2012 Future


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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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San Francisco Bay Area
Everybody knows what has happened to the world, right? Terrorists, fires, floods, etc. Now a theory is that the world will end. Personally, I DO NOT think God cares about the world. I just don't want to waste my life just for THIS.

[SIZE=7pt]Did you know the world was supposed to end in 1999 ?[/SIZE]

It didnt.

So don't worry, I personally; very strongly believe this wont happen.

Yes, I believe its Mayan calenders that end in 2012? Maybe they didn't want to go any further :D I don't think they had secret powers. They wouldn't know when the world will end. [ :

I don't believe that the world will end in 2012. :D

As a Christian, I have some strong views on this. Firstly, God does care about the world. He wasn't the one who burnt down buildings, did illegal crimes or became a terrorist, WE WERE. As humans, we are sinners. God is God, and God is perfect. Please don't try and fault Him. ^_^

Secondly, it is my belief that Jesus will come down to put an end to the Earth on Judgement Day. Only God knows when that day will be, and no 'Mayan Calendar' will ever be able to tell us until the time comes.

Thirdly, whether the world ended in 2012 or not, it would be God's decision and I have full 100% trust in Him and live to do His will.

Seriously people, leave it to God. He knows best. ;)


... well, don't waste your life then ^_^

Get on, live it and have fun, study hard, make friends, avoid enemies, do good things - actually that advice holds true whether the world ends in 2012 or tomorrow... ;)


please don't turn this into another "Do you believe in God?" thread because we have an existing active topic already in the Seriously Non TamaTalk forum :D

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I don't believe the world is going to end in 2012.

I agree entirely with bratztroxg on this. I believe God will deal with the world, not us.

And besides, the world was predicted to end many time in the past. Personally, I don't think this time will be any different.

I don't believe in that. Uhh, sounds like someone's been watching too many movies. It can't happen. And if a meteor comes or whatever, I doubt we'll even know we're dead. I have more important things to worry about than the world ending.

Besides, with our technology nowadays, I think we can block a meteor from hitting earth.

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towards x.saku: We can't prevent it from hitting the earth, but we can keep ourselves sheltered and protected. But the prob is, after it hit, a bunch of dust and crap would fly everywhere and it would be dark and cold and anything bigger than a cat (possibly excluding people) would die. There would be a serious lack of food, but we'd probably store a bunch, and we're at the very tipity top of the food chain, and can eat any of the animals we come across. So we'd survive, but it would take a loooooooong time to get back to normal again.

As in my very sarcastic post before, the world will most likely not end.

Edit: actually, we might be able to block a meteor. Don't we spend all that money on launching nuecular bombs into space so we could hit a nuecular bomb if it was heading for us? That could possibly work on a meteor. Gee, I wonder where we get the billions of dollars to do that..... maybe, just maybe, it comes out of our tax payers money..... I'm wonderfully sarcastic today.

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I honestly don't know.

Whether you do believe it, or don't, you should still live your life today, and always. Life can end in the time it takes to draw a breath, and you don't know when yours will end. Maybe in 80 years from now, maybe even tomorrow. Same for the world. It may end 80 years from now, maybe tomorrow. Life and the world are very similar. They can both end at anytime, which is why you should live your life to the fullest everyday.

One thing I'd like to add though, people used to say that the world will end in 2000. And that didn't happen. :(

I don't believe that the world will end in 2012. :(
As a Christian, I have some strong views on this. Firstly, God does care about the world. He wasn't the one who burnt down buildings, did illegal crimes or became a terrorist, WE WERE. As humans, we are sinners. God is God, and God is perfect. Please don't try and fault Him. :p

Secondly, it is my belief that Jesus will come down to put an end to the Earth on Judgement Day. Only God knows when that day will be, and no 'Mayan Calendar' will ever be able to tell us until the time comes.

Thirdly, whether the world ended in 2012 or not, it would be God's decision and I have full 100% trust in Him and live to do His will.

Seriously people, leave it to God. He knows best. :angry:

Please, please don't bring god into this >_<


I don't believe this, people have been wrong before.

Why believe it now?

It's not going to happen.

I think that the world will be somewhat the same way it is today. People in the 1970s thought that the world would go underground by the 1990s, but guess what, it ended up staying the same way that it was!


We just have to wait and see. The world will change at it's own rate, and I'm sure God cares about the world.

I personally don't believe in that.

My one friend is completely convinced though. He claims the Bible says that the world will end after we rebuild Babylon, which is present day Iraq. By 2012 we should have all the troops pulled out and Iraq rebuilt as much as it possibly can be... which is why he completely believes the world will end in December 2012. He says God will stand by his word in the Bible and end the world.

I never looked through the Bible to see if where it said this.

The world was supposed to end in 2000, and on June 6, 2006 (Because 6 is the Devil's number? -shrugs-)

Either way, there have been numorous times people have been freaking out that the world is going to end. It has never happened yet.

And yeah, as bratztroxg said, we are the ones blowing each other up. Not God. We'll probably end up killing everyone on the planet by a nuclear war. Whatever.

So I wouldn't worry about it. There's this quote in my history room by... Ghali or something. ;P But it says, "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever." I've always really like that quote, and it seems it applies perfectly here. ;)

If the world would end in December 2012... I'd be a freshman in college.

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I personally think A day like this will come which is refered to the rapture and is when jesus comes back a bad things will happen in the world.We will never know the hour or the day,but the bible says all about it.

(sorry if this offends anyone it's just what i've been taght and believe in ;) )

*sorry if i'm being to religous here*

The world will NOT end. Geez I wish people would stop cpmplaining about this. If you REALLY think it's going to end, enjoy your life for the next 4 years instead of worrying. But I highly doubt it will end.

It WAS supposed to end in 1999 but guess what? it didn't.

Let's keep in mind that the Mayans made their calanders thousands of years into the future. Let's also keep in mind that they don't exist anymore. I'm sure that if they were still alive they might continue their calander... Also, wasn't the world supossed to end in 1999? So either we are all dead OR we are alive. Your pick.

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