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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2008
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Ok, today when I went to go get my music star , I got my friend one too, so we both would have one. (she gave me the money for hers and I went and got it for her). But now I want it (hers) >.< I already have one. Do you think i'm being greedy? I mean, I have more money so she gave me 18 $ , I could give her 18$ back an keep the one I bought her o_O (which would mean I never bought her one). What should I do???

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Get the same tamagotchi she is getting. Or switch, give her yours and keep hers.

Wait, did you already give her hers?

If you did, ask her to trade.

Or (as I said above) get the same tamagotchi she got, maybe you can give your back to the store and get the one she has.

I think you should give her it, it's always fun connecting and you two would have a lot to talk about with your new tamas. You can always go and buy another if you so wish, but just think of the let down your friend will feel. She probably is looking forward to the new tama and it wouldn't be very nice to let her down.

Give your friend her tamagotchi. Imagine how let down and disappointed she'd feel.

Connecting with friends' tamagotchis and talking about it and stuff to them is more fun than having 2 of your own, don't you think?

But your friend trusted you with the money to buy her one too. I know I'd be a little upset and annoyed if someone used my money to buy something for themselves which was originally going to be for me, whether they paid me back or not.

And anyway, do you actually need another one?

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