A New Method Of Pausing Without Growth Stunting!


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I've done that! it isn't very good if you want a mimitchi or mametchi tho, because it'll be lacking disipline because it's uh..sleeping 12 hours a day. but if you don't mind having an unhealthy(but still cute.. :mametchi: ) tama it's a relly great tip :gozarutchi:
i did this on my other tama and i got a mametchi. his discipline was only 4 bars.

Um, Mamaochi, you have to stay on topic. But I'll answer that anyway. To get a Mimitchi,

Mametchi/Mimitchi - Mimitchi/Mametchi whom is the best character you can get, care taking wise. First you must get Tamatchi/Tongaritchi (the character with legs). Than by age 6 or 7 yrs he will change. This period with Tamatchi/Tongaritchi is the most important, I believe, to getting Mametchi/Mimitchi. You will have Tamatchi from about age 3 or 4, to age 6 or 7, depending on when you hatched it. Either way it will remain in this stage for a total of 72 hours. During this time check on him about every 15-30 minutes. He will drop about one heart in this period of time. As soon as he does drop 1 empty heart, fill it right away. Don't let him drop below one empty heart, or your chances of getting Mametchi/Mimitchi is at risk.

There's mametchi's name there because you do the same thing to get him as mimitchi. NOTE: You can only get mimitchi on even numbered generations!

Good idea, but don't you think it would keep you from getting training points? I mean, if you set the time to your Tamagotchi's bedtime, then when you come back and chage the time, your Tamagotchi will go back to sleep.

well, pausing or neglecting it wont give him trainigpoints, too

u can set its clock the way it fits ur times

:lol: When you leave for school turn the sound off and set it to a time when ur tam goes to sleep and when you come back he'll be still sleeping and growing too and you didnt have to take care or worry about (Tamagotchi(s) name(s))
hOPE IT HELPED!!! :lol: ^_^ :lol: :D :ph34r: :) :) :) B)
that's what I DO!!!!!!!!!!

:furawatchi: :unsure: Hey, there´s a better method than making it stay asleep.

I´ve noticed that if you make them sleep, they will take about an hour an a half more to be one year older. To prevent this, you only have to wake them up first. Then press the B button to go to the clock screen. Then press the A and C button toghether. You will be at the set mode. Leave it at the set mode and when you come back from school, your tamagotchi won´t

be one and a half hour retarded, and he won´t have any poops or sickness. Then you only set the correct time and there you go.

HOPE I HELPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my teachers at my school don't even care if we have our tama's on in school as long as it is not a distraction.. i feed it while we read and in the halls

<3 sweetamas :huh: ^_^

I got the devil looking kitty thing and mine sleeps till 7 am till 3pm. Sometimes I bring it to school.(My teacher bores it to sleep Lol :huh:
Your tama is a pyonkotchi ^_^

I heard of doing the sleepy thingy put never done it. i just go to school with little nicky jr. in my pocket and check on him betwwen classes study hall and free time. i guess i just cant stand to leave him home. (probably 'cause he has so many other tamas to play with at scool. :D

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