8 day countdown to Christmas :D


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Tamagotchi Foreva

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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There are eight days of hatching tamagotchis and each day is a different tama.We will try to keep the tamas running after Christmas too.

So heres how it works:

on the first day (the 17th): Everyone who has a Tama-Go (V7) will hatch today

on the second day (the 18th):Everyone who has a Music star(V6) will hatch today

on the third day (the 19th):Everyone who has a Tamagotchi Familitchi (V5) will hatch today

on the fourth day (the 20th):Everyone who has a V4 or V4.5 will hatch today

on the fifth day (the 21st):Everyone who has a V3 will hatch today

on the sixth day (the 22nd):Everyone who has a V2 will hatch today

on the seventh day (the 23rd):Everyone who has a V1 will hatch today

on the eighth day (the 24th): Everyone who has any P1,P2,Angels,Oceans,Santaclausetchis or any other older tamagotchis will hatch today

Starts Now! :3

(if you can't hatch your tama on the specific date then please feal free to post and ask me and I will let you do it on anouther date)


I hatched my white Tama-Go yesterday :D

it Was... A GIRL!!

I'm naming her Bell because in French Bell means pretty (and also bell is the name of buety from buety and the beast)

YAY an hour later she changed into Belltchi and she is healthy and happy :D

I hope she changes into somthing good for a teenager today :]

OH!I forgot to mention that today is the day to hatch your music stars :] please join

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Oh noes! iT'S TOO LATE!

I have hatched a new one anyway..

It's a mamechi now ^^


Today peeps with a V1 Hatch.

I only have a V4 ;)

So yeah..

Mine tama is 3 years. (so i have hatched him 4 days ago..)

And that date is the 20th! so i'm in the group now :D

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