a couple of questions about v.3


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Mar 15, 2006
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first, what is the purpose of the history selection in the family log? i can't access it and i'm on my fourth generation.

second, is there a way to delete items from your inventory without giving them to other people? i mean permanent items like shoes and stuff, that won't wear out.

thanks. :furawatchi:

well, I don't know about the items but I think the history is when you have a tama that died without a baby or something like that. Then when you go to the history you can see them

no, wait nvm. The history is for the grandparents. I am on gen. 4 too and I can't get it either.

it would make more sense if it were for Tamagotchis that had died without children, since mine have all had babies (either through the matchmaker or with my boyfriend's Tamagotchi).

yeah, all of mine had babies too but when I went to tamatown and clicked on the grandparebts house the password thing came up. I clicked help and it said to get the password for the grsndparent you go to history but mine won't let me click it as an option.

to visit the grandparent you need to go to the parent selection, after the parent it will show the grandparent and you can get the code.

i'm looking to find out what the other option, the history, does.

The history is for seeing your parent or grandparents. And when the tama adult leaves, it doens't die. It's just leaving to it's home planet. TO delete and item, go to the book icon, present, item or food, and press the first button to search through..and press the second button on what item you want, then press the first button again, and it should say sure? and press yes and then the item goes to the trash.

ok, thanks for the tip on the deleting. that's really helpful.

i still don't understand the history part, though. if you go into family, the two options are history and parent. i can go into parent just fine and see my previous generations, their info and get codes. but if i try to go into history, it won't let me. so i was just wondering what its purpose was.

ok, thanks for the tip on the deleting. that's really helpful.
i still don't understand the history part, though. if you go into family, the two options are history and parent. i can go into parent just fine and see my previous generations, their info and get codes. but if i try to go into history, it won't let me. so i was just wondering what its purpose was.
You first have to go meet your parent on tamatown.com Thats what I did and I got the code for the history.

huh, i just tried that and i didn't get a code or anything. and i've visited all the parents in the past (and the most recent grandparent). all i got were the souvenir passwords for the cell phone and bicycle.

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