A Few Little Newbie Questions


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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2005
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Here are a few newbie questions about Tamagotchi ConnECTion.

1. Exactly how rare is a Mimitchi? I mean, how do you take "perfect" care of your Tama?

2. How hard can it be to take care of a Babytchi? Do they really lose hearts every few minutes?

3. Let me get this straight: do you punish your Tama for beeping, or do you praise it for beeping? What are the things you need to praise, and what are the things you'd need to punish?

4. What are the sleeping times for each stage?

Any help is appreciated! ^_^

2. it is very hard when its born i dont take my eyes off it yes it looses hearts every minute more i like it

3. u punish it if it beeps for no reason u praise it if its bak is turned to u or if its crying

4.certain tamagotchis go to sleep at different times....the babies sleep 4 5 mins itchigotchi(the strawberry) goes to sleep at 8(also marutchi) oniotchi goes to sleep at 9 the adults sleep at 10 or 11

1. Actually, I have had Mametchi several times not taking "perfect" care of it. A Mametchi is the equivalent of a Mimitchi on an odd generation.

2. Ohhh yes. They also sometimes get sick for no reason and nap.

3. You praise when it is crying or has its back turned to you. You punish it when it beeps for no reason. Good reasons are that all the hearts are gone on one of the meters, it is sick, or it has fallen asleep.

4. They vary with species and stage. Maskitchi and Gozarutchi, g2g.


1. Very rare. Yes, it's hard. I get Young Mimitchis sometimes, and I TRY to take perfect care of them, and what do I get? :) Yup. Memetchi.

2. Kinda hard. Yes, they REALLY lose hearts every few minutes. They also poop every few minutes and sometimes get sick for no reason. But you only have a Babytchi for about an hour, so it's no biggie.

3. When your Tama has its back to you, first check to see if all its hearts are gone. If they are, fill them. If it STILL has its back to you, praise it. When it is crying, praise it. When it beeps at you and it's not doing anything (just bouncing around the screen like normal) then punish it.

4. Babytchis usually go to sleep 45 minutes or so after being named, then wake up after about 5 minutes. Toddlers go to sleep at 8. Teens sleep at 9 or 10. Adults: I'm not completely sure. Once, my Gozarutchi stayed up till 11.

my gozarutchi stayed up until that time too

Sleeping times are:



Young Mimitchi+Itchigotchi:8:00-9:00









PM me for more info B) :blink: ;)

Ack! Yeah, you're right. I thought that Mimitchi would be easy to get because of previous experience with Mametchi. I stand corrected.

when i first got my Tama, i took the best care of him and got a Mametchi, and every time after that (because i never figured out how to mate, they always died) i got a Mametchi due to my contant good caring.... now i'm tired of them and am trying to get a Gozarutchi or Maskutchi.

My question is: whats so bad about Gozarutchi and Maskutchi? everyone seems to not want to get them..... i would rather get them than a Memetchi or Mametchi..... now, i would like to get a Mimitchi though, i havent gotten one before.... not to mention, i never really got past the first generation... <_<

Here are a few newbie questions about Tamagotchi ConnECTion.
1. Exactly how rare is a Mimitchi? I mean, how do you take "perfect" care of your Tama?

2. How hard can it be to take care of a Babytchi? Do they really lose hearts every few minutes?

3. Let me get this straight: do you punish your Tama for beeping, or do you praise it for beeping? What are the things you need to praise, and what are the things you'd need to punish?

4. What are the sleeping times for each stage?

Any help is appreciated! :lol:
1. Mimitchi doesn't have to be that rare. People who can't look after their tamagotchis properly say it is though. But if you have an Oniontchi/Young Mimitchi, over six training and you haven't starved it or left it unhappy, then it will be a Mimitchi

2. It is pretty hard. At twenty-twenty five minutes past it has been born it becomes sick. At half an hour past it has a five minute sleep. At forty minutes past it cries and needs praising. After one hour it'll transform. It has a poo every nine, ten, eleven minutes or so and needs another bottle after every poo and five minutes after.

3.Punish: Tamagotchi calls you for no reason.

Praise: When it is crying (baby and Marutchi stage) or is cross, has its back turned (rarely Marutchi and teen stage)

4. Not sure... Hinotamatchi and Oniontchi wake up at ten though and Masktchi and Gozarutchi go to bed at 22:15

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