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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2005
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I dont want to have to say this, but my tamagotchi is...gay. it's a boy, and its celebtchi. on the character chart, it says celebtchi perfers to be callled mrs. and wants to be a fashion designer. also it has pink hair and eyelashes, but it is a BOY!

;) :angry: :p :p

Interesting comment... I see what you are implying, but ...

I just checked the V4.5 Character chart published by BanDai.

Celebtchi is an Adult Boy and quoting from the BanDai character description: "Celebtchi is always wearing a mask. He thinks of herself as a fashion leader of the Ura Tamagotchi world."

I see no reference to the fact that he likes to be called Mrs. - so I am not sure which character chart you got this from and if it is an alternative BanDai chart (no pun intended :) )

Celebtchi has a pink top knot but the eyelashes are his pink mask.

I notice the description mentions that he thinks of "herself" as a fashion leader... so it's possible that somewhere along the line Celebtchi might have been intended as a female character...

but there's no law against boys liking pink (well, not last time I checked anyway)... :D

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