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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2017
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Hello to you all!

My username is Hohotchi-HO7. I am 21 years old and live in Australia. I had been a fan of Tamagotchis when I was a kid, and collected a sizeable amount (Compared to my friends anyway), all from the Connection era. I hadn't been into the franchise for some years, but recently I found by old Tamas in my drawer and decided to give them another go. Right now I'm taking care of 8 at once (Versions 1 to 4.5) and I'm having a blast!

I knew of TamaTalk for a number of years, but I decided to join only now partly because there's no-one in the real world who I know is into them right now. The TamaTalk community seems to generally be a friendly, knowledgeable lot, so I look forward talking to some of you about these fun, yet deep little devices from time to time.

Just for a quick introduction about myself, my current hobbies include buses, Pokemon (And other RPG-like video games), various platform games, town planning, computers, running and writing. I also enjoy history, which fits well with my other interests because I therefore enjoy researching detailed histories of all of them. It also gives me an academic path to possibly go down in the future!

Anyway, nice to meet you! I'm not sure what I'll be doing on this site yet, though given my current task of looking after 8 Connection series Tamagotchis, I may start a log of some kind if any of you are interested.


Welcome to tamatalk! 8 is a lot, I'm currently running 6 and slowly going insane xD

Hi! Welcome to this paradise known only as Tamatalk. The maximum number of Tamas I've ran is 7, and they were on pause a lot of the time anyway!

Hope you enjoy yourself. :)

Thank you for your welcome everyone! Considering the enthusiasm for a log, I think I will do just that. 4 of my 8 Tamagotchis will soon start their second generation, so I think I will start after the parents leave on these (Which should be tonight, a few hours in Australian time). That way, I can start with these four and slowly introduce the other four when they enter the second generation later on.

As for my current saneness in running 8 Tamas at once, it's actually going pretty well. The key to doing this without giving myself stress was patience (On top of checking up on their hearts every little while). I would see this just like taking care of one Tamagotchi, with the only difference being just taking some more time to do all the feeding and game-playing, etc. I only pause them when I go to work. I also take advantage of their sleeping times to get other productive work done at night when they don't need care!

Anyway, you will see more when I start up my log in a day or so. I might also appear in other places of the forum. Again, thank you all for your generous welcome! It's already given me a great impression on the TamaTalk community.

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