.

Oh my! I have to go to Blockbuster ASAP! I don’t know if they’ll have it though, if it’s like, an old Disney movie. Maybe it’ll be on Youtube! And really only one of my guy friends would watch it with me. Haha

Haha, three day weekend! That’s what’s up. :) Heehee.


“He seems…just lovely.” Elaina said with a laugh, wrapping her arms around Christien’s waist and pressing her cheek to his chest. Her hips moved in time with the slow beat of the current song, but she really felt like being close with Christien so she mostly just swayed. “How did you meet your boyfriend, Suzanne?” She felt as though the girls knew so much about Christien and Elaina’s relationship but she barely knew of Suzanne’s, nor Francoise or Amelie at all. She knew Suzanne was fantastic but she wanted to get to know the other two girls, who also seemed like gems. She decided that she’d ask them a bit about themselves after Suzanne responded.


Fail, sorry, it’s late. Haha


Audrina smirked as Caden spun around and showed her how fantastically muscular he really was. “Alright! Alright! I take it back,” She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand as her giggles continued. “Clearly you’re more than fit enough to keep up with me. And, I’ll try!” She tugged Caden gently over towards the absolute middle of the rink, where only a few people were dwindling; practicing their twirls and whatnot. “I’m going to teach you how to spin.” She declared, releasing his hand and placing her left foot over her right. “First, you place one foot over the other, with the pick buried into the ice. Then, you push down on the leg of that same foot and throw your body to the side. After, cross your arms and simply spin! Viola! Now you try!”

Yeah, definitely not that bad at all, considering his age.

Haha, yeah she is[/was until she was pregnant] all of those things. Ah yeah, she did go to Harvard, didn't she? Psychology degree. Wow. It really peed me off when the Russian National Ballet were all, "You can tell she's not a dancer because of her hands." It was like, "She. Is. An. Actress. And she trained for only a year." She could've fooled me.

It's okay. Because I love you, I forgive you. You don't know what a jumper is? Like, a sweater- I think that's what you call them. The other thing that annoys me about the girls is that they are so well dressed. I look at them and think, "I looked AWFUL when I was 13! Stop being fashionable." It's only sort of around now that II've actually started feeling really comfortable in what I wear.

Haha, yeah. I've never actually had an awkward talk with my parents. I think they know that I know and that I'm not stupid enough to go and get pregnant at my age, so they're avoiding it as much as I am

You're probably best looking around at secondhand stores for videotapes of it.

Oh, nice! I don't know why I had it in my head that you guys don't get Good Friday off. It's because you don't get Easter Monday off, I think.


Christien wrapped his arms around Elaina and nodded in concurrence. "I'm sure he's nice enough. The poor guy just hasn't got a whole lot going on in his head," Christien chuckled softly, swaying with her to the music. His eyes moved from his girlfriend to Suzanne when Elaina had asked her a question. Suzanne said, "I met Benoit a few times actually, purely by chance. The first time, he was at the Louvre, drawing the courtyard with the old building surrounding the pyramid. I watched him for a while and asked him a few questions, because he was very good at it. Nothing came of that, but a little while later he was in the park, drawing again, and he told me he was going to Giverny- Monet's gardens- later and asked me if I wanted to come. So when he finished drawing there, we actually got to do some talking and he was a very sweet person. He asked me out on a date, it was very romantic, actually, and w'eve been going out ever since. Right now he's away for a few weeks, finishing an internship in Italy as part of his art degree. I miss him terribly, but to make up for it he's invited me to meet him there." Her eyes sparkled when she thought about it all, from reminiscing the time she knew she was in love with him and from imagining how their trip in Italy was going to be.


Pah, 11:25pm is not late! I stayed up until 1am on Wednesday and you weren't even around ;P But it's okay, I don't think it's a fail.


Caden watched her as Audrina spun on the ice with a look of mild awe. He knew he was going to end up falling over, but he figured he may as well go for it. "You make it look so easy," he observed as she explained it to him. He went over the movements of each part first before actually trying to put some momentum into it. The first time, he was too shy about it, there wasn't nearly enough power in his movements to turn him around and keep his skate digging into the ice, so, yes, he fell over. The second time, there was far too much momentum, he overswung and sound himself on the ice again. He dusted himself off and looked at Audrina hopelessly. "You did this to embarrass me," he teased her, trying a few more times, at least staying stable, though it was a bit slow and jagged. He took a moment to get some air back into his lungs and think straight again, before attempting it once more- he was no quitter, he was going to get there. And, sure enough, he got around, at a good speed, without falling over. Sure, his finishing wasn't perfect, put he could practise if ever they came again.

I’m back! Oh my good golly gosh, I didn’t realize how long I wasn’t on here until I looked at the RP section and realized I didn’t know what the heellllll was going on! I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting so long! I’m a bad friend ): But now I’m back! And we’ve suffered times where I was a way for longer, I think we can patch back together this relationship! Teehee <3

I don’t remember what’s going on at all so I must read!

