A (Tama-)Family of Four


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OK, here I am, with a much better update. Hoorah! :angry:

Also, just wanted to say thank you to GirlzRule, who gave me a very nice shout out in her log. Her log is in a very cool story-type format, go check it out! :ph34r:

Faylu is a year old, and I still have not gotten around to fixing that time difference. Oh well, I'll probably fix it on the weekend. She is a Zouritchi, weighs 59 lbs, skill points of 1/2/1 (yep really hoping for a Mimitchi), and has one Hungry and one Happy heart empty. She's in bed now, so I can't do much about it anyway...oh yes, and she has three Training bars.

Kensi is a year old. She is a Young Dorotchi, weighs 47 lbs, skill points of 3/0/0 (getting lazy), and has one Hungry heart empty, while Happy hearts are all full. She also has three Training bars.

As soon as I got back from school, I set Ryan's clock to 2:59 PM and waited. (Yes, it's cheating, but I miss all three matchmaker times due to school, and I didn't want to wait until the weekend.) The matchmaker came after one minute and gave him a little baby boy! The baby is going to be named Pasta, because it was the first name that would fit that popped into my head. Even though it's not really a name. Haha. Ryan weighs 75 lbs and is still 7 years old.

Artie also met the matchmaker after I got home today. He too is a father, but unfortunately I got another boy :huh: So there will be more matchmaker visits next generation, even though I really dislike waiting around for the matchmaker. His baby is named Noodle, to go with Ryan's baby Pasta. Artie weighs 98 lbs and is also still 7 years old.

On their second day of being 4, Layla and Demji mated, as I noted yesterday. Layla had two boys, and I named hers today. Layla's baby is named Wade. I THINK she is due to leave him today, as she is 5 and they slept peacefully last night. Oh yes, and she's still at 32 lbs, her base weight.

Demji's baby is named Yuri. He is also 5 and weighing 32 lbs. I am pretty sure he is due to leave Yuri tonight.

So with generation 2 I have four boys, two girls...not so great :lol: It's strange because for Artie, I pushed B when the matchmaker came, and for Ryan, I pushed A...doesn't pushing A make it a girl? I dunno, but I remember it as working that way. I could be wrong though. What I might do is make one meet the matchmaker and the other turn into an oldie, then get a female oldie NEXT generation and mate them to get the third oldie...who I've never ever gotten. So we'll see how that goes...

~Jayny, Faylu, Kensi, Ryan & Pasta, Artie & Noodle, Layla & Wade, and Demji & Yuri

The only really interesting news is with the v2's, so skip everything else unless you want to know about the little details.

Faylu is two years old - almost an adult :angry: She weighs 63 lbs, and she got accepted to school yesterday, although I forgot to mention it. Her teacher is Mr. Turtle. Her skill points are at 5/2/1. She has four Training bars.

Kensi is also two, and weighs 51 lbs. Her teacher is Ms. Flower. She has not called for her fourth Training bar yet (that, or she did, and I missed it) but I am expecting her to call for it soon.

Ryan and Pasta are doing fine. Ryan weighs 77 lbs and is still 7 years old. He might or might not leave Pasta tonight.

Artie is also 7, weighing 93 lbs. He might stay with Noodle tonight, or not, much like Ryan.

Layla left last night. She was six years old. I did name her baby Wade, as I said I would, and he is a Kinakomotchi. He went to bed promptly at eight P.M., as all toddlers do, and is still 0 years old.

A six-year-old Demji also departed last night. His baby Yuri is doing well, and is asleep right now because it's past eight here. He is a Kuribotchi ( :furawatchi: ), 0 years old.

I will probably be keeping Angel inactive until my next school break, which is in eight or nine weeks. Yes, I know it's a while away, but otherwise I won't have very much time to play with Angel except on weekends. I am off for two weeks then - so as long as I don't get Futagotenshi again, my Angel will probably leave (not die - I don't use die for Angel, it confuses me - it's already dead, that's why it's an ANGEL. How does it die twice??) by the time I go back to school. But that's a while off anyways...

~Jayny, Faylu, Kensi, Ryan & Pasta, Artie & Noodle, Wade, and Yuri

Not much to say today...I'm feeling pretty bummed that the German v2 I bought when I was nine turned out to be fake. :( Ah well, I only paid $1.50 for it. Not that I think a JD knockoff is worth even that much, but still - I'd be a whole lot madder if I had spent $20 on it and THEN realized it was fake.

It looks like this (click for back packaging) - apologies for the bad, and huge, pictures. I'm not going to write any more about this knockoff in my log, though. I don't like it very much and I might just give it away.

Anyway, back to my real Tama's. Faylu, Ryan, and Artie are the only ones that really changed, though.

Faylu is 3 and has evolved into Horoyotchi. Skill points are at 19/2/5 and she weighs 60 lbs. I can't quite figure out what Horoyotchi is supposed to resemble, but that's fine, I don't need to know everything.

Kensi is 3 and has not evolved yet. No news with her today.

Ryan left Pasta, and so I raised him to a toddler - a Kuchitamatchi. My only mistake during his baby years was that when he cried, instead of selecting Praise, I accidentally gave him a Time Out. Oops. Unfortunately, tonight I lost track of time and so right now he's sleeping with two Hungry hearts empty, one Happy heart empty, and a poop next to him. Ugh. Poor guy, I hope he doesn't turn into a bad character because of this.

Okay, so...I managed to stupidly delete Artie and Noodle's data on my blue v3. Don't ask how, I don't know. So unfortunately the Tama-family that my log is named for is now only three... :( Anyway, I rehatched the v3, and this time I got a little girl. I named her Sarah. I watched her for an hour until she became Mizutamatchi and went immediately to bed. She has all Hungry hearts full, and one Happy heart empty.

