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4. Eat Oreos and drink a coke at the same time and laugh really hard. (The results? Hehe... :eek: )

8. scream " IM A GOOFY GOOBERRRR"!!!!

9. Write ELDERBERRIES all over the walls in diffrent colours.

10. dress up as Link and poke people with the sword

13. Pee your pants

14. Sing (really badly)

15.Dance in the bath

16. Run round screaming and if anyone asks if your okay say you've gone crazy


17. scream "WHO FARTED"

18; throw peas at old ladies.

19; draw severed heads all over the walls.

23. jump around

24. try to do the split

25. throw stuff around (may cause to pick it up after)

26. say "YOU SUCK" to everyone


27: Go up to a 90-some year old granny, point at her, scream REALLY loud, and scream "THIS O'L GRAMA HERE IS PIRATIN VIDEOS, HAR! l

28. Film someone going to the bathroom and post it on Youtube.

29. Pretend to eat a worm.

30. REALLY eat a worm.

31 get a broom and use it like hair OLOLOL

32 get a flamethrower...only to light a candle :blink:

33 say i...drink...your...MILKSHAKE!!!!1! one!

34 drink ginger-ale on a big glass and say your drinkin beer!

35 film somebody running onto a wall and upload it on the INTERNETS!

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