I DO KNOW WHAT A JUMPER IS! But, it is not a sweater here. Haha, a jumper here is like: It’s like, a shirt attached to some shorts. But, they’re definitely not all pretty like that. ^ I bought one at Forever 21, and made the mistake of getting stripes; it definitely is NOT flattering! I’m just going to lose A TON of weight (and by that I mean like 5) because skinniness makes everything better! Even stripes. ;P

My mom seems inclined to continue telling me stuff about ‘THAT’ even though I am like the most innocent teenager ever in the history of teenagers. And that is due to my incredibly high standards which I believe are reasonable, haha. But she should be thankful I’m not a –cough- slutttt –cough-.

You should send me copy of it <3 I feel like I’d never find it ):

Summer <3


Elaina nodded with a smile, agreeing with Christien’s opinion of Taylor then tuned into Suzanne’s response to her question. “That’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard! What luck you had finding him again in the park that day!” She was definitely a gigantic sucker for those romantic sorts of meetings, exactly what Suzanne had. “Benoit sounds so…accomplished and successful! He’s also clearly a romantic, which is a grand bonus. I’m sure you’ll have the greatest of times in Italy. One day, I’d love to go there as well! Visiting France has surely inspired me to travel to many more places in Europe. Hopefully Christien will accompany me on most of them.” Elaina ran her thumb across Christien’s palm, where his hand was stationed on her waist. “I’d love to meet Benoit eventually, Suzanne! We could go on a double date!” Suzanne was a fantastic gal, in Elaina’s opinion, and a double date sounded like it’d be just extravagant. Also, she did wonder what Suzanne acted like around Benoit, as she could see the obvious sparkle in her eye when she discussed him.


Writing again feels SO WEIRD! Darn my previously busy schedule! I am free for the next two months though <33333


Audrina made sure to help Caden up when he fell over, each time trying to contain the hysterical laughs very near to escaping her lips. “You’re right, Caden! I brought you here just to see how you would handle being embarrassed, because, normally, you are so composed and adorable. I just had to see you fall on your butt! It was killing me!” She giggled then clapped when he successfully completed a spin – very impressed with his quick ability. “Well, I suppose you don’t stay embarrassed for long, do you? I’m pretty sure you’re the first guy in the world to ever accomplish a twirl so quickly!”

Haha, yeah, it has been rather a long while, but that's okay. You've been busy, I've been busy, and if you're not in the mood there's nothing worse than trying to write when you know you just can't. You're not a bad friend, I still love you (; Seriously, though, I know I bother you about it but really the last thing I want is for you to feel like you have to when you really don't want to. I'm a patient person, I can wait <3

If it'll save you time, I can give you a summary? My amazing memory still serves me on their story, vaguely.

The link doesn't work ): A shirt attached to shorts? That just sounds weird. OH WAIT. You mean like a pinafore kind of thing? I just wikipedia'd it. That's funny, I can't ever imagine calling that a jumper. A jumper will always mean sweater to me. Wikipedia says: "Sweater or heavy shirt pulled on over the head, used in the UK and Commonwealth." Ah, Forever 21. Whenever my Mom goes to New York she goes there for me. They have some great stuff. Yeah, stripes vary. Vertical stripes are slimming but they look weird on girls, I think. Horizontal stripes are hard to pull off unless you're really skinny. I loved this shirt that they had in Hollister that was striped that I saw a girl who works there wearing. But, of course, she's tiny and looks good in anything, and that's why she works there. You're skinny anyway, though! You make me feel fat when you talk like that, and I've already lost a ton of weight.

Haha, really? Well, if she read your formspring answers she might feel inclined to tell you about the bird and the bees xD But no, you're definitely not a slut :)

I'll get on that ;D


"Yes, I was incredibly lucky. Of course, at the time I never thought it would be what it is now. It seemed way too coincidental for it to turn into anything. In fact, if it wasn't for him being such a sweetheart, I'm sure nothing would have come from it," Suzanne said with a dreamy sort of smile. It was times like these that she missed Benoit the most when he was in Italy. It was even worse when Christien went away to study in America, too, as she was momentarily without her two best friends.

"You never really can imagine things like that happening to you, I suppose," Christien replied, and Suzanne knew his implications and that they spread to include his own relationship with Elaina. He then turned to Elaina said, "I'll take you anywhere you want, even if it's on the other side of the world." He then smiled at her suggestion and said, "A double date sounds like a good idea. Perhaps wen you next visit us here, or if Suzanne and Benoit are visiting me, should I go back to the US, we can arrange for that." He winked at broth girls as he said, "It'd be nice to have Benoit as some male company considering I'm always hanging out with girls."


When I think writing I'm currently thinking like I'm in an English exam still. "Needs a simile, add some senses description… Point, quote, comment." Hahaha. Well, I should warn you that I'm off to hotter places next week- I'm going to Barcelona but after that, I'll be around plenty.


"Well, there you are. You've had me on my a'ss, and red in the face because of it; congratulations," Caden smiled as he'd attempted his spins prior to his completed one. He thanked her for her compliment on his picking ip on the twirl. "However, I would put money on that being a fluke, and that I won't be able to do it again for a while." He attempted another, and promptly found himself on his backside again, and cracked up laughing as his found his feet again. He tried one more time, and splayed himself out dramatically across the ice- since noone was so close to the middle as they were- as he toppled backwards and cried out in mock pain, "Oh no! I'm mortally injured! My back's broken, I'm sure of it. Help me up!"

