A cool story


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Nov 1, 2005
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There was once a tama named Sarah. She had a mom and a dad and they were mimichis. Sarah was a hotodectchi. One day Sarah and her friends were playing tag. Her friends were Billy a kinkomatchi , Maddy a Marutchi , and Danny a Kuribotchi. Everybody was running away from Danny since he was it. Suddenly Billy fell. Boom! Everybody ran to Billy. Billy said," I'm ok. I just tripped over a rock or something. " Sarah said ," That was no rock." Then Maddy found out where he tripped." Sarah is right this is no rock it's a .....

Read part two to find out what it is!

*Part two*

"Sarah is right this is no rock it is a star from the sky!," said Maddy. Everybody screamed and ran around in a circle. "Mom!! Dad!!," shouted Sarah. " What is it, is anybody hurt!," said Sarah's mom. " There is a star from the sky on the ground! Billy tripped over it!" said Maddy. Sarah's mom looked at it for a while. " NO WAY!! Kids step away from it!," said Sarah's Dad. Sarah's mom picks up the star. " It looks like a message is on here," said Sarah's mom. She rubs it. " It says nothing but, it looks like a map to the cave of stars. Where you can get one wish if you make through all the other places like the secret pond and the lion cage and then rainbow mountain and finally the sercret cave of stars.,"said Sarah's mom. " Also on the back of the star it says that only four can go and that the person holding the star in the cave can make one wish.," said Sarah's dad. "Well mom and dad can we please go!," said Sarah. Sure they both said. " I will call and make sure it is ok with Maddy's, Billy's, and Danny's parents.," said Sarah's dad * Later* They all said yes you guys better get packing," said Sarah's dad "alright!"The kids said together" * after packing * " let's go, " said Billy...............

Read part three to find to see what happens next


*Part Three*

"let's go," Billy said. "Wait you almost forgot the star.,"said Sarah's mom. She put it in Sarah's backpack. " Thanks, mom.," said Sarah. "No problem, now you better get going now ,bye.," said Sarah's mom. They were off. *3 hours later* " I'm tired.," said Billy. "Well we got to keep going till we find the secret pond.," said Danny. Billy groaned.*3 more hours* " How much longer.," said Billy. " I see it.," shouted Danny. " Yes this is the one.," shouted Sarah. "What do we have to get pass this.," said Maddy. Everybody thought and thought when finally Sarah got it. " We have to jump into it." said Sarah. " I don't know I just ate a bag of potato chips 6 hours ago and I have to wait about 24 hours till i go swimming.," said Billy. " Billy, we all know you can't swim!," said Danny. "Just jump in!,"Shouted Sarah. They all jumped in. " Where are we.," asked Maddy. "We are in the lion's cage.,"said Sarah. "That is weird I don't see any lions.," said Billy. Boom! " You spoke to soon,Billy." said Danny. " Those lions are 20 times bigger than all us put together.," said Maddy. How are we going to get pass those lions. They thought and thought again. " I got it . I see a door at the end of the room all we have to do is run as fast as we can.," said Danny. " Ok let's try it."said Sarah. Billy stared blankly at the lions. " Are you kidding me.," said Billy " Just do it ,now!," shouted Sarah. They all ran as fast they could screaming at the top of thier lungs. They made it. "Now where are we.," said Maddy. " We are at Rainbow mountain. It really is beautiful." said Sarah." Let's go climb up the mountain.," said Danny.....

Will they make it to the cave of stars see part 4.

*Part 4*

" Let's go climb up the mountain.,"said Danny " It looks very high.," said Billy with wide eyes. " Yeah it does.,"said Maddy. " Let's go!," said Sarah. " Ok, how are we going to climb this thing? There is no rocky edges for us to climb to the top." said Danny. They all thought and thought again until Billy got a idea. " I see ropes." Billy said. He grabbed them and threw the ropes. The ropes wrapped around a branch of a tree on the top of the mountain. " Billy where did you learn to do that.," asked Sarah. "My parents made me do a lasso class.," said Billy. The friends climbed up the mountain. *20 minutes later* " phew, we made it.," said Maddy." Hey, I see the cave of stars.," said Billy. They ran over to the cave of stars. " Let's go in.," said Danny. They all ran and bump!! " Hey, it like there is a force field.," said Sarah. They suddenly, words appeared on the force field. " Hey, it says:What Arrives In The Night , But Disappears At Morning?,"said Maddy. They thought and thought again when finally Maddy got it." The stars.," said Maddy. The force field disappeared. "Way to go, Maddy.," said Billy. They all ran in. " Wow, there is a lot of stars.," said Sarah.Then suddenly a big huge star appeared. " Are you the people who came for one wish.," said the huge star. " yes.," said Billy. The star in Sarah's backpack grew bright and flew out the cave into the dark sky. "I send out a star once every 100 years. You are the only people who ever paid attention and found one of the stars.When you see a shooting star it will be one of my stars that i sent out for someone to find it.," said the huge star. " Can we get our wish now.,' said Billy. " Yes, of course, but first let me go over the rules. You can't wish for more wishes.That is all the rules. After you make a wish I will send you home.,"said the huge star.The friends talked over about thier wish finally they knew what they wanted." Ok, we wish for .....

Read the final part to see what happens.

" Ok, we wish for that anyone who makes a wish on a shooting star that their wish will come true.," said Sarah. " We wish for this because we want people to have more chances for their wishes to come true.," said Maddy. " Actually we don't really know what to wish for anyway we couldn't agree on anything!," said Billy. " Alright very well your wish is granted. Now in five seconds you will be back home. So you can rest from your long journey. 5,4,3,2,1.

*Back at home* "I am glad are parents allowed us to have a sleepover" said Danny. " Yeah.," said Sarah. Billy snored real loud. " Sarah got a pillow and hit him. " huh!,"said Billy " You fell alseep.,"said Sarah " Oh.," said Billy. " Pillow fight!!," shouted Maddy. Everyone threw pillows at each other." Hey, look out the window!," said Danny. Everyone looked out the window and saw a shooting star! " Let's make a wish.," said Sarah. Suddenly Billy was flashing. Billy turned into a Hinotamachi." Wow, my wish came true.," said Billy. Suddenly Maddy flashed too. She turned into a Ringotchi." My wish came true, too!," shouted Maddy. Then Danny flashed and turned into a Nikatchi. " Yes, woohoo!," shouted Danny. Then Sarah flashed into a Ichigotchi. " Yeah my wish it came true.," said Sarah. The friends had their wishes come true and proved they could go on big adventures like adults.They all lived happily ever after!



Hi I love Teen Titans and I am Mary-Kate and Ashleys number 1 fan. I am nice and i love Kingdom Hearts ( I choose this codename because it was Kingdom Hearts) Also robin and starfire from teen titans should totally kiss.


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