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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2007
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Have you? I have. Many times. I'd rather not talk about what happened because then I would re-live it and it would make me sad again and I am really happy right now and I'd love to stay that way.


Have you? I have. Many times. I'd rather not talk about what happened because then I would re-live it and it would make me sad again and I am really happy right now and I'd love to stay that way.
I have but I'm not 13+.

My friend told me a guy I liked liked me and I confessed to him about me likeing him and he said "but I don't like like you"

I turned and ran. I cried for hours!

I really like him!

I have but I'm not 13+.
My friend told me a guy I liked liked me and I confessed to him about me likeing him and he said "but I don't like like you"

I turned and ran. I cried for hours!

I really like him!
Aww :huh: I know how you felt. I did the same thing, only I had a friend tell him for me.


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Well, I've been upset because of a boy, but I wouldn't say my 'heart was broken.' I was just sad for a few days, and didn't want to see him ever again. (What happened was he said "Hey, are you going to the dance tomorrow?" And I said "Yeah, probably." Then he started to say something (he was going to ask me to go with him, one of his friends told me later), but I interrupted and said "Don't they have games at those things? Like whack-a-mole? That's what my brother told me." Then he just put a weird look on his face and said "Yeah." And then we didn't talk for the rest of the day. I liked him, and when I found out what had happened I was pretty sad.) But now everything's okay, and we get along well. (I'm not sure if he still likes me, I don't like him anymore though.)

Reading my post just made me laugh a ton. I said some pretty stupid things two years ago, in sixth grade.

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No, I haven't.

I've never put myself/been in a situation like that.

Nope never. I've been with my boyfriend 2 years and 3 months at the end of this month :D . But if we did happen to split up I would be heart broken but hopefully that won't happen B) .

I've had other boyfriends but they weren't anything serious so I don't count them.

It wasn't as much heart broken as just mad at the fact that somebody could be so insensitive.

This guy I used to talk to, he was a jerk when he wanted to. He could push your buttons and then try to be all nice to you so you'd still talk to him. He liked to say rude things about people behind their backs while still pretending to be their friend. I 'liked' him for maybe... 2 weeks tops. xD I'm not even sure if I really liked him because I knew inside of me he was a total butthole.

The last time we ever spoke he called me stupid and told me to 'fudge' off which I most conveniently did. :D

Nope never. Though it's gonna happen to me someday. Though when someone upsets me I don't get sad I get er...angry. :D

No. Actually, I've never had a boyfriend, and don't even have a crush on anyone... :D I had a crush on this kid when I was little, and then in 4th grade I asked him if he even knew my name, and he said "Umm... It starts with a G!". And my name starts with a J. XD Don't worry, I wasn't too crushed. He was a butthole anyway. :D

No, if people dump me then I'm like "get a life, I hate you". And then we're instant friends. I don't know how that works but it does. I've also broken many hearts. :D

I know I'm not 13 or older, but I still have felt heartbreaks. Painful ones...really painful...

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Not thirteen, and no. If I do, then that just means I'm overreacting. The guy I like right now I'm drifting from.. It's annoying at worst.

I'm not over thirteen but yes.... many times... infact I feel heartbroken right now.

No, I haven't. I've never put myself/been in a situation like that.
Your lucky.

I thought I was trying dating once, so I dated this guy I liked, but it hurt alot when he broke up with me :/ now I get why my parents want me to wait til im 16.

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