~*A Super FunDerFul Girlzy Log*~


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Dear Thorn,


I admire the fact that you found a loophole in my threat. It shows you have some intelligence.




Dear Abby,


Can I see you sometime? I want to get thing straightened out between us. If you don't want to see me though, it's okay.




Dear Thorn,


I'll see what you have to say on this subject. Meet me at Memetchi's for lunch today at four.




Hello. Welcome to Memetchi's Pizza Parlor, would you like a booth or-

I see her. Thanks, sir.

Thorn walks over to where Abby is sitting.

Hello, Thorn.

Hi, Abby. Listen, I want to explain-

There's no need. I understand. You didn't realize I liked you, and I don't think you realized my sister was engaged, either. It's fine. I understand.

No, I knew your sister was engaged.

You did??? Why did you flirt with her? You'd just met her that day!

Er...that's the thing. I HAD met her before then.


Be quiet, please I'm begging you!

Explain. Now.

I met your sister in preschool, and we just hit it off. She was the first person I ever really liked. She was in all my classes, and before I knew it I was head over heels.

I never saw you hang out with her. You always hung out with me.

See, the thing was, your sister didn't like to be seen with me in public. She ignored me until after seven. She said our relationship was bad, very very bad. She told me she was engaged.

So why didn't you break up with her?

I liked her too much. And then I realized that whenever I looked at you, I saw her. You two still look very similar.

So you hung out with me because I looked like my sister?

Unfortunately yes. I didn't know or plan for you to end up liking me. It just sort of happened. We went weeks without seeing each other. And when I saw her here that night, I was just overwhelmed. She was even more beautiful than the last time I'd seen her.

So overwhelmed you kissed her arm right in public?

Yeah. I didn't stop to think about the consequences. So now you know the truth. You probably think I'm scum.

That's exactly what I think. Excuse me, I think I need to leave now.

I'd like to thank T~D and ilovetama2010 for the nice fan mail they've sent me =D

Just wanted to say how much i like ur log and how funny it is :D and a bonus is that its always 1 of the few that is updated frequently  :lol: (unlike mine) :wub:   :mimitchi: lol. keep up the good work!
~ilt2010~ [hopin 4 more ]  :mametchi:
your past few posts have been STUNNING. I'm like speechless. ;)   AMAZING work. :)
Thanks to both of you for reading my log and sending me mails <3 I like writing dramatic stuff, and I guess it was like a habit to throw some into here. The only thing I'm worried about is WILL GEN 2 BE JUST AS GOOD OR WILL I RUN OUT OF DRAMATIC THINGS TO WRITE ABOUT???

I hope you don't put my decendants through as much crap as I've gone through.

Oh come on. The audience loves it and you're loving the attention.



Welcome back to Days Tamas of our Lives.

Abby? Abby, can I talk to you?

Amber pushes Abby's door open slowly. Abby is sitting on her bed with her back to the door, staring out the window.

Go away, Amber.

I want to talk to you. Ever since you got back from lunch you've been all hissy. You haven't insulted me at all.

Amber comes into the room and sits on Abby's bed.

It's okay. I forgave you is all.

What made you do that?

I found out.

...a-about what, Abby?

You and Thorn.

Amber's face loses all color.

You're not mad at me?

No. He only hung out with me because I looked like you. He's dirt. I never want him in my life ever again.

...and you're not going to tell Aaron?

No. It's not worth it.



Abby sighs, and Amber pulls her into a hug.

We might not be sisters, but we're sure close to it. Love ya, Abbs.

...love you back, Amber.

And so the girls forgave each other, and the two year fight came to an end.

Gosh, moar mailz! This time it's from tamagotchilove<3 who has a very cute log about her Tama Go.

[SIZE=14pt]HI! i LOVE your log! I kinda write like you do. but i think yours is better!! My log is, TAMA~GO AMAZING LOG! Hope you visit sometime. keep writing and ill keep reading! THXX!!  :wub: PS LOVE THE LOG![/SIZE]
And I have also decided where I get my colors for my Tamas.

It's here.

My brain is totally fried today, so I doubt that I'll be writing any more episodes of Tamas of Our Lives today. Or maybe I just need a nap. We'll see.