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Before I forget (again) I will just get to writing and not get distracted by trying to figure out what we were talking about!

Thank you for letting this not die, my love! <3

Now, to try and write. I'm a little rusty! Consider yourself warned.


Elaina struggled to hold in her coos as Suzanne spoke about Benoit, as it was basically just the definition of adorable – she spoke of him so fondly and sweetly. If she didn’t have Christien, she would have been prickling with jealousy. “Darling, you don’t have to take me anywhere. As long as I’m with you, I’m just fine! And oh, please.” Elaina smirked, tapping Christien playfully on the nose before continuing, “You might hang around with girls all the time but you definitely enjoy it!” She fidgeted in her dress a bit, leaning into Christien, savoring the feel of his arms around her protectively. “A double date would be fun! If we are in America, I’ll be able to take all of you on my favorite hang out spots! Not that you fancy French will enjoy it very much but I will drag you there regardless.”


Oh, lawdy, that was awful. Don’t throw rocks at me!


“Oh no!” Audrina cried, humoring him, a hand flying up to cover her agape mouth. “You poor baby! I’m sure it is broken! Clearly you’re going to have to spend at least three weeks in my flat so I can nurse you back to help!” She struggled to help him up, her own skates betraying her on the incredibly slick ice. She yelped, tumbling down with Caden, half on top of him. “Look what you’ve done! Now my back is broken! It must be!”

It's fine. It was such a random mess of lord knows what anyway, I'm kind of glad you dropped it. It takes about as long to reply to all that as it does to write for the RP, too!

It's okay. As long as I'm still here, this will never die.

Psh, rusty. Get out of here; it's good! Especially compared to most on here at the moment. There is a definite lack of writing talent on here.

So I'm not really too sure where Christien and Elaina were going to go from here. I think she could leave soon so he can go and surprise her in college (;


Christien had heard Suzanne's story before, but it never failed to make him smile. The first time he'd heard it, he'd been dating Florentine and he'd thought he knew how she felt. Then, as she'd recounted it to a few other friends, after he'd broken up with her, he'd found himself wishing he could feel that way about somebody for real- it had always been clear to him that Suzanne and Benoit were going to stay together. He smirked then a little bit at her comment. "I have no idea where you got that idea from," he told her, pausing briefly before adding, "But you're definitely right." Both he and Suzanne loved the idea of having a double date in Atlanta. "Hey," Christien said, "We are not fancy. We'd love to come and see everything you want to show us. But save all the best places for a personal tour for me, of course. I can't have them simply seeing everything."


Again, I say, shush. Mine is actually so much worse than yours.


"Three weeks? How will I survive?" Caden said, overly exaggerating his tone as well as his laboured movements as he continued to pretend to struggle on his back. He caught her- half with his hands, half because she fell on him anyways- as she fell, but that didn't stop him continuing the little thing they had going on. "That must mean at least three weeks for both of us staying in bed together while we rest out healing backs," he replied, holding back a grin. He got to his feet, and pulled her quickly to him, so that their lips met when she came completely upright. It was a short, sweet kiss, but he enjoyed it. "Back better? I've heard my kisses have healing powers," he murmured, winking at her. "But, you know, I was almost looking forward to those three weeks in bed. Maybe it can be arranged sometime regardless of whether we're all bruised and broken or not."

Oh, yes, I can't be bothered to remember all of that, although they were lovely conversations!

We need to somehow get all of this into a sort of document and save it, just in case something absolutely horrid happens. But I don't know how I would do that without it taking a lifeitme! Haha and see! There's nothing to compare it to! (;

Yep, yep! We can sort of summarize/fast-forward through her remaining weeks and then just skip to America! Though we should write the finish of tonight -becauseElainaneedsomemakeouttime-. I'm so excited to write the part where her friends see Christien!



“Well, then I look forward to showing you all of my incredibly fun teenage, college girl hang outs! It literally might be the most exciting time of your life, so just be prepared.” Elaina pined for a friend relationship as Christien shared with Suzanne; all of her male friends back home somehow assumed that if she was going to be friendly to them, that meant she wanted in their pants. It was despicable really. Imagining all of their faces, though, when Christien showed up put a grin on her face – a big, silly, childish one. Elaina, mid thought, realized that her vision was growing a tad blurrier than normal. Unfortunately, the drinking age in America was 21, therefore, she was not as accustomed to the effects compared to Christien. Still intertwined in Christien’s grasp, she turned to Suzanne, placing the small bit that was left of her drink on a nearby counter. “Tonight has been absolutely lovely, my dear, but I think I’m going to have to skip out early. We will definitely get together at least once more before I leave!” She stepped forward and pulled Suzanne into a hug, “You guys get home safely, okay?”


Le fail, haha. And no! Woman..never.


