A first for me...


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Well.. I got a character on one of my V3's that I have never gotten before.. Bill! I was so surprised. I took perfect care of it until this morning.. I woke up late to all of it's hearts missing, oops. But wow... I'm still surprised... I've only seen pictures of Bill.

My V4 turned into a Furawatchi (Yay a healthy character finally)... so I am very pleased with the way my latest teens turned out :) I don't know what to do with my other two V4's though... They are both Ojitchi's... but I don't want to reset them OR let them die :D decisions decisions...

WOW a BILL????? are you serious!!!!???? LUCKEY!!!!! How did you get him? that's very cool! that is one of my life hopes :D *sigh* to get a Bill!! (I know, I sound really obsessed!)

I took care of him perfectly throughout the baby and toddler stage. Then when he turned into a teen, I overslept and his hearts dropped while I was sleeping... and also last night at dinner. Full training bar.. I played LOTS of games too.

Who else has gotten Bill? :D

I got it before for both my tamas at the same time.........was two months ago....but i accidentally reset my tamas when changing battery so all gone now restart to take care again..... :D

Hey I don't suppose you could help me out by posting some of your growth chains for the v4 in my thread? like which baby turned into what toddler and then into which teen etc.

Well done on getting bill too! He was a secret character on the old gen1s (or 2s, I cant remember...)

Also I think you should keep your ojitchis alive, maybe the matchmaker will come? I'm not sure though... But yeah, it's always cool to keep a tama alive until hey leave/pass away on their own accord


but yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could contribute some info on to the v4 growth chart thread, I don't want to be pushy, would just be cool if more v4 owners helped out is all


Congrats on that Bill character! I want him really bad... but I have not gotten him yet! I'm going to side with cumcrayoncanyon on the statement above... dont reset your ojitchis! Sometimes the matchmaker does come for the old heads! She came for one of mine once! :D

I've gotten Bill several times...which is interesting because I also got him several times back in the '90's on the G1 when they were EXTREMELY rare, the super secret character which evolves from Masktchi. I couldn't tell you exactly how I manage to get him so relatively frequently, I think it's just luck. Congratulations! To get Bill is pretty exciting! :D

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