A crush topic.


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Aug 27, 2008
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Ok - I'm a girl.

Well, there's a boy in my class.

And he's sweet, not the kind of boy who thinks it's cool to swear, make fun of girls or smoke.

He's the complete opposite, and he's funny to.

Well, in Music I was looking at him, and he looked at me and smiled, and I turned away and tried to hide my blush.

Then when we were getting our Photos taken, I was next to him, and we were so close, I felt so happy.

I just wanted to turn to him and hug him.

And he isn't the type of guy who ignores you when you talk to him, he actually answers back.

So I started talking to him about a movie, [final destination] and he was like. "Yeah I loved that film,".

But I blush really easily, and get nervous around boys, I love going to school just to see him, like I can't wait for the weekend to finish.

Sometimes when Im close to him I feel stupid, because I would start up a random topic, and I would feel like smacking myself.

What can I do to start off a proper conversation with him? And ease down my nerves when I'm near him?

Just talk to him like he is one of your friends. Random topics usually are pretty cool if you ask me. :huh:

I would just calm down and act as if he is just your friend. Just talk about cool things like music and stuff. When you think he feels the same, just talk about your feelings for him.

Hope i helped. ^^

Just pretend you know him well and your just talking to one of your friends. I find when you do that, it's much, much easier than getting nervous. When you get nervous you don't want to talk and just stay quiet.

Yeah, I can't wait for monday.

Thanks for the advice guys, and I guess he is my friend, although I doubt he knows me much. xD

He'll probably like you more if you treat him just like a friend. =]

I hope it all works out.

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