Audrina had been momentarily surprised when she was propelled into Caden’s lips, but quickly adjusted and enjoyed the kiss as it lasted. “Oh, yes, my back feels much better now. You’re kisses are la magie!” She took a few seconds to balance herself as to not fall over again – although her clothes were suited for the cold, they weren’t made to absorb the moisture that was crawling up her blouse from sliding across the ice. “We definitely will have to arrange a sort of three week slumber party; I would be highly disappointed if it didn’t work out.” She giggled and offered her hand to Caden, half hoping to stable him and half wanting to enjoy feeling his fingers laced with hers.


Oh innuendo xD

That they were indeed. Never mind :)

I'll try and find a quick and easy way to save this down.. I'm sure there's some way. Haha, Facebook it. Can you imagine?

Sounds goooood to me. Like a plan, in fact, Batman. -Christienfeelsthattoo.Makeouttimedefinitelyneeded-


Christien, ran his fingers through Elaina's hair and took a quick peek at her eyes, which even he could tell were losing a little bit of focus. "Poor baby," he mocked her to Suzanne, "It's past her bed time and she's a bit tipsy. I definitely think it's best that we go back and tuck you up in bed." He chuckled and pressed his lips to her forehead before moving away to give Suzanne and the other girls a hug and kisses on the cheek, and the Californian surfer dude Taylor a handshake, wishing him the best of luck. What with, he didn't know. Perhaps increasing his brain size, mean as that sounded?

Suzanne smiled and hugged, Elaina, giving her the customary French farewell of a kiss on either cheek. "And you, Elaina, until the next time. And soon with Benoit, too!" Everybody called out their goodbyes to each other one last time as Christien took Elaina's hand and led her away from the party, into a taxi, in which he tucked her under his arm on the journey back to the hotel. "Alors, mon petit ange ivre," he murmured with a gentle laugh, "On va se coucher." He, of course, had no intention of sleeping just yet, but he loved to tease her.


Ah, speaking of French, how's it going in school? :3


Caden shrugged, as if it was nothing. "What can I say? I just have it." He squeezed her hand and they went for a slow, gentle skate around the rink for a little while as they talked. "I'm so glad you agree. We'll have to organise something of the sort." In all honesty those kinds of thoughts had never seriously crossed his mind since he'd met Audrina. In fact, he'd be surprised if they would be that way, this early. He was fine just to take it as it came. He took her to the middle and let her twirl under his arm a few times, and they took a few sort of steps so it was almost like they were dancing- at least, as well as they could, given the surface. "So, on this most wonderful day so far is this as far as you've planned or is there more to look forward to?"


Oh yes ;D

I'm writing this from my phone so bare with me!

There's got to be a way! I just have zero clue what it is.

Oh my God...Facebook xD

Glad we're on the same page! Christien and Elaina sure are one...romantically active couple for so young! I regret nothing!

Elaina did nothing but pout in protest regarding Christien's teasing, because, well, everything he said was in fact true. Even as she hugged and exchanged cheek kisses with the girls, she could feel the alcohol continuing to set in, making the room a bit more titled with every breath. She spied Christien saying something to Taylor and wondered what it was -given the fact that she was quite aware of Christien's opinions on his intelligence- but it was fleeting as she was whisked away outside. The time from when the two left the party and entered the taxi was a tad muffled together. The remaining minutes it took to arrive at the hotel was only memorable due to Christien's taunting French murmurs. "That's not fair and you know it!" She huffed, yet huddled closer into the crook of his arm. "You know what that does to me!"

Quite well, actually! Although memorizing all of that vocabulary and verb forms is a hassle.

Oh God I forgot the day I had planned for them...time to make something up!

Cheesy as it may sound, Audrina simply adored the feel of Caden's hand in hers; and she didn't know whether it was due to comparin them to her own skin or not but his fingers were pleasantly warm. She felt a bit dirty though as she practically danced around with him - their relationship had not been going on very long at all and yet she couldn't harbor away some inappropriate thoughts that presented themselves from time to time. She was just exceedingly attracted to him and that wasn't her fault, right? "Well," she began, tightening her grip on him as they skated around a corner, "I was thinking maybe we could grab some chocolate and head back to your house to watch this movie I rented - that is if you have a movie player which I assume you do. No one else will take the time to watch it with me so I'm making you! I hope that's alright."

They are in England, right?

Not complaining, it's all good! :)

I'll find it -techgenius-

Everything they do makes up for my shortcomings as a teenage girlfriend. xD


"It's perfectly fair. You just need to learn to understand me," Christien replied, winking at her. "As for what it does to you... Well, I have to have some way to keep you wanting me." The taxi pulled up at the hotel shortly afterwards, and just as Elaina stepped out of the car after him, he swept her up in his arms. His excuse? "You're clearly too drunk to walk any further." A major exaggeration, of course, but he hoped she didn't mind. He'd always wanted to do this. He took her up in the lift, ignoring all the funny looks they got as they passed through reception to get there. He was only too glad, as much as he'd enjoyed the party and seeing everybody again, to be back in that room, where he was able to do what he did next, which was to plant kisses along her jawline up to her ear, whispering, "I love you," before moving his lips to her neck, then to her own, placing her back down on her own two feet, yet pulling her as close as possible.


