A Funny Story...


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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2007
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Philadelphia, PA
Alright. My mom bought a Japanese Angelgotch off of ebay, and she wanted to play with it. So she removes it from it's cardboard card and pulls the tab. She sees the tombstone and the floating soul type of deal that you typically see when you first pull the tab from your angelgotch.

Well my mom thought that she had already killed it somehow... so she puts the tab back in the Angelgotch, and puts it back in it's packaging. When I asked her if she had played with it yet, she explained what happened to me. I asked her why she put the tab back in it and she told me that she had thought she'd already killed it! Somehow she thought that it was already dead, so she just put the tab back in it and put it away!!! I laughed so heard I gave myself an asthma attack... LOL. I explained to her that what she saw is the beginning introductory screen to the angel, since an angel comes from something that is already dead. Since this is an Angelgotch, then it must be coming from an already deceased Tama... :furawatchi:

She's so crazy.... :)

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LOL. No kidding, right? I was like "wooooooah... you thought you killed already!?!?" And she was like "yeah!". I laughed soooo hard about it, and I'm still laughing! :(

That is absolutely the best thing I've ever heard! :) Thank you for sharing! Although, When she pulled the tab, she should have seen a space ship, not a tombstone and spirit... those aren't on the angels.... On the Japanese angels, the good death screen says "THANKS" and the bad death says "BYE BYE"

Hey, it may be a good idea to tell your mom that you literally can't kill an Agel. If you set the time on it, turn the sound off and don't touch it for like a week (stick it in your dresser so you aren't tempted), it'll eventually turn into the lucky poo character. SERIOUSLY! Just set the time, turn the sound off and leave it!

Angels were made by Bandai in respose to the angry parents! They were complaing that thier kids were hatching these tamas, then crying when they died! So they made the angel, the easiest of all tamas that DON'T Die! When they leave, they "go back to tamagotchi planet in order to fufill thier destiny". They don't ever show a tombstone and spirit. That was supposed to make it better for the kids.


Hehe, at least your mother was enthusiastic about trying it. I always let my friends borrow my tamas in hope that they will get into it, but they just end up seeing how quickly they can send them back to the home planet rather than actually try to raise them. D: Ah well.

That is absolutely the best thing I've ever heard! :( Thank you for sharing! Although, When she pulled the tab, she should have seen a space ship, not a tombstone and spirit... those aren't on the angels....
Well that is really bizarre... because on my Japanese angel when I pull the tab I see a gravestone and a spirit too... I thought it was just normal though. I got no space ship.

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