A few pesty problems


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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2008
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Teeth problem:

Hooray for me not flossing, I'm getting two molars pulled, on both sides of my mouth. :rolleyes: Yay. Then after that, I get braces! HOORAY FOR MOUTH PAIN!!! Ugh... It's all after Halloween and I'm really nervous about it.

Spoiled Brother:

My brother gets everything he wants. Everytime we go into town, he returns with a new toy or a disgusting Lunchables or something. It infuriates me. He only uses the toy a few times and then leaves it for a new one. Either that or he breaks it. He doesn't appreciate a single thing he gets. My parents never say "No." to him, and thats why his room is so messy, it's filled with toys he doesn't use. Like I'll ask for an iTunes card for me and my sister to use and my mom says "Let me check the bank account." I asked my mom for that on Sunday (today is Tuesday)

My dad and my brother went into town today and my brother came back with a guitar. A GUITAR!!!!! AND HE'S ONLY SIX YEARS OLD!!!!! He can barely READ and he got a GUITAR!! That gets me so mad!!! UGH!!! Then my parents are like "We both bought you a jacket from each of us! You shouldn't call your brother spoiled! And you do come back from town with something, you just don't remember it at all." It gets me so mad that my parents don't see how much they spoil this little kid. When I discipline him, like send him to a 5 minute time out because he called me a name or scratched/hit me (he needs to respect me, I'm twice his age), he throws a fit and I have to force him in his room. Then he starts bawling his eyes out. <.< ugh.....


This is really my biggest problem. My best friend, a user on TT (Trainwreck) lives across the country from me. I live in CA and the time change is 3 hours between us. I'm really busy lately for the next couple of weeks, I don't get home until 6-6:30 ish, which is 9 PM for her. And her mom made a rule that she has to get offline at 9:00 PM, which means we NEVER get to talk except Fridays and weekends. I miss her so much, because we never get to talk and we are like sisters!! I really need to talk to her and stuff, but we never get to talk T.T

I need help/advice with all of this. T.T I'm gonna explode.

As for the braces thing, I have no pity for you. (JK, check out my topic titled "uhhh.... PAIN") Well, actually I do, because you have to go through the first pain when you get them. If you're like me, your experience will be bloodstained and covered in little scars. The braces cut up the inside of my mouth, it was horrible. Your experience may differ though, I know my lucky sister's did.

As for the brother thing: He's the youngest, right? It's always that way with the youngest, you could try talking to your parents, but it probably wont work.

With the time change thing, I don't really know what to do.

Ah, I know what a spoiled sibling is like.

Just yesterday my mom, sister and I were at the store, and my mom wouldn't let my sister get something. My sister cried and whined until my mom gave in.

I was so embarrassed. It was disgusting, especially because she's ten.

Teeth problem:Hooray for me not flossing, I'm getting two molars pulled, on both sides of my mouth. :) Yay. Then after that, I get braces! HOORAY FOR MOUTH PAIN!!! Ugh... It's all after Halloween and I'm really nervous about it.
I had to get my teeth cleaned, and I had ALOT of plague and it was on my teeth and my teeth hurt and I play brass and it HURTS my teeth. D< And today we have after school rehearsal.

I might have to get braces. That won't own. >.<

I have pity for you except with the whole time-change thing. Tons of my BFFs live in England (I just moved here to America 2 months ago) and there is a 5 hour time difference between us, so we never get to go on MSN together or something, except for some weekends when we're not busy! So if you think 3 hours is bad, try 5!! T.T

Oh boy. That's gotta stink. My brothers have had serious work done in the past on their teeth, and I mean serious.

Wow. That must stink. But I do kinda know where your coming from. Both of my brothers are autistic (one has regular autism and the other has PDD (pervasive developmental disorder)). And trust me, I am very understanding of their disorder, but it gets crazy for me. My mom usually pushes me into stuff having to do with autism, like I mentor at after school programs for kids with special needs, and also she put me in a program where I talk to other kids with autistic siblings. This usually rakes me in some good friends, but mentoring drives me bonkers. One brother doesn't even pay attention usually, and the other one wants to do his own thing, which usually is inappropriate. And one brother, he thinks that the way people live their lives on TV is the way he should live his life, and I'm talking about him looking up to the freakin' SIMPSONS. No offense, I think they're awesome, but my brother thinks that he needs to live his life like Homer Simpson, which is unrealistic. And they are also spoiled. Part of autism is that autistic kids, no matter how old they are, can't grasp the concept that they CAN'T GET EVERYTHING.

Well, just be thankful that you actually talk to your friend on weekends or whatever. At least you didn't lose her!

Same thing with me. :)


Teeth Problem:

My problem isn't as bad as you. I might have to go to the orthodontist to get my teeth checked. I might need braces soon. With your problem, there really is nothing you can do, just wait it out and deal. Look on the bright side, at least it's after Halloween. More Candy=More Fun.


Spoiled Brother:

I feel your pain. My brother is 8, and my parent's totally ignore me but pay so much attention to my brother. They act as if he deserves everything and is their prized possession, and they act to me as another mouth to feed. Sure, they will talk to me often, but the ratio between me and my brother getting attention is 10:4. My bro's obviously the 10. My brother can be a real brat, he whines until you give him what he wants. He cry's at least one day. He punches me, throws things at me, and really hurts me. I can't do anything back or else my parent's get angry. I don't really know what to tell you. Sooner or later he is going to have to grow up, and your parent's have to teach him some good, old, discipline.


Time Change:

Sorry to hear that. I have friends on other sites besides here, and we have a 6 hour time difference. ;) I don't see her much, but I PM her once and a while. If you can only talk to her on weekends, that's the best you can do. Your life is more important than TamaTalk. ;)


I hope everything turns out okay. :D

Well, I live in Cali too and we might go to the same orthodontist (Dr. Hall?). Anyway, I have the Damon brand braces and they are extremly comfy once you get used to them. At first you feel pressure but then it becomes sore. I use Motrin for any pain.

As for you brat-er, brother I'm sorry but I don't have any siblings so I can't relate...just mabey calmly explain to the more simpethetic parent you feelings, and how you feel uloved. Think back to when you were six. Did you get alot of stuff?

I have problems with siblings too. Dx It's kind of a long story, so if you want to hear it you could PM me.

Wait for the long shot. Hopefully when he's older he's a little maturer.


My brother's molar came in diagnally.. Is that what you have? :)

I haven't gotten braces yet. xP

Cecib :D

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