A two in one question


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Dec 13, 2009
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Ok so my sister and I were tring ot get married and well I haver no idea how so I desided just to connect alot. It still hasn't worked. Also a few times we were tring to connect one would but the other wouldn't! like i wuld pick game so would she and than she would start play when i'm still at the little cnnecting place!


1st Q.- is it possible to get married if a tama is 3 and the other is 5?

2nd- why did it not connect?

3rd- how do you get married??



Help! needs your help, ;) plx and thx !

they have to both be adults and they have to have four friend ship hearts and thats happened to me i try to connect but one plays a game and the other one is still on the connect screen ;) :angry: :angry: :angry: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi:

Mione is an adult so is me sisters but they still don't marry each other and they have full heart and do I need to put honey thean connect?

The tamas have to have been adults for 48-36 hours before they can marry. I just mated a 7 year old with a five year old, so maybe you should just wait a few more days.

1st Q.- is it possible to get married if a tama is 3 and the other is 5?2nd- why did it not connect?

3rd- how do you  get married??

Help! needs your help, ;) plx and thx !
1st--No, because a Tamagotchi has to be at least 4 years old in Tamagotchi years in order to marry (it has something to do with their breeding life and age of "puberty").

2nd--It's occasionally done that with my Tamagotchi, too--every Tamagotchi will do that occasionally. Have you tried pressing button B just once to change from Stand-By to Connect?

3rd--In the Friend's List, after a certain number of connections [with another Tamagotchi], you will notice that at least one of them has either 2 hearts and 2 smily faces (described in the manual as "Best Friend") or 4 hearts ("Parner"). Once BOTH Tamagotchis consider each other to be "partners," they will eventually get married. You will know if they are getting married if...

1.The boy goes to the girl's screen, they kiss, and both toys' screens turn black.

2.On the screen of the girl Tamagotchi, she will appear to be "evacuating." She is, but not a poop! Two baby Tamagotchi will then appear on the screen one at a time. They are ALWAYS the same gender (twins). This is to help prevent "Tamagotchi Inbreeding."

3.One of the babies will now go to the father's screen. You will see fireworks, as happens when you are found a partner by the Matchmaker. On both screens, both the parent and the baby will jump three times (the "hooray!" tune will play).

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ur sooooooooooooooo help ful thx!! ;) :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

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