That's cool! It is a hassle, but so worth it. I loovvee French. I have so many lessons for it this year, it's awesome <3 So, my French GCSE? I didn't drop a single mark in any of my six exams. So, so pleased :3

I didn't even know you had anything planned for them after ice skating, actually! xD


Her plans sounded great to him. As far as he was concerned, he was a very lucky man. He'd had a wonderful day with Audrina- frankly, he didn't want it to end. He knew he went to Paris often, and she to London, but only time would tell whether it was enough- although he thought he already knew the answer would be no. Still, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and they just needed to make the best of what time they had. "That sounds wonderful," he said. "Perhaps you'd like to let me make dinner, too? I have to say thank you for everything you've done today somehow. We could get some chocolate on the way there, have something to eat, and spend the evening watching your movie." And whatever else could happen in that time.. No. Don't think about anything remotely related to that, he thought to himself, it's early, we don't want to move too fast.


Yes, they are. She's 'working' there ;D

If you find it, I will be mind blown! Once I spent like three hours trying to copy it all down and I only got to like the fifth page. –evanfail-

Haha! Exactly. This is my way of getting out enough teenage angst so I don’t explode! Random thought: does the lack of people on this site mean lack of mods too? Not that I might get a tad risque or anything.


“Well, who knows when I’ll learn to that.” Elaina moaned in the taxi, the alcohol in her system propelling her to imagine endless amounts of French lessons to which she received no knowledge from at all which basically translated to a forever that Christien had a liberty to say whatever he pleased without her understanding. “It’s not fair if you have such a fool-proof way to keep me wanting you if I have no way to keep you wanting me!” Her complaining died down when Christien swept her up in his grasp and was replaced with a fit of giggles. She was thoroughly enjoying the trip – although she was almost positive that everyone in the lobby had seen her undergarments at some point – and grinned even larger when everyone gave them their most confused and disapproving expressions. She thought that would be the extent of their fun but was happily surprised when Christien practically attacked her jaw-line with his lips as soon as they were in the privacy of their room. She shuttered half from the momentary dizziness the alcohol brought on when he placed her down – although he did so gently – and the other half from the indescribable feeling of his lips fluttering across her neck. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to his passionately – between the alcohol and his previous taunting not being able to control her hungry actions.


Oh man, I haven’t written third person make-out scenes in forever! I suckkk! I’ll get back into the mojo of it in time! xD

I’m not exactly sure what all of that means but I’m sure it’s really good! Congrats! I want to go to AP French (which is level 4) but it is getting harder…just the hardest part is THERE’S SO MANY WORDS AND RULES TO REMEMBER! And substitutions to words and exceptions for words that break the rules. Ugh. It should all follow one rule!

Oh, well, hope you like my insta-plans! I was like lying in my bed wanting to watch a movie myself so I was like “movie it is!”


“Well that sounds absolutely great figuring that I can’t cook! Maybe I can learn a little something from the master.” Audrina laughed although it was completely true – she’d always been cooking challenged and nearly burnt down her kitchen multiple times. Needless to say, eventually she just gave up trying and relied on take-out or making simple things such as cereal. “It’s getting colder, if that’s even possible.” She noted, adjusting her jacket with her free hand to try and get out of it maximum warmth. “Heading for that hot chocolate now sounds really good, if that’s alright with you?” She had already half led him in the direction of the arena’s exit, anticipating that yes, he would be fine with skipping out a tad early on the skating. She was extremely relieved that he was fine – seemingly excited, actually – about the plans she had made. Audrina had definitely spent the whole morning fretting about that factor, all the way up until she met him for breakfast. But it was going exceedingly well so far and thinking about it made her flush with momentary warmth. Although the problem with distance always plagued her mind, she made the decision to keep it in the corners so she could enjoy their time left.


I knew it! Just making sure. (;

No luck so far. I tried the email thing but that doesn't work, just sends you a link to the topic. I'll keep trying when I have some time.

Definitely! Especially now we're back at school and surrounded by nice looking guys. I don't usually have that problem in the summer. Although I MUST tell you about the time I nearly went to a party with a hot German guy sometime. In fact, I have loads of funny things to tell you about my trip to Germany.

I'm not sure. We could get this moved to the "Seriously RP" section, which is less so, but I still definitely wouldn't push it too far. You never know. I don't want to end up having another incident like that last time, that was so embarrassing xD


Christien told her, "You don't need any special tricks to make me keep on wanting you," before happily letting her pull him into a long, passionate kiss. And it was true, he would always want her, always need her, regardless of whether she tried to make him do so or not. He pulled away, looked as if he was about to go in for another kiss for taking backward steps further into the room, beckoning to her with just the look in his eyes. "You'll always deserve me," he explained, continuing the conversation, "But I have to do things to make sure that, even though it's not possible, you believe I'm good enough for you and you won't want somebody else." He started unbuttoning his shirt all the way and shrugged it off his shoulders and to the floor, pulling her to him again to give her another kiss- because, lets face it, teasing her was just as hard for him to not crack and give in to what he felt in some ways as it would be for her.


