A tama girl's life


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"oh,Megan,you cannot help you're siblings now!!YOU'RE PARENTS AND SISTER WILL BE DEAD!!"Megan tried to shrug it off then replied "I WILL HELP THEM!!!I'LL RISK MY LIFE FOR THEM!!!"Megan yelled back,the forest grew quiet.......so a curious destiny asked "What's...you're parents name?Most importantly,who's your....sister"Destiny asked then the leaves rustled and the wind blew "I....can't tell you...."As Megan is from the future,she knew what will happen as the same thing happened to here...but Megan knew that if Destiny was her sister,Destiny is the one who would risk their life who her and her parents,destiny just slowed down her pace in dissapointment "Oh..."Destiny said but as destiny looked close at megan,she felt like she reconized Megan but she never met her before,then,Destiny stopped "Destiny,what are you doing?why are you stopping?"Megan asked Destiny,"Oh nothing,something just flashed into my mind"Destiny said giving Megan a fake smile then suddenly dangerous weapons( e.g:Kunais,shurikens,knifes)were hurled over to them "DUCK!!!!"Megan yelled and they both ducked luckily,none of them are hurt....but still more of them are hurled over them then 3 strange tmas revealed themselves,they look as if they're rogues,Megan plucked out one of the shurikens thrown over from them and tried to attack,but they were too strong,"RUN DESTINY!!!"Megan said holding back the rogues trying to kill her Destiny didn't know which to choose

-Stay back and help fight the rogues off


-Don't make her sister worried and run away in safety


-Add you're own scene

She decided to run away in safety. She had courage that Megan can win, so she ran with all her might. But suddenly, she heard a scream. She was positive that it was Megan's voice, so she ran back. Megan was lying on the ground. "Oh no! What happened?" Destiny asked. "I defeated those rogues, but I barely survived. Please go on... It's all up to uou now." She answered.

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"But you can't die!!"Destiny said cryinghugging her sister,"If...you can ...*cough*get me*cough*a dew drop *coughes blood*of sunshine"Megan said weakly "But how?"Destiny said "It's impossible to get a des dropof sun shine!Q\"Destiny said "That,you must find out yourself,*cough*"Megan said her lfe looks like it was slowly withering away

Destiny suddenly remembered about an old legend she heard. In the forest they were in, legend says that Futago-tenshi, the tamagotchi angel twins live there and are said to grant any wish. Destiny decided to go deeper and find them so she can wish for a drop of sunshine.

so she traveled deeper,she was afraid of what will be ahead of her,then she came to a split path, the right path has a signboard hammered down in the middle,on the sign board says


This place have been rumoured that the futago-tenshi lives here,many people came in here and never came back to tell the story,so this road is closed for traveler's safety

"Wow,that was quick"Destiny thought so she walked past the signboard and continued but it wasn't as short as she thought it was a long road...she walked and walked then suddenly she saw a black,shadowy figure running among the bushes,she heard rustling she looked behind her,but there was no one there,she continued walking,feeling unsafe,then a :mellow: appeared before her eyes she gasped

:gozarutchi: =Bad guy =3=

:furawatchi: =destiny

she screamed in terror, grabbed the bag of jewels and ran away. he huffed after her. then, aafter dashing down the streets, she saw a ;) . Bailey! she told her her story and then Bailey decided 2 help her.

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she saw the ;) and ran back sceaming!! [SIZE=14pt]hhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1[/SIZE]

the ;) tryed 2 kill her but every bullet missed Destiny ran back 2 Megan and carried her 2 safety suddenly she saw mom and dad!!!!!!!!

Destiny was really freaked out! She wanted to ask, "What are you doing here!?" But she was afraid that she would make the curse worse. So she traveled on to the Tamagotchi Angel twins.

She quickly ran forward. Destiny thought that Bailey would know about the futago-tenshi. "Bailey, let me ask you something. Do you know who exactly the futago-tenshi are?" She asked. "They are known as the wish-granting tamagotchi angel twins. They are said to guard this forest together with the guardian of the gem gem flower. Your parents have met the guardian of the gem gem flower before, though they never met the futago-tenshi..." Bailey said. "Really? Is there anything else you know about the futago-tenshi?" Destiny asked. "All I know besides that is that if they grant a wish, they won't be able to grant any more wishes for 1000 years. So a wish you ask of them should be extremely necessary." Bailey said. So they continued running. Soon, they saw a huge tree with a small entrance in it. There was a sign beside it. It said "H-ME -- T-- FU-A-O -EN-H-". The text was almost faded. They examined the sign to see what it ment...

then, 2 devilgotchis jumped out from da bushes. destiny started fighting them. she hollared 2 baily; "go!!! save urself!!!!!!!!" should baily:run,help fight,or ur own scene!

Baily decided to help her. She told her sister to go into the tree's entrance because it was possible that the Futago-tenshi might live there. So she entered there and Baily fought the devilgotchis together with Destiny. Meanwhile in the mysterious treehouse, Megan saw one of the Futago-tenshi twins. "Excuse me..." she said. "Oh, hello! My name is Ai! How about you?" the Futago-tenshi asked. "I'm Megan. Listen, please. I'd want you to grant my wish..." Megan asked. Ai said...

(Yeah but somewhere in the story, it said she was carried to safety. I thought it ment she would go with them, since where else will she go?)

On topic:

"Ok, I will grant your wish! So what is it?" Ai said...

"well, i want... i wish the world wasn't cursed" Said Destiny. " WE WERE CURSED?" yelled baily. after that she started to

freeze into ice blocks. destiny ran over towards bailey " Baily!" she wailed. after all the wailing she looked at the trees and noticed a young mimitchi walking past. then she remembered something. she saw two ears like a young mimitchi ears behind the warning sign. " STALKER!" she screamed.

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then bailey turned evil "Hah!!You fell right into our trap!!"Bailey yelled then she and the young mimitchi activated a trap which caused Destiny to fell into pit then bailey sniggered "Have you not noticed?when Megan was attacked the enemies and pretended to fall,then i was waiting for you in the forest while the young mimitchi stays await and to catch the real Megan"Bailey said back to them"But why would you wait for me?"Destiny asked crying "To track you to this forest and get my wish",duh"Bailey said rolling her eyes"BUT I ALREADY MADE MY WISH!!AND YOU CAN'T STOP IT!!"destiny yelled "So we caught Ai!!We're ggonna force her to give us our wish!"Bailey laughed evily

" Not If I Could Help It" Yelling Destiny, Totally Forgetting About Bailey Being Her Friend "HI-YA!" Destiny Karate Kicked Destiny. " OH NOES" Yelled Destiny As She Ran Over Towards Bailey And....

She said "You betrayed us! How dare you?". So Destiny tackled Bailey and rescued Ai. Ai, Destiny and Megan ran away from the house. "I shall grant your wish!" Ai said.

Meanwhile, back at Futago-tenshi's house...

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