1 million stupid things to do at Mc.donalds


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184. Go up to the desk and order fries and a milkshake. Then when they give it to you eat a fry and say "Thank you! It tastes so good!" and drink some of the milkshake, spit it out in their face, throw the fries everywere, and scream "EEEWWW!!! YOU CALL THIS A MILKSHAKE!!!??? I WANT MY MONEY BACK NOW!!!!!!!!" then run out crying.

185 Order a Burger with no pickles, then take a family memebers pickles and put them on your burger (sneakily) then go back up to the counter and demand to see a manger about the cooks issues with making burgers w/out pickles!


Act like a mentally deranged person. Spill soda on your pants and pretend that you wet your pants. Go to the middle of the restaurant and scream really loudly, "YAY I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO PEE MY PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYONE WANT ME TO TEACH YOU HOW TO PEE YOUR PANTS??????????? YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Act like a mentally deranged person. Spill soda on your pants and pretend that you wet your pants. Go to the middle of the restaurant and scream really loudly, "YAY I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO PEE MY PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYONE WANT ME TO TEACH YOU HOW TO PEE YOUR PANTS??????????? YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lmao XDDD I can't stop laughing XDDD

187. Bring a rooster into the resaraunt, and when he starts attacking people, turn into Super-Kyo and fight him with a lightsaber, then have a dance-off with the rooster. BTW, name the rooster Garu.


Go to the counter. Pretend that you're 18 (or try xD). Ask for an application form to work at McDonalds, and if they say yes, scream really loudly, "WHEN DID I EVER SAY I WANTED TO WORK HERE?!?!?! MCDONALDS IS FOR RETARDS!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH, EVERYONE IN THE ROOM, I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!!!!!! I'M LEAVING AND GOING TO BURGER KING!!!!!!!!!!!!" But don't leave. Keep going on and on about how much you hate McDonalds and how everyone in the room is a retard until an employee kicks you out. xDD


Get a pack of kectup, and pound it till it squrts on someone you dont no, abd thin throw fries at them!!!

191. Order a Happy Meal then when they give it to you, hide the toy, act like a little kid and yell "YOU CALL THIS A HAPPY MEAL?! THERE'S NO TOY!!!!!! I WANT MY TOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

192. go to the bench where theres a statue or something of mcdonalds and sit beside it... then pretend that your talking the so inside and say "hey... mcdonalds said if he can have a cheeseburger???"

193 Order a large fry. When it comes, say "That looks a little big, i don't know if I can eat all that. Can i have a small?" then when that comes, eat it then go to the counter and say "I ordered a small fry, but it wasn't enough , so can I have more?"

- My dad told me to put this XD


197. If you have a little sister, spill soda on her and say "Look everyone! My little sister had an accident!"

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Dress up like Hannah Montana, and go into a McDonald's restaurant. Stand on a table and shout, "HEY EVERYONE!!!!!! I AM HANNAH MONTANA!!!!!! HEAR ME SING!!!!!!!!" And then pretend to sing really off-key and at the top of your lungs, singing Nobody's Perfect or something.

I'm not making fun of Hannah Montana or Miley. xD I just thought that this might be something stupid to do. xD (Like anyone's going to believe that you really are Hannah Montana xD)

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Go into McDonalds dressed as a Mametchi. Say "TAMAGOTCHI FANS OVER HERE! I AM MAMETCHI, I REPEAT, I AM MAMETCHI!" When all the Tamafans come over to you, do naughty things that make them hate you.

I'm not insulting Mametchi or Tamagotchis! I just thought it would be a stupid thing to do!

Walk into the McDonalds Take the bathroom signs and switch them! Lol!


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