2 Questions


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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2007
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i donno
I have a Mametchi :blink: on my Music Star and a Memetchi :mimitchi: on my v5(Not a pure family.)

The Memetchi is the youngest in my v5 family.

1.Can the youngest get married or the oldest one has to.

2. If the youngest(Memetchi :eek: )can get married, will it appear as a Nazotchi :D ?

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No, Memetchi is programmed into the v5 so she will not appear as Nazotchi.
actually, i've tried that and still gotten a Nazotchi.

i always keep a Tamagotchi Family Tree, and when i married my V.6 Chantotchi, to my V.5 Kutchipatchi (youngest of three: Mametchi, Chantotchi, Kutchipathchi, and i named them the "SUSHI" family), it still ended up a Nazotchi on my V.6

also, i married the oldest on the "SUSHI" family (Mametchi, to the middle child on my V.5.5 (the "ODBAL" family, Gypsytchi), i sent Gypsytchi over to the "SUSHI" family, and she was a Nazotchi. when Gypsytchi and Mametchi stood next to each other 2 evolve, Mametchi turned into Papamametchi, but Nazotchi evolved into...Nazotchi (lol)

so it depends on the V it is, not if u can get that tama on both Vs.

;) :D :angry: kutchi999 :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Yes, my V6 Memetchi connected to V5s and it appeared as a Nazotchi. Infact, I think ALL characters from V6 appear as a Nazotchi on the V5. o_O

That didn't happen to me. I happily married my v5 Kunoitchi to my v6 Kuromametchi and no Nazotchi ;) whatsoever.

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