A couple version 2 questions.


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Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hemet, California, USA
Hey everyone, I'm new here. Cool site!

I just recently got a couple version 2s and I have a couple questions about the best way to train them.

When I want to play a game, and my Tamagotchi shakes it's head, no, what's the best thing to do? I've read different things. Should I discipline it for not obeying me? Should I give it a snack to get it to play? The only thing that seems to work is giving it a snack, but I don't want to do that too often and end up spoiling it.

Second is connecting to give a present. I've read the instructions a few times and they don't seem to give clear directions on how to send a present. When I connect with my girlfriend, her Tamagotchi always ends up sending me a present, when I'm the one who wants to send one (I have one wrapped and ready to send). I know to discipline if it sends an unexpected present, I'm just looking for clearer instructions.

Both of our Tamagotchis are young, not even adults yet, so maybe I'm just an idiot and have to wait until they're older for them to be more predictable.

Thanks to anyone for help!

The best thing to do when it won't play games it to give it snacks if you REALLY want to play. That's the only thing that works for me!

For the conencting, your other tamagotchi will eventually send gifts. Mine did the same thing as yours but they both eventually ended up sending gifts to each other.

Hey! Welcome to the site!

1. Give it a snack. That way you can raise your tamagotchis weight to play the game you want. Don't worry he/she won't get spoiled that way.

2. Can't help with that one I'm not too up with v2 either just yet. However, in v1 the trick to getting your tama to give away a present was to make sure that the tama who is to get the gift presses B twice when connecting.

I think with a little bit more time and experience you will find your tama at all ages quite predictable! *thumbs up* :lol: Hopefully someone else should be able to help you with the gift giving/wrapping/etc bit.

what i have found is that if you are the one that presses the B button to connect then you are the one that recieves the gift.

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