1st Generation Tama replaced by 2nd Gen


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Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
My tamagotchis (connexion v2) have gotten 2 babytama boys yesterday. I've read the instruction booklet that the parents will disappear 24 hours after the birth of new babies. Mine were born yesterday around 3pm and both parents suddenly diappeared around 12am midnight. Could some one please tell me, do they go away without any notice (in the middle of their sleep)? Or they do and i probably just missed that cos i was watching tv outside my room.... :D :unsure: , it's sad they are gone... :angry:


If you turn the light on just before midnight you will see the adult tama get out of bed and spend a minute looking at their baby. Then they will slowly float up off the top of the screen. It is actually quite a sad thing to watch. If the light is off you will not see it happen though. (Obviously)

You can have the lights off. The lights come on automatily when the ceromony starts.

It might be on V2, since Bandai probably heard that we (the Tama fans) actually want to watch the ceremony. On V1 AND V2, if you're wondering when the parent will stop staring at the baby and actually leave, it usually takes about four minutes.

You can actually see the parent leave on the v1 ;) I was watching my tama and it looked sad.. ;)

Wow i didn't know u could actually watch the parents leave! I thought that they just disappear and theres nothing special about it!. Wow!! I gotta stay up until midnight!

oo, i see. Too bad i missed the ceremony...i'll make sure next time i'll stay up late. Thanks a lot guys :lol: , you guys are really helpful and full of tama knowledge, cool! :unsure: <_<

I haven't watched a V2 leaving ceremony, but on both my V1 Connexions and Connection I watched the ceremonies (if they are particular adults/characters that I'm fond of).

I have found that you don't need to switch on the light at midnight. The adult does that. The light switches back off automatically once the adult has flown off the screen.

Also, if you can't wait up until midnight (or are not allowed / or know that it is crazy because you'll be exhausted tomorrow and its going to be a busy day....etc. etc.), once they go to sleep and you have switched off the lights at their usual bedtime, just change the clock time to 11.59PM and watch the ceremony in comfort at a civilised time.

Then once it is over, the adult has gone, and the light has been switched off again, just re-set the clock to the right time.

Best, etc.


Hmm that's really odd cause I've watched my tama (v1) when it has had the light off and all that has ever happened it that suddenly at midnight the big Z disappears. I've gotta actually turn the light on! :S Ah well.

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