Oh, go away already, it's good! I promise (; Again, better than what I'm writing. My excuse is that I don't take English anymore -sad times-

It's hard to explain what a GCSE is but they're a really big deal as they're qualifications that you work towards for two years with exams and coursework that you do in class. To get full marks and so not get a single question wrong in the exams… well, I was amazed. Me and my best friend who sat next to each other in class were the only two who did that :) To be fair, there are all sorts of weird rules and exceptions in English, too, so you know, you can't complain about the poor French language too much. But, you know, if you ever need any help, I'm the one to come to ;D

They're good! Simple is always a win.


So, the evening was sorted, as far as Caden was concerned. He had no problem with following her off the ice, quickly changing from skates back into his shoes- all the while unable to help himself from looking at her every so often, thinking, in the romantic rather than lustful way, how breathtakingly beautiful she was. On the way back to his flat he made sure they took a detour through Fortnum and Mason to get some hot chocolate and some things for dinner. Admittedly, he never bought food from there, it was not the kind of place where one regularly bought things unless you were Kate Middleton and Prince William, for example, but he thought that since he was playing host to Audrina, he may as well make the effort. Plus, shopping in there was an experience in itself- you could spend hours just looking at things- clothes, food, furniture, you name it. Then it was a straight trip back to his flat. After letting them in, they took a few minutes to settle in before he poured her a glass of wine in the kitchen and he started on making something nice to eat. "So, you're not much of a chef, I gather," he said with a gentle chuckle, "All the more reason to let me either have you over or come over to you, so you can have a decent dinner." He smiled, tasted the sauce he'd just made, and then, after seasoning it to his satisfaction, let her try some, too.

Oh that’s a good idea, though! See, I wouldn’t even think of that – not because I’m not technically savvy but because I’d get lazy and give up.

I have a problem with my single life all the time ): And the nice looking guys that DO go to my school (because there are few) are either incredibly slutty and jerky, or taken. And I have no hope of meeting guys elsewhere!

There is a “seriously rp” section? Haha! For some reason that’s hilarious. And nooooo, I definitely wouldn’t either – I couldn’t even write that if I wanted to.

That was absolutely terrible!


Although Christien and her were intimate rather often, each time Elaina’s lips happened to graze his, it felt different – each kiss was always backed with a different emotion as well as a different amount, and because of this, she would never tire of them. She practically whimpered when Christien had teased her by falsely leaning in then taking a step back, the look in his eyes driving her incredibly insane; but she had to keep it together, because if she missed an opportunity to torment him back, to return the favor, she’d never forgive herself. Her eyes were glued to the way his fingers undid the buttons with ease and how his shirt seemed to glide down his shoulders effortlessly as it slid to the floor. Elaina was thankful that Christien pulled her into another kiss before she had to practically pounce on him herself and though she wanted nothing but to be consumed by him, she kept that particular kiss short and sweet so she could pull away and speak. “Oh hush, Christen.” She took a moment between sentences and breaths to nibble and lick a bit at his neck – remembering certain spots to focus on that would hopefully make him just as insane as she felt. Lips still at his skin she continued, “I will never want anyone else, or ever think you are not good enough. You’re much too good for me, but I’ve come to terms with this and have decided that because of that, I’ll try extra hard to keep you with me.”


That was I think the most seducing thing I’ve ever read…’He started unbuttoning his shirt all the way and shrugged it off his shoulders and to the floor’ as well as ‘beckoning to her with just the look in his eyes’! xD

Why don’t you take English anymore? I have to take English forever…even when I go to college and decide on a major.

Oh my gosh! That’s so awesome! You aced it?! Dayummm! Girl, you should be proud! I’m sure since your friend was next to you, they thought y’all ‘collaborated’ or something, haha.

There so aren’t as many rules to English as French! But, I suppose I really can’t complain because we aren’t even learning the slang of it all. And definitely, I’ll be asking you for homework help! xD


Audrina had spied Caden’s rather adoring glances as they transitioned from the ice rink to his apartment, and each time she’d noticed, a few butterflies would take off all over again in her stomach. It was a good feeling though – a mix between nerves with pure joy. The only reason she had felt such nervousness was due to the fact that she enjoyed spending time with Caden so much that the mere thought of her ruining that made her anxious. The entire time that Caden experienced – as it seemed to Audrina – chose ingredients from Fortnum and Mason; she was inspecting everything possible in the store, which was a lot. Someone could get lost in there. When they eventually arrived at his flat, she was again in awe at how beautifully laid out it was – and he didn’t even have to use any sort of designer to think of it for him. “No, not much of a chef at all. I’ve tried though! Really I have. I suppose I got the modeling gene but the cooking one skipped over me. If it’s even possible, I think I have negative cooking talents.” She studied him while he cooked, noting aneurisms he had while he made the sauce, which was exceedingly delicious she discovered. “This is amazing! Nothing like any of my take-out dinners! I’m definitely going to have to steal you away and keep you as my personal chef forever.”


I can't have a relationship like Elaina or Audrina why? Haha

It's pretty quick to do, actually. You literally click a few buttons at the bottom of the screen :)

Ah, true, of course. I feel your pain, share your problems completely and utterly.

Yeah, it's a recently introduced thing. But I don't really think moving this there is that necessary since it's unlikely that other people are going to join, and its aim is to make sure that only more experienced RPers take part in them.


