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Christien smiled again-- it was slight, but genuine all the same-- and shook her hand very gently. "And it's nice to meet you, too," he replied, "though I think maybe it's not under the best.. Circumstances..?" He looked at her as if to say, 'was that the right word?'. "I'm sorry, I'm still learning English, and I'm a bit.. tired and.. dizzy, so it's probably not too good," he chuckled nervously.

Elaina let out a light, heart-felt laugh, running her good hand through her golden mess of hair when they'd finished shaking hands. "Yes, certainly not great circumstances in the least." Wobbling a tad bit, she took an uneasy step away from the wreckage, more towards Christien, for safety. "And no, your English is great, actually. I wish I had your accent." Glancing around him, she gestured back toward the island, "Should we move away from this mess?"

Christien chuckled again, only it was more in amusement this time than his nervous laugh of before. "I don't know many people who like my accent when I speak English. That's interesting," he said, his smile widening. He followed her gaze and looked towards the island and said, "I think that's a good idea. Are you okay to walk?"

Elaina's bright hazel eyes widened with curiousity, "Really? I happen to like it a lot! Accents are so cool, no matter what type." With a sheepish smile, she switched topic; "I may need a little help." She shrugged and hesitated, asking whether it was okay for her to lean on him.

"Well, then I'm glad that you like it," Christien replied. When she changed topic, so did he. He stepped closer to her, and offered her his arm to lean on, before they started walking. "I must be very lucky. I didn't die, and I'm not too badly hurt like you are. You are just lucky, and I am very lucky." He stepped slowly across the sand with her.

Elaina swept her gaze over him, just now realizing that Christien wasn't hurt as she was. "Oh, yes." A look of sorrow twisted her pretty features, "I wonder how many died." She limped in sync with his slow walking, thinking just how lucky they both actually were, like he'd said.

Christien nodded solemnly at the thought of all of the people who had lost their lives in this horrific accident. "I don't know.. Normally, the news would tell you, but there are no cameras or reporters here.. It's strange, like nobody lives here or something," he said thoughtfully. "But I do know I haven't seen many people whp are alive." It was a frightening thought, and he was more grateful than anyone could possibly imagine that he had gotten out alive, let alone suffering few major injuries. Behind a few sand dunes, the wreckage was no longer visible, though it was impossible not to see the smoke still rising from the site. He stopped walking there, seeming to think it was far enough, walking definitepy hurt.

James tottered down the beach with half-hearted steps, clenching the coconut that had almost killed him with laughter. In fact, James even had enough mental capability to craft a straw from a strong reed and was drinking. It was more for the sake of embracing hilarity head on, rather than being thirsty. But nonetheless, he was drinking a coconut. That'd make all the typical people dreaming of winning the lottery and visiting a secluded island to drink from a coconut through a bendy straw cringe. "Oh, wait..." He paused, cocking his head to one side. He bent the upper half of the reed straw forward. "There." Now they would cringe.

Elaina noticed his sudden stop in motion and carefully slunk to the ground, searching for a propper sitting position that didn't hurt too much. "So, you're from France, yes?? She asked, a sudden gleam lightening the gold in her eyes.

Christien slowly and stiffly lowered himself to sit on the sand next to Elaina. "Yes, from Paris, too, ironically. So I won a trip to go home, really. I think it was a sign," he chuckled, though it was only half-heartedly, because the truth in his words only showed the sadness of the incident. Still, he didn't want to dwell on it too much. "Have you been before? It's a very beautiful city."

Elaina's expression dulled into a blank slate, "No. I wasn't allowed to leave home until this trip." She shrugged then winced at the sudden throbbing pain. "Protective Mom. I would love to go though." She gently leaned on him, hoping he would think it was because of the pain rather than...other things.

Christien nodded. "I see," he replied thoughtfully. His parents had always been fairly lenient-- after all, he wouldn't have been in the US to begin with had they not been--, as far as he was concerned, so long as he tried hard while he was going to school. "Well, I'm sorry we didn't get there, for your sake. I have already seen it, so in a way, here is better." He was quite happy to let her lean on him; he knew it was for support to keep the pain numbed.

"Where exactly is here?" Elaina wondered outloud, her eyes fluttering over the palm-tree dotted horizon, frowning slightly. "Are we the only ones who made it?" Her voice was low, barely a whisper as fear set into her, struggling not to have one of her panic-attacks.

Christien thought back to when he'd woken up, attempting to recall if he'd seen anyone else around. He'd been dizzy, sensless at the time so he didn't.. Wait! No, there was that guy, drinking from a coconut, who he remembered seeing on the plane due to his strange fashion sense. "No, there's at least one other person alive. Maybe more, but I definitely saw someone," he said, trying to be reassuring, since he could see she was somewhat discomforted by the idea of being alone.

"Oh, ok." Elaina muttured, slowing her breaths that had quickened pace from panic. "If we are, two of three alive, you won't, uh, leave me, right?" Turning her head, she looked at him and waited for his answer. Immediatly, she felt bad putting the pressure of her burden on him, but, he could easily say no and leave her in the sand.

"Now, why would I want to just leave you here to find your own way?" Christien said, a rhetorical question, no doubt. "If there are three of us alive, where else am I going to go? Besides, I see you as a friend," he smiled at her, "and someone's got to make sure your arm's okay, and things like that."

Elaina let a releaved smile tug upward at her lips. "Okay, thanks. Normally I'm very indepenedent," she said, "but here is a whole different story." She hesitated before leaning on him a bit more, shifting her weight in the sand.

I'll be back later, I have to go get dinner :)

"Well, then, when you're feeling more independent you can tell me when to go," Christien joked, chuckling. "And I will be here until then.. Kind of like a faithful dog." He smiled and looked out to sea.

Alrightie lol

Elaina nodded, smiling a bit. "I've always wanted a dog." Her smirk faded into a fine line as she laid on her side and closed her eyes. "I'm just gonna-yawn-nap."

Well, never mind, I'm finished now xD

"Okay. Enjoy," Christien told her, smiling slightly. A few moments after she yawned, he found himself doing the same-- well, it was contagious after all. He was tired, though, so he shifted and laid on his back, just to relax, though he didn't expect himself to fall asleep as he did so.

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