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Leave her.
She doesn't sound like she's worthy of being your friend.
I second this.

She's obviously boy crazy, and takes your friendship the wrong way.

I know that you're more of a sophisticated person, but she just sounds immature. Do you really need that causing you trouble and stress?

Just come up to her when shes with a guy you like and say this, "Hey, Move aside girlfriend!" Then push her aside and start making out with the guy. :] If she then wants to fight then slap her. > :angry: If she calls you something, ignore it and continue.xD

Talk to her, and ask her why she is always stealing your men. (xD) Also, why every guy you like, she ends up liking and ruins it for you. :/

Remind her of all the things she did to you, like stealing your phone, distracting the guys you like with herself, and ruining your love life, every time a good chance comes up.

See what she says, then go with the flow. :]

Depending on what she says of course.xD

Lately she been starting to pi** me off.

ALOT more than usual, anyways.

Yesterday, at break, I asked her,"If I ask _____ out, would you be mad?" She said no, but she seemed upset because she hates it when I get guys, and always ruins everything.

But then she said, "Don`t ask him out this weekend though. Just wait a few weeks. Please." I asked her why and she responded, "Just don`t! Maybe I want to ask him out."

I got mad at that, and told her she only met this guy one time, and didnt start to "like" him until I said I sort of did.

I said that if I was going to ask him out, I would do it whenever I wanted to and it was very selfish of her to be thinking of asking him out when she knows I have a bit of a crush on him.

Later, I was walking with my friend (lets call her A) over to her house, when J (the friend I`ve been talking about), tagged along.

She whispered to me, "You promised last week you`d hang out with me today. I remember. Don`t you remember!? Because you said you would."

I was getting really mad again because I KNOW I had said no such thing. "I really can`t remember, sorry. But I`m going to the mall with A."

J wouldn`t give up. "But you PROMISED. Remember!? In the car? I know you did. So your hanging out with ME, not her."

"No I`m not. I`m hanging out with A."

"NO. YOUR NOT. I`m not letting you!"

I didnt say anything after that, and finally she changed the subject.

When I arrived at A`s house, I told her she`d have to walk the rest of the way home by herself (which was only a 5 minute walk).

She refused.

"No. I`m not. Your walking me home."

"J! I`m not walking you the rest of the way. You can walk by yourself."

"Fine. I`ll wait here until you leave."

"WHAT!? I`m going to be here for a few hours. Then we`re going to the mall."

"I don`t care. I`m waiting."

So not knowing what else to do, me and A went inside. J kept ringing the doorbell, and yelling for me.

Whenever I would come, she`d ask me to wait outside WITH her. I kept telling her I wasn`t going to stand outside.

Then, A decided that if J refused to leave, she`d invite her inside. So, we did.

But J didn`t want to come outside. She just wanted to sit out on the porch.

We went back inside, and A called her uncle and left a message to come pick J up.

A few minutes later, we went back down to the door, and saw J was gone!

We figured someone must have come to get her.

Later on, J texted A saying exactly this, "My mom is really pi**ed at you for not letting me come in or to the mall even after I told you my secret about my aunt."

To this A responded, "What does your aunt have to do with anything? I can`t invite you everywhere I go, J!"

And while me and A were at the mall, she was constantly texting my cellphone and her cellphone, calling, and leaving voice messages.

We eventually had to turn off our phones because it was so annoying.

She`s a creepy stalker.

My geeze, she's weird! That's extremely rude too, I'd suggest getting her blocked on yoru phone, as you have no interest in hanging out with her.

Also, Next time, just go for the guy, she doesn't ask you, does she? And so what, you deserve a guy, after what she did, dang straight she doesn't.

Also, if her mom is so pi**ed about you guys leaving her outside, go to her mother, and explain the situation of her following you home. If she is still mad, tell her that you do not want to interfere with her life anymore, and ask if she can keep her daughter away from you.

Hope all goes well ;)

That sounds like something my friend would do. The stalker thing. You need to keep ignoring her. Eventually, she'll go away. I've had to deal with this.... About four times.

My previous post still applies. It's only to get worse until you batten down and get serious.

You have to tell her that she's being rude and annoying. You shouldn't let her tell you wether you can ask someone out or not.

Your choices are either to tell her how she's acting and not be annoyed by her again, or to keep letting her bug you and be miserable-ish for a while.

It's a hard choice, i know... :mimitchi:

but a person like that who is so frustrating and impossible should be told to change, to me :mametchi:

Don't tell her who you like, and really, she's not your friend. Just say something like "I don't want to be your friend anymore, because you keep stealing my boyfriends." or something. Oh, and if she starts stalking you again, just ignore her, she'll probably lose interest. And delete her off your phone. And if she goes "My mum is pee'd off at you for not letting me in blah blah blah blah!" either ignore her, or say something like "What? You where there?! Since when?"

Ooh, and maybe pretend to like someone, then DON'T tell her who you like anymore. Coz then after a while maybe she'll properly fall in love with him and then she won't want to break up when you get a boyfriend.

And if you have a boyfriend, when she comes, stop making out with him or whatever. xD

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Remember how she made me wait to ask him out ?

And being a good friend, I DID WAIT.


I would swear right now, but I wont.

Maybe she's not a REAL friend. Real friends don't steal potential boyfriends from you. If I were you, I'd just stay away from J. Don't tell her who you like, or who your potential boyfriend is you're flirting with. At the dance, dance away from J. Don't text right in front of her. Hopefully she'll get hooked on one of the boys and stay like that.

._. Wow. She must be trying really hard to annoy you, or she's just insanely messed (either way works). If I were you, I'd get really mad and respond to a text of hers saying that she isn't my friend and that she's being hypocritical. ^^ You need to fight back. Don't tell her about the guys you've got, especially if they're dating now.

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