A Tama Love Story


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2008
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Once there was a girl :) named Midnight. She went to Tama High, and at TH (Tama High), there was a boy :mimitchi: named America (Where am I coming up with these names?!). All of the girls at TH were in love with :mimitchi: . Soon, the TH Prom was coming up and every single girl except :) asked America, "Will you go with me to prom?" and :mimitchi: told them all the same thing, "No thanks, I have a certain person in mind that I think I will ask." Then when Midnight was sitting on a bench studying for her History test, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw :furawatchi: standing there hopefully. "Would you... would you like to go to prom with me?" He asked. Midnight said...

♥make it sweet and romantic and exciting! keep it going!♥

At prom night, Midnight went with Craig (lets call him that), and America went with a :furawatchi: . Craig was the best man he could be. He danced with Midnight and when the prom was over, he took her home and when they were at Midnight's house, she said "OK, thanks for the drive, bye"! Craig was happy. Craig went home and studied (he's a nerd (that doesn't wear glasses and all those stuff)) for the next day. At about 9:30, he slept and dreamed of Midnight. The next day.....

:angry: went to school and got in a fight with B) they both loved :) and :) had a big disision to make who will she choose when she went home that day she called her mom to talk about it her mom <_< said
"Choose Craig." But that was only because Midnight's mom was partial :blink: dudes, And Midnight's mom HATED :mimitchi: dudes. Anyways, the next day................

:) went up to :mimitchi: and said " :mimitchi: ,I'm sorry,but I dont think I want to go out with you.Me and :mametchi: just feel more...chemistrey.I'm sorry."All of the girls in TH were outraged at :) for breaking :mimitchi: 's heart,so an :) named Sally passed a note around the school saying:

'Girl's,meet me in the girl's bathroom after school.

I have and idea.


From, :ichigotchi: Sally



Sally managed to not let :) get the message and what she did was...

"Alright,heres the plan. Ill go tell :) that :huh: dosent like her anymore. She will then go find him to ask why. Since its already 3:01pm we'll sneak out and dig a pitfall trap for :) to fall in on the way to her house,and then we jump out and throw rocks at her.Tomorrow. Sounds like a plan?"

"Yep!" the other girls said! "After school tommorow we'll tell :) that :) hates her."

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So they went ahead with their horrible, dirty plan.

The next day, :D dug a huge hole in front of :mametchi: 's door and covered it with twigs and leaves to camoflauge it. The trap was set. Only :mametchi: fell into the hole by mistake! He was stuck there for hours at the bottom of a pit, and missed school.

:wacko: walked up to :blink: and told her "I heard that :mametchi: said he doesn't like you any more!"

She started to cry, and she started running toward :mametchi: 's house. But instead of running to :mametchi: 's house, she ran past it and into her own house, where she curled up on her bed and cried her heart out.

A few minutes later, <_< :furawatchi: :ph34r: and :( all met together at their trap. Picking up stones, they hurled them into the hole as hard as they could.

"OWWWW!!!" cried Craig from inside the hole.

OWWWW!! stop it stop it! :mametchi: shouted fromm the bottom of the hole, :ichigotchi: looked down the pit and found :mametchi: sitting there with his hands over his head to stop stones form hurting him. :mametchi: said i think i have broken my ankle i can't move it he yelled form the bottom of the pit. :furawatchi: shouted down oK don't worry we will pull out of there.......

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:D helped her friends pull :D from the hole. "We're so sorry! We meant the trap for :D not you!"

:D was so angry and upset, he slapped her across the face and ran inside where :D was still crying. Pulling her gently into his arms, he let her rest her head in his chest and cry.

"Did you mean it?" she sniffled.

"OF course!" :) said.

The next day all of the girl who dug the trap came to :angry: 's house and set it afire. :( saw :angry: trapped inside with her mother and cried. Since :angry: and her mom were poor they didn't have a phone to call 911, and neither did he.

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hen :puroperatchi: said to :marumimitchi: , "im not really bad like the others they just blackmailed me into doing this ill help you."

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but they accidentally lit :furawatchi: 's house on fire instead of :mametchi: 's House.

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