2 Bladder Stones for My Dog


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
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Melbourne, FL
My poor dog Ginny... we took her to a vet on Thursday because she was acting weird. After a phone call, my mom set us down (Me and my siblings) and explained that she had 2 bladder stones that were to large to pass, and that she needs sugery... after a awkward pause, she said that she might not make it. The vet told us that she had a 50% chance of survival with sugery. The vet she was at was very very rude to us so we had to transfer her to a different one today... and the news is much more promising. We plan to have sugery on Wensday to get the bladder stones removed, and the new vet says that she shouldn't have any problems. She's a pembroke welsh corgi... so cute! I'm so glad that she's going to make it. Since this came up very unexpected, we have to cut back on alot of things to help pay for the surgery since we've already spent so much this year on my moms lasic eye surgery (We can no longer go on vacation this summer. :angry: ).


P.S. Here's a picture of Ginny.

That's no fun x.x For your family or Ginny.

I can imagine some of the pain she's in, as I've had kidney stones, but I know the two are probably quite different. It's good that you found a better vet though.

Hope she makes it through well ^.^

Off topic, but your mom had lasik? How did that go for her? I've been thinking of doing it, but don't have enough information from people who have had it before.

i really hope she makes it

u have a really beautiful doggie :(

as u can tell i like dogs (tee hee)

I really hope your dog makes it through the sugery!

your dog's really cute!!

Good luck, Ginny. I hope that your dog's ok. That's never happened to my dogs except one needed leg surgery and on needed to get with bad cuts helped.

Good luck!

Good luck to Ginny with that operation. I hope she gets better in no time.

She must be going through a lot of pain.

Ginny is so lucky to have awesome owners such as you and your mom who are willing to sacrifice their vacation money to help her :D It sucks still, but know that Ginny will live longer because of it and you'll have all the chances next summer to go on a trip :eek:

Good wishes to Ginny, My cat Pretty has had Kidney Stones twice, and it is a harsh and painful experience, I hope she does well in the surgery, and that you guys live long together.

Off topic, but your mom had lasik? How did that go for her? I've been thinking of doing it, but don't have enough information from people who have had it before.
She loves it! She said that she didn't feel anything at all while it was happening. The surgery took about 18 minutes total for both eyes. She now sees 20/15. As she gets older, she may have to use reading glasses. But on the other hand, she may never have to wear glasses ever again!

Thanks all of you for your support! She had her sugery today, and she's really tired and groggy right now. We have to do a special diet for a couple of weeks. We got to keep 1 of the bladder stone... it's about the size of a pea. I may be able to post a picture of it later... it's really weird looking. Thanks again for all the support and encouragment!


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