2012 Future


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The world isn't going to end, don't be silly.

This is about time #2,354,093 that the world is supposed to end. What's going to make is happen this time? =/

I think it's bull. People thought the world would end on December 31st, 1999 (we're still here) and June 6th 2006 (we're still here). What makes this one so special? There have always been "apocalypse" (sp?) theories and they've never been true. Why's this one going to be any different?

I watched a special about this on the History channel. According to the Mayan calander, the year 2012 will just bring great change, not necissarily the end of the world :eek:

The calander goes beyond 2012, and if they predicted that the world would end in 2012 then I'm very sure that they wouldn't have made the calander go past that. I am kind of fascinated with this because in that year I am graduating highschool and if the world ends, then we'll be the last ever graduating class and if it doesn't then we'll still be remembered for almost being the last graduating class! Lol!

We're all wasting our lives anyway... =/

Don't believe that crud. =/

It's supposed to mess with your head and make you paranoid.

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