A note about “hacked” accounts on TamaTalk


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As you all might know, there has been a recent rash of hacking claims here on TamaTalk… I wanted to take this opportunity to clear some things up, issue some things to consider and (hopefully) lay this all to rest so we can return to our love of Tamagotchi pets...

I wanted to first clear up some differences between hacking and unauthorized use of an account. To me, a hacking occurs when some vulnerability in a system is exploited, password guessed or some other “forced” entry into an account. Unauthorized access is when somebody jumps onto your computer and uses the “Remember Me” function or something similar to post. This isn’t a hacked account. This is somebody close to you who just happens to use your home machine or a public computer in which you forgot to log off. If you share your computer (be it at a lab, café or at home) it is a good idea to never select the Remember Me option at login... Also make sure to always click the Log Out link in the top right corner of the page. This keeps you safe and your account private. In regards to passwords… These should ALWAYS be kept private! Only you should know what your password is. Never give it out to a friend or anyone. Passwords should also be difficult to guess and use both numbers and letters in both lower and upper case. Some examples of a good password are GreEN18-Ss or XxtRemPra46 and a bad password would be password or tamatalk or mimitchi or something along those lines. These password tips should be followed for ANY password site you use... Not just TamaTalk.

So what happens if your account is hacked? One reason you want to be careful with your account is that you might be held responsible for somebody else using your account. This might lead to you being banned from the site and/or a report filed with your ISP and proper authorities if appropriate. It can be a very serious matter. I don’t want to scare anyone… But you need to know to be cautious. If you find that your account is being used by another member go to Board Settings and click on the Change Password link. You might also check with a Guide or Admin for help. Accounts might be temporarily suspended while claims are investigated… This isn’t a bad thing... It keeps everyone safe while things are sorted out.

Another concern with the hacking claims trend going on right now is that members seem to cry "hack!" at a moments notice... I have also received countless excuses for misbehavior due to hacking... Did the person's account really get used by somebody else? Or did they just have a bad day, cuss people out for fun and then try to escape their actions by saying somebody else did it? It can be tough to decide! The decision might work against you too… So please think twice before claiming this has occurred to you or somebody else. These investigations take time out from work to improve the site... Any false claims may work against you if you are found to not be telling the truth.

The claims of hacking and such have been very difficult for me to see. TamaTalk is supposed to be a fun place for everyone who shares a common love of everything tama... The fact that people would feel the need to distract others from this love is disheartening... But I guess there will always be a bored kid someplace with nothing better to do.

We appreciate your help in keeping this a fun place for everyone to enjoy. We have a bright future here at TamaTalk... Thanks for joining us and let’s keep it fun!


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