100 weird things to do in wal mart


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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2007
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im going to wal mart today and i love doing weird stuff :eek: :nazotchi: :ph34r:

jump into a door

(my science teacher did that when he was younger it was an empty pane at first then the next day they put the door in but he never noticed until BANG!)

go to the toddlers toys aisle, then start playing with some of the kids toys and say, "Barbie (or elmo or whatever is the best!" and just tell random people that.

A few days ago when I went to Wal-Mart, I saw a few girls trying bras on over their clothes in the clothing department. In front of guys, too. It was really weird.

I'm surprised I even had the guts to do this, but a few times when I went to Wal-Mart, I stole some random person's cart and filled it with a bunch of weird stuff (like toys and clothes that weren't for their gender), and then I would put it back. That was super fun.

Grab a blanket and a pillow and walk around the store and say 'Nighty night!' to everyone.

(My freind thought of that)

Just act like you have no idea what's going on around you and ask people random things like "Do you like cheese?" or "Do you think farts smell bad?" Be creative.

I got two-

1. Poke everyone in sight, and then hide in a clothing rack.

2. Pull the fire alarm.

A few days ago when I went to Wal-Mart, I saw a few girls trying bras on over their clothes in the clothing department. In front of guys, too. It was really weird.
I'm surprised I even had the guts to do this, but a few times when I went to Wal-Mart, I stole some random person's cart and filled it with a bunch of weird stuff (like toys and clothes that weren't for their gender), and then I would put it back. That was super fun.
That's also a bad idea.

Put lingerie in the men's department.

Put on a black coat, sunglasses, and a black hat and stand near the doors, get a toy child's cellphone, act suspicious and say stuff like "Ok, [codename], coast is clear, [verb] through and [verb] over a cart. Look, a [adjective] person is passing." That'll freak 'em out.

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walk around with listerene or any mouthwash and go "I LOVE MOUTHWASH!!! ESPCIALY WHEN I DRINK IT AND GET A RASH!!!!!"

1.Take a girly girl thing (such as bra or underwear) and put it in the mens section.

2.Take a man's piece and you know the rest.

omg!!!!! i love these lists!!!

anyway...*i've never done this but* get a blanket and drape it around your neck. run around yelling, "i'm batman. come robin, to the batcave."

then u can say other random things about *or from* superheroes.

like, "up up and away!!!" then flap your arms up and down as if in a desperate attempt to fly.

or like,"i'm (make a stupid superhero name). i like to fight crime." then go up to random ppl and say, "oh my justice(or something like that)! someone's in trouble!!!" then strangle the peron next to the first person you were talking to. then say, "phew! that was a close one! are you okay?"

well the batman one wasn't mine originally. the rest i made up. heheheheheheheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and yes i am very unusual.

Go to the main office/help section. Tell the people that work there that you just wet your pants and are waiting for your parents to come and get you- then go an sit in all the fancy chairs.


I love that one, but it works better if you are younger.

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