1000 things NOT to do to a tamagotchi


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1131: Go skydiving with it

1132: Don't give it a paracute

1133: Run over it.

1134: Throw it out of the car window at 100 mph (whee!)

1135: Roll it in breadcrumbs and bake it at 350*C

1136~Bake it in a muffin.

1137~Drown it in marshmallows.

1138~Drop your best friend on it.

1139~Put it in a ring box and use it to propose.

1140~Recycle it.


1141 Eat it

1142 Give it to a hobo

1143 Make nachos with it

1144 Give it to Georgette!

1145. put a cigarette out on it

1146. swim w/ it around your neck

1147. put it in the paper shredder

1148. use it to wipe yourself instead of using toilet paper

1149. put it in a meat grinder

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1153 : shove it in a cd player

1154: put it in a stove that on

1155 :put it in a freezer

1156:put it in a fish tanks

1157: put the tamaotchi in the sewers

1158. Put it in a blender filled with juicy fruits and then blend it.

1159. Let your younger sibling take care of it.

1160: Put it in a VCR

1161:put it in the toaster like a pop-tart

1162: Smother it in strawberry jam

89. not take care of it

90. throw it in the ocean

91. let it fly around in space

92. burn it in the sun

92. open to see what's inside

93. smash it

94. kill it

95. throw 55 blades at it

96. cut it

97. electricute it with 10000 volts

98. stomp on it

99. keep restarting it

100. throw up on it

(1000 is WAY too much!)

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