1000 NOT to do in a elevator


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52. Make exploding noises every time someone presses a button.

53. Stare at a corner. Other people will notice and look at the same direction as you are.

54. Meow occasionaly. :mimitchi:

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57. Pee on somebody.

58. Poop, and then grabb somebody's hand and smash the poop onto their hand.

59. Scream "Twilight rocks!" at the top of your lungs.

60. Pop some huge balloons over and over again.

61. do a fart sound and then plug your nose, point at somebody beside you, and exclaim "P.U. You have extremly bad gas!!!"

62. When you have a drink from Sonic or anothe fast food resturant, and you are out of it, keep on sucking making that anoying sound.

63. Sing horriblely on purpose.

64. Stare at a clock and whenever a minute passes, scream "It is now officially ****" ****=time.

65. act like a monkey.

66. Act like a dog.

67. Act like a cat.

68. Act like a llama!

69. Act like a tamagotchi!

70. Scream "Tamatalk rules!!!"

71. Shout "Merry Christmas" even if its not Christmas.

72. Stranggle random people while saying "I want a new toy!"

73. Take of your shirt and wave it in the air.

74. Spit on everyone!

75. Vomit one someone and say "I feel much better!"

76. Get drunk and do random stuff.

91. Say "I am a fragment of your imagination".

92. Do #91., and then if anyone has a plate full of food, start stealing food from their plate.

93. take your shoe off a pretend it's a phone.

94. Get on tamatalk using a laptop.

95. Keep on saying "I just wet my pants" in everyone's ear.

96. Pour some warm lemonade on the floor between your legs and scream "I just wet my pants!!"

97. Get a chocoalte bar, heat it up, and then put it on the floor between your legs and scream "Look! It's my pretty pooey poop!!"

98. Act like a baby, wear a diaper, suck on a bottle, and cry saying "I got dirty diaper!!!"

99. Pretend you wet your pants, and ask somebody to change your pants. When they get the confused look on their face, just say "What? I'm a human!!"

100!!!. Scream "I'm afraid of this elevator."

42. Dance, Dance. ;D
-totally off of topic- Fall Out Boy. 8D


101: Randomly start screaming lyrics from random songs.

102: Do what Pete did and dress up in a monkey suit wearing a backback with mini speakers attached to them that you can hook your iPod up to and start blasting music out on it.

103: Start talking about your personal problems. o-o

104: Wear roller skates inside them, unless you wanna fall.

105: Eat/drink.

106: Throw a random item at the "EMERGENCY" alarm button.

107: Take a gun with you. o_o

108: Start singing the Sponge Bob theme.

109: Throw tomatoes at people as they enter the elevator.

110: Start yelling "WOOOOO~" until the elevator stops.


111. Get a stick, stand in the way of anyone who tries to get on, slam the stick on the ground and shout "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!"

112. Sit in the back corner shakeing back and forth and saying something that sounds completly stupid like "t-the monkey, h-he was here...h-he took my cupcake"

113. Attempt to play tag with all who get on, and if they refuse to play with you poke them repetadly saying "WHY HERMAN WHY?!"

114. Wait until someone says a random name then burst into tears and when someone asks you whats wrong say "<insert name here> is my dead gerbal!" Then pull a fake gerbal out of your pocket and say "dosn't he look so cute....

115. Put a sheet over your head and walk around saying "Boo" to all who enter.

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116. Vandalize it by writing "Please marry me *insert your crush's name*!"

117. Fart loud and tell people that it came from outside.

118. Change your clothes.

119. hit someone in the face.


121. eat a live octopus.

122. fart and smoke=BOOM

123. start shooting the ceiling without reason!

124. use your KARATE!!!

125. peE :eek:

126. desroy your tamagotchi ;) (NEVUH DO ITT!!)

127. scream out loud "OMG A GHOST!!"

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