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Oh, my bad. Lol

-Time Skip- (I suppose lol)

Elaina blinked furiously, trying to adjust to the powerful sun-rays gleaming into her eyes as soon as she woke. "Ugh," she groaned softly as she struggled to a sitting-up-position, wincing as her wrist grazed the ground. "Christien?" She whispered, turning her head to see if he was still asleep.

Haha, that's alright.

So, I've been wondering for ages-- where did you disappear to?

Christien, having been lying on his side facing away from her by this time, rolled onto his back and sat up, already awake. He had simply just been thinking to himself for what must have been aboit fifteen minutes. Morning..? Afternoon..? I don't know," he laughed. "Hi," he said, deciding that was the best greeting for now. "How are you feeling?"

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Elaina rolled her shoulder back and forth, trying to get blood pumping into her stiff joints once more. "Just dandy," She replied, "A little sun-burned, though!" She squinted at him, trying to focus through the bright sun-light to see better, "How'd you sleep?"

Haha, I made it sound like you moved somewhere or something, which wasn't it, but anyway,

Well, it was when Wicked Lovely was still going. And then you didn't come on for about three months. I think xD

"Dandy.." Christien repeated quietly to himself. He could tell what she meant by her tone of voice, but the new word amused him. "Oh, I slept fine, thank you." At her mention of sunburn, he checked himself, a little worried that his lack of shirt would have caused a problem. But, apparently, he was already tanned enough that he didn't burn easily.

Oh, right! Well we'd moved-actually you were right, lol-and I just kinda forgot about it. I felt so bad! But now I'm back, I think. Lol and I totally remember Wicked Lovely.

Elaina's eyes also moved to look at his chest as his did. Sheepishly, she looked away towards the palm-trees swaying in the slight breeze a little ways away. "Do you, think, possible, you could get me a coconut? I can't really do it myself. And my stomach won't shut-up." As if on que, her stomach let out an obnoxious growling sound.

Ah, so you did disappear somewhere else after all. xD

Well, it's good to have you back, anyway :)

"Of course," Christien replied, getting up and dusting the sand off of his jeans. Walking hurt a little less today, he noted as he headed to one of the palm trees, one that was bent over to one side enough for him to reach two coconuts. He broke the shells on the trunks and then headed back again, handing the half with the milk in to Elaina and setting to other half beside her for when she wanted it, and then did the same for himself.

Thanks, thanks. Lol :)

Elaina threw a grateful smile his way before greedily slurping up all of the coconut milk. She suddenly scrunched her nose and furrowed her brow, placing the empty shell beside her leg. "Shouldn't have downed it all at once." She said, explaining. A mischevious expression suddenly lightened her expression, "Want to go exploring?"

You're welcome.

Christien, on the other hand, sipped his at what he thought was still quite a quick pace, until compared to how fast Elaina had finished hers. He looked around and smiled a bit more crookedly, somewhat like an overgrown schoolboy. "That sounds like a great idea," he replied.

"Yay!" Elaina exclaimed giddily, getting up quickly but making sure to be carful with her arm. "Let's do this!" The first independent step forward she realized that no, in reality, she could not do this. Or, at least, not on her own. Walking was still difficult, as her ankle, though not as badly injured as her wrist, was extremely painful.

James gave he sun a hateful stare, reminding himself that he disliked prolonged exposure to heat. And that he had sand in his ear. Hoisting up his makeshift umbrella, he gave a mocking smile as he was engulfed in the shade. It was quite wonderful what an odd lilypad-like leaf and a strong blunt staff could do. He scanned the beach around him once, pausing as he noticed the wind pass over the ridges in his umrella and make a soothing chime. "Hm. Thats... Relaxing."

Christien chuckled, and gently took hold of her good arm to steady her. Of all things, sand was not the easiest surface to walk on, even without being injured. "We'll do this slowly, I think," he chuckled, leading her in whichever way his spontenaiety decided to take him.

Aww, I think Wicked Lovely's deleted. I just looked for it. -.-

"Alright, to the...north?" Elaina shrugged, obviously not knowing where in the world north actually was, but she picked a direction, toward the center of the island, and dubbed it north. "So, do you have a girlfriend?" She wasn't exactly meaning anything by this question, she was just curious and it seemed like a good silence-filler.

Yeah, I check a couple of weeks ago. I think they're deleting RPs as soon as they're over 3 months old now ):

Christien turned towards where Elaina had pointed and started off in that direction. He was curious to see what else was to this island, refusing to believe that it was uninhabited just yet. At her question, he said, "No, I don't. Things got a little complicated with my last girlfriend, so I took a break to visit some family in America afterwards. And I haven't had the chance to meet anyone else since. How about you? Got a boyfriend?"

Aww, it was there when I went checked the site but didn't post anything, like four months. That sucks!

Elaina shook her head, keeping her eyes trained ahead rather than glancing at him, which she wanted to. "Nope, I had options though. Just, at the time, I wanted to wait for the perfect guy. Now, I kind of regret it, I mean, if we don't get off of this island, I would have wasted my time." She suddenly stepped wrong with her good foot and was sent stumbling forward, groping onto Christien's arm for support. "Oops."

Yeah, it's kind of annoying. I mean, there are some I've been in for years that just got deleted and it's annoying, and kind of strange that they're doing it all of a sudden.

"I understand, you know. I broke up with my last girlfriend because I knew she just wasn't what I was looking for. She wouldn't accept it, but the fact that she did things to try and get me back for it just proved that she wasn't.. How do you say it.. 'The one', I think," Christien said. He chuckled, "I don't know, I mean, there might be other guys around.. And you never know, you and the gut in the clown suit might get on well." He didn't mention the fact that it was quite possible for them to end up liking each other, despite the truth behind that. He pulled her up when she tripped, chuckling, "You okay?"

Grr, I liked reading the old posts. I wonder why they're doing it.

"Yeah, just sandy and worn-out," She cracked a tired smile, "but that's nothing! I've sky-dived in terrible weather, I can handle a few stiff muscles." She laughed, running her hand through her golden side-bangs, a comforting habbit she gained from her child-hood. "Oh, yes" she added when regaining her balance, "clown suits just make me swoon!" She giggled and wrapped her arm through his, for support, of course-or, well, that's what she was telling herself. She had deffinatly noticed his lack of saying how they could eventually like eachother more than stranded-island-buddies, but she didn't risk adding it.

I know, I used to do that all the time xD

Well, I'm off to bed. Night!

"You've skydived? That's very cool. I don't really have anything that could match that so.. You win I guess," Christien smiled. He didn't mind the idea of thinking about Elaina and himself being more than friends, he thought she was very nice and very pretty, but he feared that even a mention of that could make her uncomfortable.

Haha it's evening here still but anyway, Night!

Elaina nodded, smiling, then studied Christien, picturing them as a couple. She liked what she imagined. He really was handsome and sweet and had helped her when they had just been mere strangers. With some pondering, she decided to be gutsy. "We, you know, could end up a couple too."

Christien smiled and said, "You are quite right, we could. I kind of hope that I have more chance than a guy in a clown suit," he laughed. "When I know you better, it could happen, so long as you like me by that time."

"You totally have more chance than a guy in a clown suit." Elaina laughed along with him then suddenly noticed where they had drifted off too; well within the lush plantation located at the center of an island. "I sure wish we had something to chop down these leaves with." She stated, struggling to limp along and manage not to get smacked in the face by all the plants.

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