Wade weighs 49 lbs and is doing fine, no other news.

Yuri has not changed from the last time I spoke about him.

So now I've got a Tama-family of three, a Tama-family of two, and one of one. Plus that knockoff and Angel...

I went to both Wal-Mart and Target today trying to find a Music Star or Familitchi or something, but neither of them had anything. No, they didn't have Tama-Go's, either. I wonder when they'll finally come in??

~Jayny, Faylu, Kensi, Pasta, Sarah, Wade, and Yuri

I have paired my Tama's up for when they are old enough to mate!! I know it's a little early, but I like to know everything ahead of time.

Sarah - Wade

Kensi - Pasta

Faylu - Yuri

Kensi and Pasta are going to stick around longer and become oldies, and then mate as oldies. The others are all going to carry on as normal - so those two Tama's will probably be with me a while. Long live Kensi and Pasta :D

There is not a lot of news with Faylu, other than one thing...she is now set an hour AHEAD of my time. The reason for this is that she goes to bed later than I do on school nights, so with the time changes she will go to bed at about the same time that I do. I'll change it back next generation.

Kensi woke at 9 this morning and evolved into...Pyonkotchi. Sigh. Ah well, there's always next generation to get a new character, right?


Her clock is also set ahead so she doesn't A) keep me up caring for her, or :angry: have to be up by herself for a little while in the evenings. I don't like to have Tama's unpaused if I'm not right there. Call me paranoid, but I won't leave them alone for more than five minutes unless they're paused. And I don't leave babies alone at all. They're always paused.

Pasta is doing well - he's sleeping with all Happy hearts full, and only one Hungry heart empty this time. No poop next to him either, thankfully; last night must have been awful for him! Poor guy. He'll probably turn a year old tonight, so expect an evolution sometime tomorrow.

Sarah was up at 8 AM, the earliest of all my Tamagotchis. It was just her and me up, so I played with her until the others woke up. She is still 0 years old, weighing 36 lbs, and has one Training bar.

Wade is one year old, and today he evolved into Hinatchi! He weighs 49 lbs and has three Training bars. He is doing very well. He is just so cute when he gets happy :( So yeah, all is well with him.

Yuri is also one year old. He became Ichigotchi today. He has three Training bars, and weighs 90 lbs because I foolishly put it up to 99 so I could win at Bump. Ah well, when he's an adult I'll take it all off with Slot, I'm pretty good at that game. He's doing very well. I also bought him an action figure, so when he sleeps it's in the top right-hand corner of the screen. So cute!!

Oh yeah...I started up Angel again, despite saying I wouldn't for a few months. I can't stay away from Angel, it's so much fun. :unsure: Right now it's Maruten and I am taking pretty bad care. I want to get Takoten, then Oyajitenshi, the character I got last time while trying for Unchi-Kun. Which means I basically just neglect Angel until I get my Oyajitenshi...


Don't expect frequent updates on Angel, though. I don't have much time to play with her because of school (because I can't change the clock and still accurately know how old she is.) One of the reasons I am trying for Oyajitenshi is the fact that because he's so unhealthy, he dies young. That's not the only reason though, don't worry!

I'm still searching for a Familitchi or a Music Star...I might end up buying one off eBay. Hey, if you have a v5 or a v6 in decent condition that you are looking to sell, just send me a PM and I'll probably buy it off you. I know someone's reading this log, because it's got over 200 views...never gotten any fan mail though, so I doubt anyone's read this far. My first few posts were dull, so I can't say I blame them for not reading on...

~Jayny, Faylu, Kensi, Pasta, Sarah, Wade, Yuri, and Maruten

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I just wanted to say thank you to GirlzRule, who sent me very nice fanmail. :p

Oh, Jayny, your log isn't dull! It's a well written and fun to read =3
Thank you, GirlzRule!

Faylu is four years old today, not much else new with her. No job offer yet.

Kensi is also four, no job offer for her yet either.

I know I was all worried about how I accidentally neglected Pasta the other day, but no worries now! Apparently I actually did something RIGHT, because he's now one year old and a Young Mimitchi! Yay! Right now he's asleep next to me. I love Young Mimitchi, in some ways I like him better than Mimitchi, but of course he's got to grow up. His happy face is so ADORABLE! Haha, I get attached to Tama's fast - can you tell? Oh yes, and he has two Training bars.

Sarah is also a year old, and has evolved into Obotchi. I thought that that was a male-only character (it always struck me as more male-looking) but no matter. She also has two Training bars.

Wade is two today. Training is at four bars. Hopefully we'll see an evolution soon.

Yuri is also two, with four Training bars. Fingers crossed for an evolution very soon!

Maruten is also doing well - growing very slowly though, as I anticipated. On the weekend I'll probably keep her unpaused most of the day, but don't expect much news before then.

I found someone on tBay who I might be buying a Music Star off of. It all depends on how much shipping is, so hopefully it's cheap...I really want a Music Star!!

~Jayny, Faylu, Kensi, Pasta, Sarah, Wade, Yuri, and Maruten

Okay - I've decided that I'm going to make a new log and continue my Tamas' adventures there, for a few reasons.

1) The title of this log doesn't fit anymore. Ever since my blue v3 got reset, the Tama-family of four isn't there anymore, not really anyways.

2) Not many people read this log.

3) My dad won some Tama's for me off eBay today. And when they get here, we're going to have a lot more than four Tama's running...my sister and I are probably going to hatch ALL of them when they get here. Yes, all of them. Every. Single. One. And there's a lot of them coming!!

My new log is called "These Eggs We Hatched". Click here to read it :furawatchi:

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