A Problem In TamaTown


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Well-known member
May 28, 2010
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USA, California
Part 1

Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, and Memetchi decided to go and play hide and seek at the music academy in TamaTown. There are rumors that Dorotchis who had passed on were haunting the school at night. Mametchi is now "it", and is searching for his friends in the recording studio...

"Memetchi, Kuchipatchi? Where are you guys", said Mametchi as he searched around the dark music academy for his friends.

Of course, there was no reply.

Mametchi started walking quickly torwards the door.

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, their was a knot in his throat the size of his fist, his stomache felt like it had dropped to the floor.

He started sweating, quickened his pace.

"AHHHHH DOROTCHI, PLEASE, SPARE ME!," said a bodiless voice.

"Memetchi, is that you?" yelled Mametchi.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha." snickered the bodiless voice.

Out of the shadows stepped Makiko.

"Makiko, that was not very nice! You nearly gave me a heart attack!", said Mametchi.

"Well I thought it was a very funny joke. Dont my curls look great today?"asked Makiko.

"Yes, makiko." replied a wary Mametchi.

"So, where are your little friends?"

"You should know their names Makiko. We have every single class together."

"Yes, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi...whatever"

"Well I dont know where they are right now. I suppose you wouldnt want to help me look for them? We are playing hide 'n' seek"

"I guess it wouldnt hurt. But im leaving right after. I promised Furawatchi we would go shopping later.", bragged Makiko.

"Okay, Makiko, lets just find them, and get out of here.", said Mametchi.

And they both stepped out the door of the dark, drafty recording studio. To their surprise, they found something waiting for them on the other side...

To be continued...

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