Gosh, you're just like Andrea.


Your fiance. She used to whine that I was ignoring her, too.

My fiance??

Yes it was an arranged marriage. That's her, sitting in the corner on pause.

I thought that was a statue.

Nope, that's Andrea. When you tow become adults you're going to get married (probably).

What do you mean probably?

I don't know if Music Stars and TMGOs can marry.

So you're experimenting.

Pretty much.

Thanks, Girlzy. That makes me feel soo much better. And for the record, you ARE ignoring me. I'm a TEEN. And I've said ONE LINE THIS WHOLE LOG. And no one even knows what character I am!

Gosh, I forgot how moody teens can be.


Riiiiight. Anyway, he's a Kilalilatchi.

I. AM. NOT. MOODY. I'm as happy as a bee, as chipper as a butterfly! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR FAT HEAD.

You're even worse than Andrea. I hope this is only a phase. Sigh.



I CAN'T HAVE THESE. Oh, and Abby got matchmade. She had a boy. So generation B is going to be an all boy generation.

I've named him Bryce. Isn't that so cute?? I love it <3




But you have me!


I...I'm just...just gonna go now, okay?

Austin walks out. Girlzy is too busy spazzing to notice.


I honestly wish I hadn't bought my Tama Go. If I hadn't, MOM WOULD PROLLY LET ME GET THESE GUYS.

Edit: Fixed the Gahh at the top of the post because it was stretching the screen.

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[SIZE=11pt]Is my fanmail getting annoying??? But any way i saw the SAME thing on ebay and my mom said the SAME thing cause i have a tamago. But my birthday is coming up!! if i get a tamagotchi i will be sure to buy you one and send it to you but i think i am just getting charachter figures you put on the tama go XD i want them so bad!! love the log!! and love the drama<3 :D [/SIZE]
Girlzy's too upset right now to type anything. There's six-


I mean seven-


eight holes in the wall from her smashing her head through it. But I'm pretty sure she'd tell you that fan mail is never annoying.

Hello tamaloggers. It's me, Austin. Girlzy smashed...

Austin counts.

...forty two holes in the wall with her head and then blacked out. And I'm unwanted.


Yeah, I'm an adult now. A Kikitchi, which used to be a teen character I think...?

Yep. Kikitchi is a teen character on the music star.



Okay then. This seems like a poor way to end the log.

You're right. Girlzy usually ends with something more interesting.


Hello there, readers of Girlzy's log.

It's Aaron and Amber here, and we just wanted to say goodbye to you all.

It's been great being with you for four pages of SFDFGL, and we appreciate all our fans.

Girlzy regained conciousness about a half hour ago, and she said we could write this post ourselves.

This is our last time being with you guys. We have to leave tonight to give our children a chance at life.

And we'd like you to do us a favor. Love our children as much as you loved us.

We'll both miss you.

Oh, Aaron! We're late! The last ship leaves in ten minutes!

Goodbye, guys! I'll see you a year from now! Take care! Travel safe!

Abby gives a last hug to Aaron and Amber. Quick kisses on the cheek are exchanged, and the two run out the door.

There goes my only real friends.

It's okay, Abby. I'll miss them just as much as you. And you'll get to see them in a year from now.

I suppose so.I'm just glad we sorted that fight out before she left.


Abby sighs.

Hello again, Tamatalkers. I don't know if I'm getting sick of tamas or what, but I haven't felt the will to write lately. I'm going to go on a short hiatus (I'll definitely post sometime early September). I'm sorry to all my fans. I'll still be around the forums, just not posting in my log. When I come back, I'll have a definte answer for you guys.

Again, I'm really sorry.

Girlzy <3's you!

Hope you're not signing off from logs forever - yours was like the best!! but i understand the feeling for a break so... you gotta do what you gotta do...  :eek:
It was very nice of you to write to me, T~D. I also hope it's not forever, because I love writing and I love hearing from my fans.

Tams just don't seem to hit that exact right spot any more for me, though. You know how you do something and it just feels...right? That's the way I hope Tamas will feel for me again one day. I love my log, I love my fans, and I love my little Tamas. Even I'm not sure why I feel the way I do right now.

