A crush..


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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2006
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My business
I have a crush on this boy who doesnt know I exist. Do you have any advice. And if I go up to him and tlk it just would not be OK. OK? sO PLS HELP B4 I go NUTTY!

alright... play it cool. act like ur fine without him, and then (randomly) ask him about the assignment for Soc or something, then after asking about the assignment, ask him if it's hard. u could end up in this convo about how boring, or how fun, the class his. it will blossom from there!

check out my signature

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That has happened to me, I kept playing on and know I am hanging around that boy more and he is real nice and stuff so like acually it WILL be okay if you talk to him....trust me I felt mortified sitting next to him in class!!! I never even said a word to him but laughed at maybe 1 joke he told me which was because he is funny and he was next to me in line order...now I am knowing him better and he is really nice and it works well...except for he is soooooo bossy!!! I mean during this science project he didnt let me and my friends do like anything! Sorry....i can get off topic ANYWAYZ You. should. talk.

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Go talk. It's not like it's going to kill you after all.

The hardest thing is starting up a conversation, but when you do and he starts talking back, you'll be on top of the world! Go for it!

Oh, come awn...how do you know he doesn't know you exist??? And, yes, go up to him and ask him to sit by you at a homecoming game, or, ask him something! Start up a convo, that's the key. ^_^

look for ways to be around him, like somehow try to sit next to him in class or in an ansembly but if u sit next to him in an assembly make it look like you didnt mean to sit next to him, but make it look like u just got all jumbled up in the crown and fond a random place to sit.( Although it takes a lot of acting to get his attencion, u HAVE to be urself once he recognizes you because if you pretend to be somthing your not, than he likes the person your pretending to be, and not you.) so when somthing happens thats funny lean over and make a little joke or say it almost to urself, but just enough so he can hear u ( i know, its confuzing!! but guys like funny girls, and it does break the ice) just act chilled out ewhen ur with him , and dont make it look like u like him :)

**just saying above i didnt mean check out my avatar i meant my signature... its new*** i edited my post above. i hope u relaize if u know he exists, he knows u exist.

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