A tama un-wanted Part-2


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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2007
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"Well, I think we should go to sleep." I said, yhaning. "I'm tired!" "Me to!" Chris laughed. "Night, Bunny!" "Night, Chris." I replied.

Chapter 2.

Oh! Did I mention it was 1940? WW1 is going on. It had just started in my little town of Miene Bulmel. When me and Chris woke up, the first thing I heard was a loud scream. A scream of Pain. "What!" I gahsped. all of a sudden, BBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed louder than I had screamed before. I pooped. That's what I do when I'm scared. Well, I didn't have an owner, so no one was there to clean it up for me. I had about 6 poops now. BANG! My health and hunger meaters just went down to zero. Crrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaakk! I looked where Cris was. Someone had stepped on her screen and killed her. Speaking of Death, I'm probaby going to die of hunger pretty soon.


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