100 weird places for you tamagotchi to evolve!


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25. When you're about to tab it and then it evolves into something really adorable that makes you not want to tab it.(true story)

26 When your mom is telling you to not always carry it around and turn the sound off because it is the most annoying toy on earth and she doesn't see why you saved up your money for this piece of junk.(another true story)

27. While your friend is caring for it.

28. When it runs out of battery.

29. When your somewhere far, far away and you left it unpaused. (This has happened to 3/4 of Tamatalk members.)

30. While your Mum is looking at it.

31. With your friends are over.

32. During a test in school.

33. While caring for your real pet.

34. In the toilet. (As in, dropping it into the toilet just before it starts evolving. Is this possible?)

35. Over the school assembly microphone.

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37. When your washing your hands and can't touch it.

(It's 37. One of the things were repeated.)

40: When your friend decided to tell you they feel left out - halfway in their 'speech' you hear a beep and look down and scream in happiness or sadness and you start to play with your tama-baby and totally forget about your friend.

- My brother was telling me that we haven't played the wii or hide and seek for a while. My brother ripped my baby out of my hand and was pointing and yelling at it when it beeped back. He screamed and dropped my baby... He's 10 O.0 -

41. When you are talking to your friend about srs bznz

42. During a solo in a school play (I hate to admit it, but true story)

43. When you walk into your room when it's dark and it scares you to death XD

44. During an awkward moment with your guy friend.

45. When you're at a department store make-up counter and the cashiers are putting on makeup for you to sample lol :)

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46: When you are about to make an important speech...

(And if you were making it world-wide.... like say the president... hahaha... Right)

(Or if you were a news anchor about to talk and beep...... on air! Live! and they are looking down at it while its recording... Live.

When you're.....

47. singing in the showe (has this been done yet?)

48. concentrating really hard on something and it begins transforming

49. When you're really, really tired and have JUST managed to drop off and sleep and the beeping wakes you up

50. When you are about to scream. No noise comes out of your mouth but a beeping noises comes from your pocket

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51. when your mom is angry at you for caring for it 24/7 and when she's done it beeeeeeep beeep beeeeeeps and your mom thinks it's talking back XDDDDDDDD (true story)


At 4:10am(cause the time is wrong) when you have to wake up at 6:00am the next day (true story my iD evolved into a furwatchi at 4 am and I couldn't fall back asleep D:)

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