"You needn't try too hard at all," Christien replied between taking breaths and sighs as her lips grazed sensitive spots on his neck again and again. "I'll always need you. Don't forget it." Although he didn't show it as much as she did- probably due to his ability to better handle alcohol than her-, she was driving him just as crazy for her as she was for him, and he could barely keep himself from just kissing her, again and again. The next thing, he was reaching behind her to find her zip, in order to take off her dress with surprising swiftness considering the action felt almost completely subconscious to him. His mind was just focussed on her; how much he loved her, how he wanted to always be enough for her, how much she meant to him- more than she would ever know. He often thought about what life would be like when she had to go home, but now instead he thought about how it wouldn't change anything about what he felt for her. They would get through it. But, for now, of course, he just wanted her to be with him and nothing else.


Haha, well, I suppose that's.. Good? After all, he is supposed to be seducing her (;

Because I'm only taking five subjects in school now. Music, History, Art, French and General Studies. That's how A Levels work.

I sure am proud! I was so pleased when my teacher told me. I mean, I already knew my grade from results day but that was the icing on the cake. Ah, I'm really lucky. This year my French teacher is actually hilarious and he's down with all the colloquial French language so we're actually learning to talk like real French people instead of sounding like we've got poles stuck up our a'sses.


"I'll be your chef for as long as you please, darling." Caden took the sauce off the heat so that it didn't spoil while he continued with the rest of the food. While he had a few moments to spare as the meal simmered, he turned to her and listened to her talk about her lack of cooking know-how. He pulled her to him and said, "Well, you know, disappointed as I am to meet a French person who can't really cook, I'm very happy to live with you and your modelling gene instead. Call me a typical man, but you're too stunning to have any other way." He chuckled and gave her a quick kiss before turning them both around so he was behind her and she was in front of the stove. Sort of like moving a puppet, he took hold of her hands and got her to just follow where he took her to carry on making the food. "See? You're cooking. Simple." Fairly soon afterwards, it was ready, the smell filling the entire flat. He served it up onto a couple of plates, topped up both of their glasses of wine and set it all down on his small but functional dining table.


I knowwwwwww )':

You figured it out?! You are a genius and much less lazy than I am!

Ugh, I can’t even complain enough about how depressed other people’s relationships and my lack there of makes me.

If anyone joined this now, I’d feel very awkward! Haha, and ah, well that’s good though? So that people with little writing experience (aka who write like “she rapped herself in a blanket and layd on the floor”) can sort of be excluded, as mean as that sounds, for certain RP’s.


“I won’t forget it.” It was barely above a whisper, just audible enough for Christien to hear when Elaina mumbled – her lips against his skin. She hadn’t even noticed that she was now dress-less, much more due to the fact that she was completely enthralled with Christien and nothing else compared to the waning effects of the alcohol in her system. One hand was tracing mindless patterns across his abdomen and chest while the other one was frantically trying to un-hook his belt. She huffed and eventually accepted the fact that she was going to have to look at what her fingers were doing if she had any hope of undoing it; something she simply had proved not to be very good at in past sessions. Finally, she was successful and tugged at his pants; sliding them down for him and pushing him back a bit with her body so he’d have to step out of them. The worry of how life would be without him back in America plagued her mind several times, as it did Christien’s, but she knew that they could work it out. They loved each other too much to allow something silly like distance to break apart their relationship. Being stranded on that island brought them too close for nearly anything to ruin that.


Haha, oh yes, it was good! I just had a little laugh about it to myself and tried to imagine that gorgeous hunk of a man from H&M staring at me like that! –swoon

Ah, I wish I only had five classes, and those sound fun! It’s a good combination. That’s so awesome! You should have thrown a party! Haha so true about the poles, though! On all of our recordings they sound either wasted or extremely snobby. My French teacher is sort of whimsical and sounds like she’s high all the time; but nice though.


“I’m going to definitely take you up on that offer then, dear, now I can’t say no.” Audrina imagined having Caden live with her and awaking to perfectly cooked meals every morning as well as his gorgeous face – not that it would work exactly like that, but that is what she evidently pictured. She concentrated extremely hard as Caden acted as her puppeteer, hoping that somehow – although she was doing absolutely none of the cooking herself – she would pick up at least a tad bit of skill. “I think I’d happily trade my modeling gene for a cooking one any day! If I was locked into a room with nothing but a few cooking ingredients, my modeling gene would do nothing to help.” Audrina had to control herself and mind her manners when they sat down to eat the delicious smelling and looking dinner that he’d prepared. It was a long, long time since she’d had anything of the sort and just the thought of one piece touching her tongue was enough to make her mouth water. “This looks…absolutely delicious! Thank you so much for cooking. I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”


UGH! This is sooooo tormenting! I can only dream of this kind of relationship.

Random, but I discovered the song “9 Crimes” by Damien Rice last night and it is so sad! But I’ve listened to it about 10 times now…it’s adorably sorrowful.

Only the email thing, unfortunately. I still haven't managed to save it all down as yet. But I'll keep trying.

