1/16/09 - 3:45pm


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Man, that must suck. But it's not like you did it on purpose, and I'm sure your dad will forgive you. :]
He already has. He said it wasn't my fault (even though it was) and he's not even mad at me.

He already has. He said it wasn't my fault (even though it was) and he's not even mad at me.

Is it your first time driving? -shot- Sorry if that came out wrong. D:

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Wow, that's pretty bad. Sound like me in three years time! XD

On the bright side, nobody got hurt, and it's a great story to tell people! Just laugh at yourself and your mistakes. That's what I'd do, after the initial shock of destroying part of my house.

(Just realised that the last part of this wasn't very comforting. Sorry! <33)

Is it your first time driving? -shot- Sorry if that came out wrong. D:
No it's not my first time :/

But my dad's foot was over there and he slammed on the breaks and stupid me should have not touched anything, but I freaked out and slammed on the gas pedal :[

Sound like me next year when I get my learner's permit... now I'm scared to drive!

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