1000 things NOT to do to a tamagotchi


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191: pause it :rolleyes: 192: put it in a glass of water

ps: Pokemew , why shouldnt we bring it to a movie theater?
Well, Its too dark in there so if you drop it may be gone forever.

Oh, sorry I forgot we can only post five at a time. Sorry D=

226: Shoot at it with a gun/water gun

227: Drop it in canned cat/dog food

228: Put it in a coffee maker

229: Put in a clothes dryer

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OK we are on 232 cause I did 226 and 227

232: Throw it at a wall

233: Drop it out of a tree at a tall height.

234: Play catch with it

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236: Use as fishing bate

237: Put it under a rug (it'll probably get stepped on >_<)

238: Leave it out in a thunder storm.

254. Make a tamagotchi and butter sandwich and eat it.

255. Use it as a cricket ball.

256. Using it as your swimming buddy.

257: Hook it to your swimsuit before going swimming

258: Have it while riding a bike (You could crash and it could get smashed >_<)


269: make it emo

270: (if its emo)make it cut it self

271: use it as paper in your printer and print something

272:cross of the word tama with sharpie and write ugly, so it would be uglygotchi

273: smash it with a heavy piano

274: let Charlie the unicorn eat it

275: rip it apart and use the pieces as cereal

276: sell it on eBay for $1,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo

277: murder it

278: hide it in somebody's food so they will eat it

279) Put it on the ground, get in a car, and run over it

280) Scribble all over the screen with permanent marker

281: Put it in a cereal box cause it'll probably get in milk if pored in someones cereal bowl

282: Take it on a vacation and forget it

283: Take it camping and put it too close to the camp fire

284: Throw it in a lake to get a ducks attention


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