Maybe it's because I've got some stuff going on right now (I've got a crush on my best friend's boyfriend, and I recently found out they've been kissing, and she hasn't told me. Plus my old crush (who liked me back) transferred schools and I miss him loads), or maybe I'm just being overdramatic about this whole thing.

One thing's for sure though. You should always be on your guard. Because you never know, you might give up on me. That might be the day I come back stronger than ever, ready to slap you in the face with more spammy log entries.

Girlzy <3s you all.

(I'm overdoing things again, aren't I??)

Here's the chiz, everybody.

I want to keep logging. I really, really do. It's like, number three in my MUST HAVE list. I will try as hard as I can. But my school year starts on Monday and I'm most of the way through my yearly transformation from an internet n00b to an antisocial, pessimistic psychopath.

I'll keep the updates to maybe once a day, maybe every other day. I'm running Andrea and Austin right now, and the other three have their batteries out. I'm sorry, but five tamas is too much for me to handle, especially considering I'm going to have to juggle school and friends and hate mail (KIDDING! Or was I?) as well as my tams in a few days.

Juggling four things is very, very hard, especially when you have to do it one handed while drawing with the other. If you're going to try it, don't try it with raw eggs. Trust me on this. I have experience.

UPDATES ON THE TAM TAM TAMBOURINES. (Expect more of this idiotic nonsense, this is how I act in real life.)

Andrea is a Dazzilitchi now, and I think I'm addicted to Dazzilitchi. I LOVE her. I love her so much I could DIE. Not really. Well maybe. And she has a DREAM MIC.

Austin is a Kikitchi. He's still boring. I really don't know why I chose the two tama versions I don't really like to play. WHAT EVES.

And this concludes my presentation I hope you enjoyed it please exit to your left.

Dear BurntSnow,

I'm trying not to take this to extremes or anything. I promise I'm not. Problem with that is that I probably will and if I ever actually put this on the internet then you'll hate me forever cause I bashed you and your log hard with a two-by-four and prolly ticked you off. Who would blame you? A two-by-four can break your arm or something.

I don't want to sound like those whiney people you logged about, PMing and pestering you, but what you said upset me. You probably weren't talking to me...or maybe you were? Maybe by mentioning the "making your Tamas talk" part you were thinking of me? Maybe you meant you hate MY log? It's one of those things, y'know? Did he mean this, did he mean that, was he talking about me or someone else kind of stuff that happens all the time.

You haven't seemed like your same old self anyway lately. For a while you were always going on about how boring and useless the Tama Go is and suddenly BAM you like it again? You're ranting like a five year old and whining about everything and you don't seem like the mature person whose writing I used to admire. Call me a psychopath (most people do), but it's almost like it's someone else on your account.

I'm probably taking things to extremes now, being all overdramatic like I get sometimes.

Did you mean my log though? Do you really hate it? Is it that bad? I try to make it fun to read, but if I seem like some "yapping kid pretending to be a Tamagotchi who should LAY OFF..."

Some people might point out "Oh, it's just one person, who cares?" But I'm pretty bad when it comes to criticism, and it makes me wonder. How many other people think the same way? How many people read what you said and agree with you? How many people think I'm a childish, poor writer? How many people were swayed by what you said, think what you think now? How many readers have I lost?

Probably none. I'm probably being a stupid yapping kid blowing things out of proportion again. Maybe you weren't even talking about my log. Maybe I'm being overdramatic like I am about everything else. But until I know for sure, what am I supposed to do?

I LOVE writing the way I do now. I love letting myself be creative and create personalities and points of view. I've always loved to play with different points of views from books and such, writing fanfictions and drawing pictures and anything else. And good writing makes for a good crop of fan mail too, which I crave. Writing stories and being creative is my PASSION.

I'm sorry to everyone who has read this far, you probably think I'm a drama queen now. I apologize.

And BurntSnow, if you ever read this -which you probably won't because you don't like my log so why would you read this anyway- do you think I'm a stupid, yapping kid? Do you dislike my log so much you had to put it in your log? Am I taking everything too much to heart, am I letting myself get bent out of shape over nothing?

</3 Girlzy

Edit: Wanted to remove some stuff I wanted to take back.

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