2 Years on TamaTalk!


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Well-known member
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
New South Wales Australia.
I have been on TamaTalk for 2 years now!

I dug up the post I made last year on my one-year anniversary :)

I'm trying to post this on exactly May 12, 5:10 pm :3the exact date I joined TamaTalk last year, and made my first post...

When I first came to TamaTalk as a guest, I wanted to join up, because it seemed kinda cool ^.^

I put my username as Ichigotchi (which was taken) then tried Ichigotchi28, but I didnt fully understand the email validation thingy, and I couldnt post.

I lost my patience, and thougt 'TamaTalk is Crap!' >:l

A day Later, I was still fed up trying to find good Tamagotchi Information so I tried registering again. :3

I chose the username Bubba... TakEN! so i chose Bubba28 ^.^This time, my dad helped me with the email validation stuff, so it worked!

my first post was in a Topic called 'Is this Real?'

by a member called x0hannah0x


  I live in aust!  I bought my two tamagotchis from K-mart!----or are u specifically looking for the US version. 


I deliberately tried to use abbreviations back then, because I had been reading magazines where people thought it was cool

A few days later I learnt how to use BBcode, and I was real excited ^.^

In early July I made my very own Invisionfree Forum Called TamaLand ^.^'

I still have it running!

Then In August all of a sudden on TamaTalk, LOADS of people got hacked, and I was really scared that it would happen to me 

Then it all ended, and two members of tamatalk (not naming them)

Pretended they had died

It caused a big issue because everyone beleived them... and I wont post the rest of that

in around october/november a HUGE spammer arrived on TamaTalk, and it was hard for Admin and the guides to control her. she got IP banned, and it was all over =]

Then after a few months, It was new years day and I was bored of my old Bubba28 account

I got a new one called LaraBrox o_0 I was happy with it for a while, untill it got hacked, and then I remembered lots of memories that happened to me with my old account, and i missed it

So... I got it back!

Nothing TOO exciting has Happened since Then

I'm so Glad I found TamaTalk, and Tried to join a second Time ^.^'

Thank you Admin for Making this Site!

EDIT: As for the Time goal, I was ONE MINUTE OFF!

How lucky is That!
I also recently became a Lifetime angelgotchi and I love it!

Sorry if you read all of that and your eyes are burning :)

Ain't Tamatalk just a great place to be?

:) Thanks for being an absolutely great part of it! :)

I'm celebrating my 2nd year anniversary in August.

(But then again, I missed a whole year's worth of Tamatalk Postings due to a poor computer... :( Hate that.)

I will definetely keep you all up to date on that...


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[SIZE=21pt] WOOOHOOO!! *Starts dancing* ^-^ [/SIZE]


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Lol Thanks :)

But my birthday is in February XD

It would be funny if today was my birthday lol

*starts dancing with Anime_Girl*

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well... i'm still on my first year.... well.. nearly the first year....

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