I know. One day. Maybe one day soon. I'm making more close guy friends now so, you never know. But, of course, that's unlikely..!

Definitely. I don't think anyone would. It'd be weird. Although, you always get one or two who try and then you're just like, "Well, we're kind of into something right now." Especially with this one, 'cause the plane crash has been and gone for like a year now xD


Christien somehow made a mental note that perhaps he should try to avoid wearing belts- he thought it was quite funny, actually, but Elaina clearly found it a little bit frustrating. Still, in the grand scheme of things, despite already having lost count of how many times they'd been intimate like this recently, they were both fairly new to it, right? As she pushed him backwards he felt fabric- which he assumed was of the bedsheets- against the back of his legs and so he thought it made sense just to carry on undressing her. They were almost there now, that only made every second draw out even longer than the previous one. Once her underwear had suitably disappeared into somewhere unknown about the room, he lowered himself down from where he was, pulling her to him closer with every moment until all the air between them must surely have been dispelled, kissing her all the while.


-I suggest we end it fairly soon? xD -

I absolutely love looking at my timetable and just seeing those subjects plus free periods. School right now is so good <3 Haha, yeah, those tapes are always terrible. Such weird accents. We have assistants from France and even they think the people on there talk weirdly. What are you learning right now, out of interest?


Adding the final touch, having found a box of matches, of a candle at the side of the table, Caden then tried some of the food, and it was to his considerable satisfaction, even if he did say so himself. "No need to make it up to me. In actual fact I feel like this is how I'm repaying you for taking me out on such a wonderful date today. It was unique, and I loved it," he replied with a smile. He shook his head vigorously. "Don't trade your modelling gene. I'll teach you to make something simple like bread or an omelette and you'll be set should you come to such an unfortunate position." He took a sip of his wine and gazed at her for a moment, still frequently taken aback by how somebody could be so completely beautiful in person, and therefore without the aid of an airbrush or a computer to take away any flaws. "I feel like your modelling gene would be far too strong to trade so easily, anyway," he added. "Speaking of which, since your trip here is obviously above all else to get some work here, how have all your..- interviews, is that what you call them? - gone?"



Damien Rice does write sad songs, doesn't he? I haven't heard that one in particular but I do know some of his music. I'll have to check it out soon. Right now I'm getting so excited for Orianthi's new EP coming out next week. It sounds AMAZING <3

If you manage, I will owe you the world! <3 I just wouldn’t want to lose this, haha, I re-read some of the ‘intimacy’ parts to see how I wrote it and ended up laughing.

I hope you do! Because then I can live vicariously through you!

Haha, has it been that long? I have no idea how long they spent on the island – I’m going to infer a few months – and then they’ve been in France for…a month? A few weeks? Who knows.


I’m just going ahead and adding the skip now, if that’s alright. Partly because I don’t think my writing skills in this area can trump what you just wrote (;.


Every tidbit of alcohol was thoroughly evacuated from her system now, all of her senses very much alive and tingling. Her body was still pressed against Christien’s, her head half on the pillow and half cradled by the crook of his arm; the heat between them extreme but comforting. Instead of conjuring up something adoring to say, she simply murmured what popped up in her mind first – “I hate belts.” Her fingers were tracing patterns on his abdomen as they were before, but this time sleepier and less backed by some sort of need. “I honestly don’t understand why I can’t master the darn things. You seem to have such ease with my crazy intricate dress zippers and I can’t even undo a simple belt loop.”


I wish I had free periods! School is okay for me, I have only 1 college class this year but my classes are harder in general. My 9-week exams are next week, ugh. I have like 5 on Tuesday although there’s only supposed to be 3 because my teachers want to kill me.

We just finished our doctor’s office and such unit and now we’re moving on to office things (like l’ordinateur, clique sur ses messages, etc) and telephone booths, although my teacher even said that part’s pointless since we all have cell-phones. So far we’ve only done three units, including the one we’re on now: the movies, theatre, and museums, the doctor’s office, and now this work nonsense.


“I can make cereal and toast, if that helps your cause at all.” Audrina seemed genuinely proud of herself for such trivial tasks but only due to the fact that she’d tried making something else simple – oatmeal in fact – and ended up ruining the microwave. Any victory regarding the subject of cooking was a large one to her. “Well, I’m glad you liked the date.” She told him, pausing only to take a sip of the wine he’d poured for her – which was as delicious as the rest of the meal, she had to say. “I was seriously afraid that you’d have some horrible skating phobia or something along those lines.” She had to laugh at herself now, although at the time it was a severe concern. “Yes, I suppose interviews would be the right term. And I’m not really sure honestly. The agencies have a certain way about them that doesn’t portray what they’re thinking…ever. I could have charmed their pants off on the inside, but outside they’d just be sitting there looking as bored as ever. I really hope I did well though; and basing off past experiences, I should have done well. Even if I totally flubbed the interview, I would hope that the agencies would see how many others back my career and make their decision off that. It’s all very boring, really.”


I haven’t heard his other songs! I’ll have to look them up – because I’m feeling rather depressed lately and sad songs are perfect for those sorts of things. Oh, I didn’t even know she was releasing an EP! Now I’m excited!!

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